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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. warforged

    Electrical fires due to aquarium???

    Gotcha... The power strip I got for the Ballasts was something I bought for Power TOol actually. Its rating is unknown due to me being at work at the moment and memory being foggy from age. But i can say its power strip used in shops that use Sawzalls and such I imagine it can support...
  2. warforged

    Pollops Not Extending Help

    I was hoping you all can give some input on polyp extensions in normal behavior of sps. I noticed my Birds Nests stay fuzzy almost always. Well one day I got a little too happy with the Rotifers and squirted more than i should have. All the polyps hours later were sucked in. I was in fear of...
  3. warforged

    Ok i need reefkeeping answers 101

    I would hold off on that red slime remover. It will only put your inhabitants under more stress. As things play out in the forums here you are getting good direction. Its a matter of patience and taking on one problem at a time here. Some take some time to get a handle on. The advise to...
  4. warforged

    Electrical fires due to aquarium???

    So simply put... one outlet with a power strip can support the ballasts and some power heads...but try not to load it with all your power hungry equipment.. split them up between the two outlets with the two different power strips right? Basically taking half of your power hungry things and...
  5. warforged

    Ok i need reefkeeping answers 101

    Just to correct a misunderstanding on the Cyano. Redslime algae.aka the spawn of hell and no snail or fish I know of that we can put in our system will touch that stuff. Snails will keep down other algaes.. but when it comes to Cyano. its a whole different animal. Its a...
  6. warforged

    Nitrates Need Help!!!!!!

    I LOVE RF! I am glad you took my advise to come here.. and WELCOME TO REEF FRONTIERS!!!!!!
  7. warforged

    Nitrates Need Help!!!!!!

    Bioload is amount of live stock for Tank size.... like a single 1" fish in a 10 gallon very light bio load... 20 1" fish a heavy bio load =p
  8. warforged

    Nitrates Need Help!!!!!!

    Taken from another site I sent him here because this is the best site I think for salt help: its a 30g, with about 70lbs of live rock, i have ok lighting its a t-5 10k and a actnic blue bulb. I think they are 18 watts a piece not great but its ok. I feed pellets, frozen formula 2, and frozen...
  9. warforged

    A lesson learned the hard way.

    True you can condition the water. Its not that critical to use ro/di water in fresh... I just think if you make your own ro/di why not give the best water you can to your fresh water kids.;) I used to be a pleco fanataic... i mean a big one..ordering rare species and my entire tank was a bog...
  10. warforged

    I need help!!! Nitrate problem!

    Yah =\ ...its sad some of these LFS stores will tell you its fine to use these canisters in SW...but in reality its not a good idea at all. Its exactly what HFF said... when you think about it it really does make a lot of common sense to. The crap you want pulled out by skimmer is being...
  11. warforged

    I need help!!! Nitrate problem!

    My 2cents for what it is worth. I believe its the Canister Filter. Myself and another reefer I spoke to had similar problems. We discussed this at a LFS once and our problems stemmed from the canisters. We eliminated our canisters and had the same results... Lower nitrate readings...while...
  12. warforged

    New RODI problem

    PS ... Also Feeding habbits What do you feed often.. and how much... What is your maintenance schedule? weekly weekly how much? Salt brand you use...etc etc.. More info the better for the experts in RF. Bio load? Corals? Type? how many fish do you have? etc etc etc.
  13. warforged

    New RODI problem Visit Info links Hitch Hikers and algae area... I would make sure you ID that stuff ...even take a water sample with it in it to a LFS. As for RO/DI ...the devise if working properly strips all the nasty stuff out... If you are not sure... Test the water you...
  14. warforged

    Not Enough Light or Food?

    I know that BR uses Luminarcs and the frag tank is under some intense lighting... also they have a lot more blue in there spectrum. When I brought some stuff home from the same sale the colors were different in my tank on a few pieces...bright green birds nest turned out looking more like...
  15. warforged

    equipment opinions, please

    1. Thermometer: digital or non-digital? What brand do you use? I use a p.o.s. brand from Petco 150watt.. =) 2. What's your favorite brand of aragonite sand? So far Carbonite fine sand is my choice. 3. What's your favorite powerhead? Korilla because I like the magnet stick and design. 4...
  16. warforged

    air stones in main tank

    Dont forget to mention Salt Creep build up from bubbles popping... just more to clean up using bubbles....
  17. warforged

    Overflow Questions

    LOL no need for putty but I like the inventive ways you all approached it. A cheap sponge..a 1 liter cut in half to hold water... Just take your off hand and make sure the spong is placed gently around the bit head as it turns.... If you can cut this outside.... A hose and running water would...
  18. warforged

    Overflow Questions

    But see not everyone is crazy as you Roscoe. :eek::lol: The trick is to keep the rpms down and keep it cool as you drill. When I did work with Marble and Stone for a while its much like glass.. some stones were even more brittle than glass itself... How my journeyman I was apprenticed under...
  19. warforged

    Nitrates, phosphates are 0, biofilm on LR

    Roscoe we have that crapy Tacoma water... you need a RO/DI just to drink it! ok kidding. is nasty. The only advise I have is the one you wont do... Steer away from tap water. Ro/DI units are on sale on the forums here form time to time. 80 bucks I last saw yesterday on a thread. I...
  20. warforged

    Want opinions on *Plug n Play* set-ups Check out that Elos system on there front page...I thought that was pretty slick.