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  1. mjslaugh

    RBTA Movements

    Okay cool, I hope mine does that well down the road, but in this case he has only been in the tank I really don't think he is trying to split.
  2. mjslaugh

    RBTA Movements

    how so????????
  3. mjslaugh

    RBTA Movements

    It wasn't getting all that much flow in the spot where it was, it is directly under the power heads so it gets a little flow, about the same as the spot it is in now except now it is under a rock that is shading it. I know I am probably just freaking out over nothing, but hey isn't that what...
  4. mjslaugh

    RBTA Movements

    well the light has been on for a couple hours and he is still hiding. Is it going to hurt him at all being out of the light for to long??
  5. mjslaugh

    advice on neighbours :p

    I definetly agree as well, If you call and tell the police that there are people coming and going at all hours of the night they will be there in a heart beat, I grew up in a town with alot of meth houses, those fumes are toxic and you can't always smell them right off, if you ask any cop what...
  6. mjslaugh

    RBTA Movements

    Okay so if you look at my other post from yesterday you can see the pics of my RBTA being very happy with the spot he chose for the last few days, the only thing that has me stumped is last night when I turned the lights off he started moving and he moved down inside the rocks, I didn't think...
  7. mjslaugh

    WoW I love this reef

    Yea I do have a little bit of it, there and then on one little piece of rock, although I am not sure how to get rid of it.
  8. mjslaugh

    WoW I love this reef

    Would the RBTA be trying to feed on the shed carcus?? Also, I do see where one of the shrimp has molted and it looks like much less than what was in the anemone.
  9. mjslaugh

    WoW I love this reef

    So today i noticed something peculuar My rose bubble anemone had a clear body in the middle of it, it took me a little while to figure out what it was, but I finally got a good look at it. It was one of my peppermint shrimp, I was a little bummed about loosing the shrimp, but I am very happy...
  10. mjslaugh

    Matting clowns??

    Okay so now I am a little worried, I would like to confirm exactly what is going on with my clown so that I can put my mind at ease. So today he is not any better in fact the dead fin now has like spider web looking stuff hanging on it, almost like the leather sloughing. I was wondering if...
  11. mjslaugh

    Matting clowns??

    I will try to pick up that book. Okay so the little marking on the male(smaller clown) aren't markings but actually look like a dead fine, I am really stumped by this one. He was fine last night, in fact he was the first one interested in my new RBTA, but now the other clown is hosting it and...
  12. mjslaugh

    Matting clowns??

    Yea I am not real sure, it looks like they may be fighting a bit more than I thought, the little one has a couple marks on it, and the larger one has hosted in the anemone, it kinda feels like something isn't right with them, but I don't know
  13. mjslaugh

    Matting clowns??

    Okay thats good, they do seem to be getting along pretty well, the big one did nip at the little one a little bit at first, but now they seems to be getting along close to each other, I was just wondering because they do still spend alot of time apart and so I wasn't sure if that was bad or not.
  14. mjslaugh

    Matting clowns??

    Okay so I added my first firsh a couple days ago, I bought two small(one significantly smaller than the other) maroon clown fish. I don't know much, but as I understand it they should be bonding and figuring out what sex each should be, I was told the size diff helps with that, but what I want...
  15. mjslaugh

    Oh the tank is going pretty good, I added a bit to my cleaning crew today and I also added two...

    Oh the tank is going pretty good, I added a bit to my cleaning crew today and I also added two maroon clown fish, so it is going pretty well, I am thinking now I need to get my hands on a bulb anemone for the clowns, but we will see.
  16. mjslaugh

    Protein Skimmer what do you think??

    I am running a 29g biocube, this particular skimmer is made specifically for the bc to fit in the back without modification, and it still allows the lid to close.
  17. mjslaugh

    Protein Skimmer what do you think??

    I was reading online about protein skimmers and I am wondering if it would be benificial for me to replace what I have got for one of these. Right now my back middle section is running with cheato and lights, but I was reading an article...
  18. mjslaugh

    Where did I go wrong??

    ok, will do, I am starting a journal to record my activity. I found the last set of numbers from the day that I added the crew. I had zeros for ammonia nitrite and nitrate and the rest were the same, so I am starting there. So would you say that this is the 2nd cycle I was reading about...
  19. mjslaugh

    Where did I go wrong??

    What should I do for it, I read about it and what I found says that it is taken care of by your live rock and sand and macro algae?? I don't want to add any macro algae, right?? I am already using cheato as a filter, should I increase the amount of cheato??
  20. mjslaugh

    Where did I go wrong??

    Thanks, I just got done reading your thread about not reading it was good, but in my case I don't think it is a lack of effort, but mearly a lack of understanding. I have always strugled remembering or comprehending what I read, not necessarily a bad thing I just learn better by doing, my...