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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    Yes for starting. You'll want to add a skimmer soon after. Also I would use filtered water to mix your salt with. The local saltwater store should sell it by the gallon. Tap water has too many bad things for saltwater. You will also need a lot of education on how and what to do. Good luck and enjoy.
  2. Fishead77

    My levels are all good, now what?

    Algae growthis good and normal as long as you keep it under control. Put in some snails to eat the algae and start the nitrogen cycle. After a couple of weeks you can add some fish :)
  3. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    Everything for saltwater is expensive. If you can find good stuff used that would be the way to go.
  4. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    I suggest water, liverock then fish and finally a skimmer. Get the water to the correct salt level. Let it sit for a week or so. Then add the liverock with plenty of flow. With light and liverock algae will start to grow. Then add snails to eat the algae. After a week or 2 you can add a few...
  5. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    Not without the filters. You need them to convert waste to non toxics. Saltwater is high maintenance and certainly more expensive then fresh water. I had to put it off for years because of the cost. If you have the money you can learn the rest :)
  6. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    You need about a lbs. of liverock per gallon. Liverock sells for about $5 per lbs. depending on what type you get. A skimmer will cost about $150 depending on what type you get. Same with power heads, $30 or more each depending on type and quantity. You will need salt mix also. Do your homework...
  7. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    Corals are harder to take care of. I would start with fish. My understanding is live rock is a must even with a fish tank. The liverock is used as a filter. Lots of flow in the tank (powerheads) moves the water through the porous rock filtering the water. That and a skimmer are the filters used...
  8. Fishead77

    newb looking to start a saltwater tank

    welcome to the reef frontiers web community. this is a great place to learn all about saltwater set ups. I have had freshwater a long time. Saltwater is a totally different creature, much more in depth! It takes more of everything - time, money and knowledge. It is also much more rewarding...
  9. Fishead77

    My Tank pic and video.

    Very cool, I like the video!
  10. Fishead77

    Squid?? Orange glowing tentacles

    Hmmm, maybe a brittle star??
  11. Fishead77

    I'd Like to say HELLO

    Hey 2salt, welcome to reef frontiers!!!! This is an awsome sight! I have learned sooo much this past year from the forums on this site. I would guess that I have picked up years and years of knowledge in less then a year from reading threads. Just about every problem that you will experience...
  12. Fishead77

    What color seaweed is best??

    I was told that the red nori has a wee bit of iodine in it. If you feed the red you'll never need to add iodine. This was from the LFS.
  13. Fishead77

    Dead snails

    I had this problem as well. My nitrates were sky high (50ppm). I got rid of my pad filter (nitrate producer). Also upgraded my skimmer after using a to z nitrate lowering chemical. My nitrates are still around 10ppm but I haven't lost a snail for quite a while.
  14. Fishead77

    algae scraper freaks out fish

    They should settle down after awhile, getting used to it. Do they dart all over the tank, running in to stuff?
  15. Fishead77

    ph/alkilinity buffers what the best ones

    Yes ron it raised my ph. I couldn't get my ph much above 8.0. After the 1st week of using pickle lime the ph was up to 8.4+ and holding steady. Also I haven't had to add as much calcium, as Donw said it is balanced- alk and cal.
  16. Fishead77

    Canopy guts design suggestions?

    If there is no where else to put it and it is sealed and ventilated, I could see that working. What about underneath the tank in a well ventilated area and some where the water can't get to it if you get a leak?
  17. Fishead77

    Canopy guts design suggestions?

    I have to agree with twillard on not putting the ballast in the hood. The heat generated will heat up your tank and could possibly be a fire hazard. The saltwater environment will shorten the life of the ballast. Then there's the problem with all that electrical right over the water.
  18. Fishead77

    ph/alkilinity buffers what the best ones

    Mrs. Wages pickling lime. I was using kent turbo buffer but haven't had to use any since I started the pickle lime. I use it in my top off water.
  19. Fishead77

    New Tank- 150gal setup help!

    Hi Jon, I'm a saltwater addict too. Welcome, you will find lots of help on this forum.