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  1. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L REBORN!!!!

    Well, it's the moment you have all been waiting for! The pictures are uploaded and my tank is back on track! Disclaimer: Please ignore any sections that are still covered with a bit of algae. It took me almost 35 minutes to get it where it was, and my back just couldnt take being half bent over...
  2. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L REBORN!!!!

    Here's a teaser pic, hehehehe.....
  3. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L REBORN!!!!

    Okay everyone, it's time to start a new thread! If you dont know the story of my 20L, please refer to this thread After the powerouttages/bad "fish sitter" incident, I took it slowly. The tank basically re-cycled and went through a few algae blooms over the course of about three weeks, all the...
  4. sandlot13


    I also considered a boxfish for a while..... unfortunatly, everything I looked at said to stay away from them in a reef environment with inverts. They are so cool looking, but I believe their personalities are almost the same as a puffer fish.
  5. sandlot13

    What can I put into my tank?

    20 gallon tanks should be limited to about 3 fish or so, depending on the occupants. The scooter blenny, as said above, requires a lot of LIVE fauna to eat, so make sure and keep on top of your tank with live supplements of copepods (unless of course, if you can get it to eat frozen food). As...
  6. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    Just to let everyone know, I recycled my tank, and now Im in the process of restocking it.... Ill be making a new thread, as Im looking at this as a fresh start. ;) See you all soon Just for everyone who followed this thread, here is the link to the new thread after I have begun restocking...
  7. sandlot13

    Orangeback Basslet anyone????

    yup, read that article about a hundred times before I bought the eel. I had been keeping the eel comfortably (as well as I can tell) with two clown fish and a rainfords goby before the powerouttages crashed the tank. Currently, my eel is about 20-23 inches, so its not fully grown, and Im hoping...
  8. sandlot13

    Orangeback Basslet anyone????

    Its going to be one of the sole occupants of my 20L tank. As a college student, the size of my tank is really limited by my budget, so for now, im stuck with a 20L. ;) Currently the only other thing in my tank fishwise is my White Ribbon Eel (which is not piscivorous in any way).... I am not...
  9. sandlot13

    Orangeback Basslet anyone????

    Ya, they look beautiful! so it sounds like they are somewhat docile fish.... which is great, because that's exactly what im looking for. What do you feed it?
  10. sandlot13

    Orangeback Basslet anyone????

    Hey, Im considering adding this fish to my tank (after the powerouttages, I get to aquire some more fish, so I might as well find some new ones!). Anyone have any experiance with these guys? Personality? Habits? Behavior? Territorial? Peaceful? Here's a link to where I am going to order it...
  11. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    sorry guys, I thought I had posted an update, but i guess i didnt...... Here are the pics i took........ didnt take too many cause it was just depressing. This was after my roommate had added water and so had I...... it was only about half this full when he found it originally. :( Trying...
  12. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    ilektrik......... oh wow, thanks for reading the entire thread, i appreciate it! I wish i could tell you that my tanks are fine, but alas, that was not going to be. .................grumble grumble.......... it's a good thing i had stuff going on today to keep me away from my room, cause I got...
  13. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    Just to let everyone know, when I get home tomorrow Ill be trying to do a full documentation of this disaster. Ill be taking pictures and seeing exactly what I find to be still alive, what i find dead, and what I can help recover over the next few days/weeks/years. Will keep everyone posted!
  14. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    sigh............. unfortunatly, i have a bad news update....... apparently, the person I had watching my tank over christmas break did not do the best of jobs (aka, not topping off, overfeeding, ignoring, etc etc).... I got a phone call last night from one of my roommates to tell me that the...
  15. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    This picture is of my mantis shrimp, Loki, as he's inspecting the astrea snail on the glass. He has destroyed every other invert ive placed within the tank, EXCEPT this snail! I think they must have formed a bond, or my mantis just wants a piece of snail a$$ haha Loki in threat position...
  16. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    Phew, wow........... so finals are over, ive become single again, and my room is starting to reveal its floor to the world (kind of ;) ) And now I have to turn back to my tank for some major upkeep! So Ive had a slight breakout of aptasia in both tanks (the 2.5 more so than the 20L) and ive...
  17. sandlot13

    Stomatopod (Mantis Shrimp) Workshop

    haha, way too in depth man........ heres how i see it.... if my mantis is coming after my hand, im running away screaming. If my mantis is bashing at the sides or bottom of the tank, im nervous for a possible break. These guys can hit hard, and it all it takes is a slight inconsistency in the...
  18. sandlot13

    Who is the ultimate Band of all time!!!

    Taking Back Sunday....... how bout that for a band? I have a feeling though that no one else listens to my music.... sigh........ :)
  19. sandlot13

    College Nano ~ 20L style

    Quick update..... Sorry its been such a long time since my last post on this thread........ School has really taken over, and Im trying to catch/keep up right through finals in a few weeks. Ill try and find some time in the near future to get some more pics up, because there is a lot to update...
  20. sandlot13

    Mantis Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    tagging along! i doubt they are mantis larvae, but it would be cool to see what they really are!