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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. M

    The Missing Fish Mystery Poll

    None of the options on the poll fit my opinion of this situation; my family and I are hooked on salt water tanks and we love our fish (heck, they all have names)! But if this really happened, the person needs to have a good talking to about common sense; would she rent a puppy for a week and...
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    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!

    I apologize - I'm reading all kinds of stuff after doing a search; I should have done the reading first, I just panicked. Will do my homework, then ask questions.... But thanks for the good luck message Reeferdude!
  3. M

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!

    Does anyone have the Complete Encyclopedia of the Saltwater Aquarium book by Nick Dakin... if so, look at page # 27. I just discovered, in the bank of my tank, something that looks IDENTICAL to that whitish thing hanging on a rock. It says it's clownfish eggs??? I'm freaking out here, if it...
  4. M

    Pics of our 18 month old 55 g.

    Not to worry - he wasn't vicious or anything, he just kept hovering over them and watching them so closely and he wouldn't move from it (especially at night); you could just tell he wanted in their playground! Our cardinal is very docile, I wouldn't hesitate to get one.
  5. M

    Pics of our 18 month old 55 g.

    We've had the bangai cardinal for about a year now; he's named grumpy (they look so grumpy, it suited); but he's great; very much a loner but doesn't bother anyone (was very jealous of the clowns in their anemone; we don't have it anymore), replaced it with a torch coral because after the second...
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    Pics of our 18 month old 55 g.

    My apologies for the poor quality of the pics (first time that I attempt to post pictures) - I used IrfanView per instructions.
  7. M

    Torch Corals and Clown Fish

    Doing water changes every week 'til we get it down to zero; thanks for the quick response; the information on this site is amazing! Someone strongly recommended a good book recently; this person refers to the book still after years, and I want to buy it for my husband for Father's Day but can't...
  8. M

    Torch Corals and Clown Fish

    Recently, our anemone that was hosted by our two clown fish died; I believe it was due to nasty britol warms; our water params are good (nitrates are .15); otherwise, very good (and that's confirmed with our dealer who also tested our water with same results). My question is: our clown fish...
  9. M

    Question about mushrooms

    these videos are great, thank you!
  10. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    Our nitrates are down to 10!!!!! Water changes are helping. I was told to put our bangai cardinal in fresh water (same temp) for no longer than 5 minutes; that the fresh water would kill the infection - not recommended for all fish; but bangai's apparently do well this this treatment. I've...
  11. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    My girls beat you to it; bumpy grumpy is his new name. covered the glass area where he'd constantly bump himself into and he seems to have stopped; might do the trick (along with everything else); remain hopeful.
  12. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    Thanks again all - grumpy definitely bumps himself into the glass constantly and especially in one specific area; will try your idea. We'll try to get him help... can't thank you enough for the suggestions.
  13. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    The tank is a year old now; will pick up a Slaifert test kit next week, thanks for the suggestion. I forget the name of the filters but we have the two that are in the tank; and have a skimmer; it's a sand bed and yes, we have live rock. We do regular water changes every 2 weeks but we'll do...
  14. M

    My Web Page

    WOW; the corals and frags are my favorite!
  15. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    oh, and most recent new item was a pulsating xenia (about a month ago)
  16. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    I'm using the seachem test kit for nitrates (20) and nitrite (.1); the ph is at 8.2 and alkalinity is at 2.2 which is normal right? Calcium is 450. I use the Red Sea for the calcium and PH/alk tests. We also bring in our water at Peter's Reef Pond in Sudbury and their tests are showing same...
  17. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    Thank you for the quick response. It does look somewhat like a piece of fuzz or cotton ball; is it possible that the anemone caused this? Like I said earlier, he's always hanging around that thing so close; we thought it was funny up to until now! Thanks again for your help
  18. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    I should add that our water is testing fine for Ph, Alk, salinity; nitrates and nitrites are good too.
  19. M

    Ich? or zapped by anemone?

    Grumpy (our bangai cardinal) always hangs around way too close to the anemone (he's jealous of the nemo's, ha ha); anyway, he has a whitish spot just below his lip and I'm not sure if it's ich or damage from getting too close to the anemone (you should see what it did to our starfish that fell...
  20. M

    Digital camera - any suggestions??

    I knew I'd get great answers here, THANK YOU ALL!