Some new pictures from Dang's tank

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Most georgeous, thank you for sharing. I was going to say it seems like those fish know you and come right up for their "closeup" but then seeing the corals just blew me away more!

Debbie and married to a photographer.
The fish shots are really awesome. At least the corals stand pretty still but those fish just don't listen :) Really nice shots on both the fish and corals. Thanks for sharing!
What type camera and lens are you using?

I actually find it easier to shoot fish over corals. Granted, fish do move around and such, but a fast shutter speed is sufficient to freeze any motion (the Kole Tang was at full speed in the shot that I posted). I have plenty of other fish shots that I can post up as I get time to process them. Shooting macro's is much more difficult as the depth of field is extremely shallow and I have to use manual focus. Not to mention the tripod has to be adjusted for every shot and even SPS polyps move and can cause blur at this type of magnification. Nothing a little practice and patience can't fix though. Thanks for the comments guys.
Here are a few ones that I just processed. I'll see if I can do the rud bug shot real quick :D Enjoy!



Squeezing into a tight spot:


wa hoo,,i did not see the bugs,,,come on Rick,,you got my permission to show the Dang's red bug fleet.:D :D :D
from Rick camera+the pro shot,,,people hang on to your seat and stay closed to the toilet bow,,it rated in RRR

come on Rick,,let show Dang's red bug to the world,,warning rated in RRR:D
Come on lets see the shots with the red bugs munching out!

are you happy now to see them,,do you want some $.25 ea:D :D :D ,i had them for many years and many years to come if i still be in this hobby,oh no see what they did to my tank,,kill them kill them all:evil: :evil: :evil: :D :D
just joking:)
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Dang Rick! :badgrin: Super nice pics as usual. Your fish pics impressed me! I haven't been so successful with them. Are you shooting them at ISO 1600 and doing some PP. I have Neat Image and really like that but your shots don't seem to lose the detail if you are indeed using noise reduction.
dood could you make the one of the monti a little bigger pppplease ???!!!

i want it as a desktop too !! :D .

uhh did you take one like that of his blue A. tenuis dood?

seriously you're making me drool to much.. i had to slap myself a couple of times :lol: .

by the way i think this pics would be awesome for the library in here :D :p .... ohh and i think we would all pay you to take pics of our tanks !!!
Which camera/lens are you using? I generally shoot at ISO 800 on the 30D, but go as low as 400 and as high as 3200 if needed. I shoot in aperture priority with a speed of 1/125 or so and will adjust the ISO so the lens doesn't have to shoot at F/2.8 if possible. It's really trial and error to see what works best.
yea I would pay if I had any money!!!!! good thing we were warned :eek: those were some pretty three R rated pictures of red bugs!
