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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. M

    noob question..

    Chris, I would agree that it would help to know your tank size and what you current water quality is. Please do checks on the following temp, sg, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH, dKH, cal, mg, strontium. With acros in your tank, I think that is all--somebody else if I didn't get them all, please...
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    What do ya'll think

    Ken, I do agree. Maybe it is something that should not be tied to any one reef board--but have links to all known reef boards and encourage all to participate. Now that you make me think about it--it could be a HUGE amount of trouble. Anne
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    What do ya'll think

    What about agreeing to ask for no more than half of what it would cost to ship the item? I know for us that can seem like a lot to ask for--but also know that shipping can be quite expensive as well. Anne
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    What do ya'll think

    Being the benefactor of some very good and generous people, I think it is a very good idea--especially if somebody is looking to put an aquarium together for their special need children as having an aquarium at home can have a theraputic and educational benefit. To those who have given us a...
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    POLL: Salt Mix

    I have also heard that you don't do a switch on salt brands too abruptly as it will cause your tank to crash. Different salts have different make-ups. I try to think of it like switching baby formula's on your baby all of the sudden. They are all supposedly basically the same thing--but if...
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    POLL: Salt Mix

    IO-and don't plan on switching anytime soon. Yes, I have trouble with cal, mg, and sr levels (which indicates that there are probably problems with minor elements in my salt), but since I have just started with this hobby and this is what I started with, I feel totally comfortable in mixing it...
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    Additive Comparison

    _____________________________________________________________________________________ When I started out (which was roughly 4 months ago), I started with the Kent brand of supplements. I was generally pretty happy with them, but like somebody has already said----it is cheaper to buy dry...
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    Low KH

    I would agree with what the others have asked for. Do a complete set of water tests--temp, SG, ammonia, nitrate, pH, dKH, Ca, Mg, and Sr if you have it. Again, a list of supplements (if any). Something you might also try would be testing the pH, dKH, Cal, and Mg on a daily basis. Log it down...
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    Cleaner Shrimp Spawn

    Ken, those are good pics. Congrats on the shrimp--hopefully a few of them will survive for you to trade in at your LFS. A friend of mine feeds her brine shrimp yeast--another thought would be any commercially prepped fish food for small frys--phyto maybe zoo what about cyclopeeze? Just a few...
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    I need EVERYONES opinion BADLY!!!

    Here is something you might try before deciding. Test your dKH, pH, cal, and mag twice a day to see if your system really needs the volume that you would be dealing with. When it gets to the point where you are dealing with quite a bit of volume--then invest. Testing 2x daily would allow for...
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    Eggcrate and lighting

    Get it up off of the edge of the aquarium on legs and protect it from splashes from the aquarium water. Other than that make sure you know where your paperwork is from the place you purchased your lights (hopefully an LFS) and do good weekly maitenence on your lights such as cleaning. The...
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    Here are a couple of links to searches-- Yahoo Google (might get you some pictures faster) Hope this helps. Not sure what it...
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    Eggcrate and lighting

    ________________________________________________________________ A few thoughts from this corner as well. Our tank, although not custom made, is not the traditional length for its size. Because of this, the traditional glass lids did not work out well. With our Coralife Lights we went with...
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    phosphate problem

    Alk is just a little low. As I understand it (and I could be remembering wrong) it should be between 7 and 11. With this being low it can drastically affect your cal and mag levels. As you start to SLOWLY bring the alk up--monitor those levels closely. Keep them as steady as possible and...
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    low calcuim & mag

    Is there an online calculator that you can plug volume, temp, sal, pH, alk, calcium, magnesium and it can tell you what might be (if anything) is out of line for your tank? Anne
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    Brown Algea

    Jiddy, the red slime also comes from too many nutrients in the water (OK, has many more contributing problems than these two--but good place to start) or low water circulation. BTW-Jiddy, were you traumatized by a crab when you were a kid? :) Anne
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    Vacuum substrate

    I would say that it depends on what you are using the sand bed for. If you are trying to strike a balance between looks and to help with waste as well as habitat for the myriad of critters that typically live there, then only do it once a month, if it is there for looks only--then vacuum the...
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    Anyone purchase this R/O unit???

    Can you give us a website for that? Anne
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    bryopsis help!!!!!

    I figure it is good enough----even if I do go bonkers between calcium and magnesium levels. Right now I will just be happy to get rid of this bleeping red slime. Finally figured out that I had to take my charcoal and the pura complete out of my filters. Now maybe the stuff that I bought will...
  20. M

    bryopsis help!!!!!

    IO-----yes, know I should probably use another brand, but too chicken to switch. Anne