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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Aqua C urchin Pro - Questions

    I just got an Urchin pro skimmer delivered today with the Mag 3 pump. I set it into my sump witht the pump attached and started it up just like the directions said and it filled with water and the collection cup is now floating and there is no air coming through. should the overflow water be...
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    Alternative to suction cups?

    Buy and extra set of cleaning magnets and super glue your PH's to them. Costs a little but it works great Erik
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    How to Handle Opinions -- What is Yours

    Its back to the KISS principle. Post Factual results from the head to heads and then we can do what we do.......... Debate and Decide. I do appreciate this though as I will be looking to upgrade my tank and move into a larger capacity skimmer. "And the truth shall set you free" Erik
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    Raffle - 125 Gallon Reef Tank

    So what is the final ticket count? What kinda odds are we all looking at? Just wondering, Erik
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    Raffle - 125 Gallon Reef Tank

    OK when you call to tell that I've won try not to make it too early ok? LOL :lol: Good luck everyone!! Erik
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    New Set Up

    So here is the question, When I win the raffle this weekend should I place the tank "in-wall" or not. I think that it will go great in the wall I have planned for it but I just can't decide!! "Good Luck Everyone" and thanks to IAP for the chance to win such a great prize!! Can't wait to see who...
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    Reflector question

    Has anyone here made or have any ideas on how to make a reflector? Right now I know I am loosing alot of lighting by not having a good system for getting the light down into the tank. Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks, Erik
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    My Water Disaster

    Well Nikki I feel your pain, I have never floode through the floor but just he other day I was refilling up my gravity fed top off bucket from my RO unit in the downstairs basement. The 5 gal bucket i use for this takes some time to fill so I left it and went off doing some other housework. I...
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    Now Here's a sink!!

    Check this out I gotta have one!!
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    Fish and food

    I went to the Rainforest Cafe in Chicago and it was one of the coolest places to eat. They had a large room dividing reef set up there that must have been several hundred gallons. Very Cool!! Erik
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    Flow and/or circulation

    Hey Reedman, Thanks for the info. I looked at your photo gallery and I think I see what you did . It looks like you have an intake in the left hand corner of your tank and then ran the returns back to the top of the tank ending in loc line is that right? Do you have any more pics that show thos...
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    Flow and/or circulation

    Here is also another subject that would interest myself and some others I am sure. Not all of us have an acrylic tank and are forced (for the time being) to used sumpreturns and PH's to create the flow for our systems. I would love to get some opinions on placement, size, and outlet type for we...
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    Vote Today!

    Just got done voting myself, Hope all of us here know how important this is but if not,,,,,,, GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND GET TO THE POLLING STATION!!!! :p :p :p :p
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    Please identify this sea horse

    Well some would tell you to get a 3,000 gal tank for that but I would try him out in a nano 15-20 gal and see how he does. ROFL, Erik :D
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    Tank Pics at 9 months

    Its a 90 gal and I just painted the background on the back of the tank and am now just waiting for the coraline to fill in the background. Yeah I love the frogspawn too, lol, It has become my favorite. Its just hard to get all my fish to co-operate and come out for the photo!! lol. You all are...
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    Tank Pics at 9 months

    Heres the tank at 9 months lemme know whatcha think. Erik
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    Help Me with my green tree

    I got a great green tree frag and set him up in the sand and he seemed to be happy but would constantly get blown out of the sand and end up laying on his side. I went and got some gel type crazy glue and glued him down to a small sized piece of rock. Ever since he has looked very limp and is...
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    October meeting

    I have a xenia frag and a shroom if anyont is interested in a trade for some softies. Let me know, Erik
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    Help with RF member

    Hey all, I am hoping someone here knows the member JoJo personally and can contact him for me. I am desparatly trying to get ahold of him. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you, Erik
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    Lta Help!!

    I got an LTA about a week ago and I have been pulling out my hair trying to get it to stay put. I know that it will move around the tank to find a place that suits its mood but this is ridiculous. I let him float around the tank to find a spot that he would stay and when he became stationary I...