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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Barbie

    Visitng Barbie.

    The Synodontis multipunctatus have developed specialized spawning behavior. They can, and will scatter eggs if there are no hosts available, but they prefer to make their spawning passes while the cichlids are in the process of spawning. While the mouthbrooding female is trying desperately to...
  2. Barbie

    Visitng Barbie.

    Ahhh, what a sweet thing to say! Thanks Ed! I wish I had it down to an art form! Quite a few of my reefie friends tell me my freshwater gallons just don't count. They tend to amend that statement when they actually come to the house, hehe. I can't decide if it's a lack of focus (needing...
  3. Barbie

    Saturday October 22nd @ KevinPos.

    Here are the pictures I took at the meeting. Thanks again for having us all over to see your tank Kevin. Ed, pm me about those pictures and I'll get you fixed up ;). Barbie
  4. Barbie

    Internet hell!!!

    You don't have to actually SHOOT the boy btw. Just wave the gun around and scare him some. Maybe a small pool of blood stain on the porch so you can reference "the last time this happened" and what not and POOF, pretty soon noone comes over. Then again, they'll still call.... ;) Definitely...
  5. Barbie

    Show your Pets

    Zac used to bull his way into the bathroom then realize he couldn't get turned around. He'd look both ways over his shoulder, turn on the back up beeper and calmly back out ;). My Rottie gets "worried" about stuff like that. Dane's just take it in stride ;) This is the two of them playing...
  6. Barbie

    Internet hell!!!

    You can also just answer the phone and offer to take a message for your daughter. "nope, I'm sorry, she's out right now. Her mother said smething about taking her to the communicable disease center. What was your name again? Let me see if you're on the list." That will cause a quite serious...
  7. Barbie

    Show your Pets

    This is my Rottenweiler Cleo. She's going to be 11 in April. She's had breast cancer, been shot in the foot, fell in a 30 foot feeder canal in the Columbia Basin and broke most of her toes and fell off the feed truck (where I was only letting her ride that one single time!) and was run over by...
  8. Barbie

    Reef Frontiers Chat

    Ya'll should come chat ;) No hanging out wondering what night, the time is upon you! We'd love to see you :). Barbie
  9. Barbie

    Vemangi tang

    The vlamingi's I've had experience with tolerate other tangs well, but not other vlamingi's. This one is 16" and living in a 2500 gallon system happily. He will literally roll on his side at the top for you to pet him. It can't be good for him, and maybe he wants cleaned, but it's hysterical...
  10. Barbie

    High Energy SPS Tanks

    And if you've ever seen Les' tank, you'll have a much better appreciation for the word flow! ;) Barbie
  11. Barbie

    Answer And Ask

    20-25% on average. Same? Barbie
  12. Barbie

    Fish that eats nudibranchs

    I know this isn't a feasible solution for everyone, and I actually expected it to cause the zoos more problems than it did, but I took my two frags with nudi egg sacks and baby nudis and sprayed it off under my kitchen sink faucet. I used water about the same temperature as the tank, and I had...
  13. Barbie

    Answer And Ask

    Water changes! How long has it been since your last one? ;) Barbie
  14. Barbie

    Pinched Mantle

    Yeah Nikki, I've used the powder at times over the years. That scoop is VERY inaccurate, IMO. With capsules or tablets you know exactly how much you're getting. Then again, I was using a higher than recommended dosage and more water changes, so I wanted to be sure of not overdosing, also. If...
  15. Barbie

    Pinched Mantle

    You're thinking of another product ;). Metronidazole is marketed for use in people and dogs as Flagyl. You'll need a prescription to get it, unless you order the forms available from Pet Solutions and those types. They are harder to get good dosing from though, IME. If you have a good...
  16. Barbie

    Barbie's 37 gallon cube (dialup beware!)

    The tank is still new enough that I figured if I was going to do it, I should do it now. I had the 75 gallon LPS tank set up bare bottom, as I was going to try one of each this time (I've had good luck with both ways in the past, but not at the same time). After reading Anthony's latest post...
  17. Barbie

    Barbie's 37 gallon cube (dialup beware!)

    Uhhh, welll..... I sort of went on vacation and it had been happy where it was, but evidently decided to move after I left.... The rio took a perfectly nice 3" anemone and made it 3 itty bitty ones. I KNOW not to leave any pumps uncovered, it was all just a matter of bad timing and taking on...
  18. Barbie

    Barbie's 37 gallon cube (dialup beware!)

    I took a few more pictures that you can see Here. The frags from the conference are starting to color up now. I think I'm addicted. Seriously considering buying a 250 watt pendant so I can get more light over them ;). Barbie
  19. Barbie

    Hair algae strikes again...

    Try big water changes for a few weeks and see what happens. Pull out all the hair algae you can, and who knows, it might help! It definitely can't hurt, and you aren't adding yet another organism that is yes, eating, but also adding additional to a waste to a tank that's already having...
  20. Barbie

    FW planted tank

    Hiya! I have anubias, java fern, java moss, riccia and some "dwarf sag" that gets about 10" tall. I've not had much luck with microsword, personally, but our water is going to be quite a bit different than yours. You might also try adding flourish excel and iron, on top of the standard...