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  1. young_skywalker

    hair alge

    a change in the bulbs spectrum can cause growth of different might want to try running the halides for only 8 hours or so and have the lights on for 10-12 hours total
  2. young_skywalker

    VERY odd Chromis behaviour

    that's really kinda sounds like the reaction some chromis have when they are shipped. I've seen them just after they're added to a store's tank and you'll see one or two do what you're describing (they usually die)
  3. young_skywalker

    hair alge

    you could try a blenny as well, they will usually eat quite a bit for their size
  4. young_skywalker

    My new 10gal

    great lookin setup...well done
  5. young_skywalker

    clean up crew suggestions

    I'm hoping that when I move I can hook one up cause I'm not sure where I can get some
  6. young_skywalker

    clean up crew suggestions

    I'm thinking it's phosphates because of the water where I'm at and I don't have an RO unit...unfortunately I don't have the room. I do fairly frequent 5 gallon changes (15 gallon tank) and have pretty decent filtration. also I guess I should have specified that the problem has occurred after I...
  7. young_skywalker

    clean up crew suggestions

    yeah I know, but it is pretty bad and didn't want it to grow out of control anyways I guess I've kinda made up my mind on the clean up crew anyways, but thanks for the reply
  8. young_skywalker

    Here's a cool one. Yellow palys?

    palythoas have a common connective tissue and sometimes use substrate in their bases...zoas don't
  9. young_skywalker

    clean up crew suggestions

    I want to add some cleaners for nuisance algae in my 15. I've got quite a few snails but they don't do much for the sand. it's kind of a new tank so I'm still battling with the stuff. any suggestions? I used to have hermits but I have had some bad luck with them (always get one that outgrows the...
  10. young_skywalker

    starter sps

    I would like to transition into sps corals and was wondering which species would be a good starter coral. I was thinking that montis would be a good start, but let me know your thoughts. I have about 10 watts / gallon of pc lighting on the tank
  11. young_skywalker

    cardinal compatibility

    I have a 58 gallon with lots of little overhangs and caves and was wondering if I could keep two small groups of cardinals? I wanted to keep the orange lined and the bangaii, but I've heard the bangaii won't always tolerate other cardinals.
  12. young_skywalker

    substrate question.....

    some species do like areas of mixed rubble in the aquarium though...but you should definitely use LR rubble and I wouldn't cover the whole bottom
  13. young_skywalker

    Clownfish fry

    when the lights are all shut off you can use a flashlight to find them, they will be attracted to the light and come up...assuming filtration and power heads don't kill them first
  14. young_skywalker

    Adding powerheads!!!

    definitely make sure everything is still able to open their polyps and everything should be fine, and if the fish are having trouble swimming that could be a problem lol
  15. young_skywalker

    Clownfish eggs - now what????

    well you can leave the eggs in the tank until they hatch. you will see they're ready when the eggs turn kind of silver and you see their eyes (usually hatch between 9 and 15 days) right before they hatch turn off all the filters and powerheads so the water is dead, you can then shine a...
  16. young_skywalker

    Setting up tank 55 gallon let me know what you think

    yeah the live rock should get it going just fine, but I've also added fish to systems as small as 10 gallons within 3 days. you just have to keep a close eye on the system and make sure you rock is cured well
  17. young_skywalker

    lets see some frag setups!!!

    well I've got a very simple 10 gallon setup I can post a pic of (just set it up this week)
  18. young_skywalker

    HELP HELP Something on my Clown fish

    yeah it definitely looks like an isopod I'm surprised it came off so easily
  19. young_skywalker

    Clarkii Habits

    clowns can be a real pain sometimes when it comes to their hosting (murphy's law) but sometimes it works out perfectly as it has for elitercon I had a pair of ocellaris that chose a toadstool leather over a BT anemone
  20. young_skywalker

    substrate question.....

    do you mean crushed coral or actual live rock rubble? if you mean the actual rubble I would expect it to leave lots of pockets for detritus to accumulate and probably won't do much for denitrification. I did a tank that had a rubble section but it was on top of my sand and I kept very good flow...