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  1. acrodesiac

    Geo Reactor Frustrations

    When you say main knob, do mean the knob on the bottle or the knob on the regulator? I open the bottle knob all the way and the regulator knob 1/2 a turn or so.
  2. acrodesiac

    Geo Reactor Frustrations

    I agree, keep your alk. at 10-12 dkh and worry about cal. later:) Did you get the extra air out of the chamber yet?
  3. acrodesiac

    Seen the new Lumenarc's w/ black reflector

    I wonder if the glass on the mogul pendant is uv protected? (not really necessary) If so thats seems like a waste of PAR, though I wonder if uv protected glass blocks more PAR than regular glass? I like the idea of only cleaning a glass lens rather than having to clean bulbs every week (I'm...
  4. acrodesiac

    back to back reefs

    more pics of the 75g. Please ingnore the hair algae, the system is only a month old:oops:
  5. acrodesiac

    back to back reefs

    So here are some pics of my new system after the move. I went from a 220g with 180g sump, 50g fuge, and 180g frag tank to a modest pair of reefs. A 75g and a 55g sit back to back and share a common sump and filtration. The 75g is...
  6. acrodesiac

    why is 'dry' dark skimmate considered better than 'wet' light skimmate?

    2 GALLONS!!!:eek: Jeeez what size tank/skimmer do you have?
  7. acrodesiac

    Water Flow For Soft Corals

    I did notice a little cyano in you photos, that can sometimes attributed to low flow but most of the time its a nutrient problem. Corals do look really nice though:)
  8. acrodesiac

    interceptor crashed my xenia!!

    "Iodine in combination with intercepter could also be a factor as it can be quite toxic by itself." That is one thing I was considering as well:)
  9. acrodesiac

    Chaetomorpha swamp????

    Wow, I've been running cheato on 24/7 lighting for 3 years now:eek: I had no idea this was not a good idea. I haven't had any problems yet but I'm definately going to look further into the matter. Thanks for the heads up;)
  10. acrodesiac

    Water Flow For Soft Corals

    Sounds to me that you're on the right track. A wave maker timer can add alot to the asthetics of a soft coral display. In my opinion the amount of flow applied to soft coral dominated displays typically leaves much to be desired. It is a common missconception that soft corals need less flow...
  11. acrodesiac

    why is 'dry' dark skimmate considered better than 'wet' light skimmate?

    I do the same as bbehring and that works great for me too:) The most concentrated skimmate is actually the sludge that builds up almost as a solid. The concentration I have read is up to 3 times as much as even the darkest wet skimmate. I clean my larger dry skimmer twice a week to keep up...
  12. acrodesiac

    interceptor crashed my xenia!!

    Not to sound snotty but I keep my systems spotless. Weekly 10% waterchange, twice weekly skimmer cleaning, once weekly carbon change, once weekly MH lens cleaning, auto top off, calcium ractor, chiller. Like I said, I'm really scratching my head on this one:confused:
  13. acrodesiac

    interceptor crashed my xenia!!

    I was thinking the double dose of carbon might have been a more siutable explanation but you would think that if done for only a breif period the effects would be minimal. I still think there is a possibility that the cause of the degenterating xenia colonies could be from a chain reaction...
  14. acrodesiac

    interceptor crashed my xenia!!

    :( I just used interceptor for the first time a week ago and I'd have to say I was very successful. Most of my hermits died and that was to be expected but other inverts I was afraid of losing came out unscathed. I did a 25% water change 6 hour after dosing and replaced carbon at almost...
  15. acrodesiac

    Correct Carbon dosage?

    I say better safe than sorry. I use 1 cup per 100g in a phosban reactor and replace once a week. I strongly believe that carbon is almost useless if it simply placed in a bag in the sump. I house almost all sps so water clarity is of the upmost importance to me and I guess I'm a little anal...
  16. acrodesiac

    lighting for echinos

    I recently picked up a 2x250w DE HQI halide setup to replace my 2x175w XM 20k mag. balast setup. I naturally assumed I was going to get bigger performance out of my new setup, but after shopping for some bulbs for my "LPS" tank and doing spectral chart comparisons I was kinda surprised. My...
  17. acrodesiac

    copper banded butterfly in sps tank??

    I have heard many stories of CBB fish eating aptasia like it was candy:confused: I have tried several times in all different kinds of systems to make this happen but with no success. I can add also that in all of my attempts I never had a problem with them nipping on corals. In most of my...
  18. acrodesiac

    T-5 verses VHO

    A picture is worth a thousand words:D
  19. acrodesiac

    Some new pictures from Dang's tank

    :eek: I would pay you to shoot my tank. No kidding:D
  20. acrodesiac

    T-5 verses VHO

    lighting debates are never finished, just postponed:lol: