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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. plack

    14k or 20k ????

    Look at sanjay's site to see the intensity drop ( Read PPFD) when you go to 14K and even lower for 20K Look for yourself !! Also here is some other info about someones experience with reeflux 12K being closer to a 20K in color and intensity...
  2. plack

    Coming to Seattle Area

    Hi, Sorry I am still overhauling my reef and have not much to see.There are some nice reefs try this website-its all seattle reefers. also here are your directions ! :-) Paul
  3. plack

    Letting sleeping wrasses lie ?

    Hi, I have 2 wrasses a red corris and a melanurus They are healthy and had them Together over 1 year in a 180 gallon with about 6 other fish that all are healthy and I have had for over 2 years no additions in the last year and all mostly get along. At night they dig into the sand to sleep...
  4. plack

    Additives for coral growth

    How stable does the tank's alkalinity read over say 2 weeks ?
  5. plack

    Golden Headed Sleeper Goby f/algea control?

    I just know they can Jump Mine did after about 6 month's to a year. They do sift thru and eat things in the sand what besides pod's I don't exactly know !
  6. plack

    Heres the link

    Heres the link
  7. plack

    Need help to install Korallin Calcium Reactor 1502

    I Have the larger C-3002 It's Virtually Identical And I live about 2-3 Miles From I-5 Exit 164th South Bound I'll P.M Ya :-) Paul
  8. plack

    is overflow box noisy?

    If done properly NO it won't make loud noise it will be nearly silent. Make sure the drain is covered and large enoughp so it wont clog. If you buy a cpr overflow box be sure to get a aqualifter pump ,or better yet, if there is room put the airline down to the sump and attach a maxijet to it...
  9. plack

    Gimmito 450 gal L-shaped display

    I think 8 Vortech's Mounted on the ends would be the ultimate for flow(But expensive). For the return just a manifold keeping it down to just around 1100 GPH. Make sure you got it plumbed for waste water removal when doing water changes you don't want to rust your main out over time.I love the...
  10. plack

    Down to two options

    "Well, if you are considering mh lighting, forget the 150 watt systems. Look at a minimum 175 watt to a 250 watt. " I agree !!!!!
  11. plack

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    I am so glad I have an air conditioner in the room where my tank is. Leaving the canopy open and with fans my tank is unaffected But I know others are. My house is not all air conditioned so I tend to stay in that room this time of the year. Hard to sleep when it gets this hot ! We may even use...
  12. plack

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    O.M.G. Have you looked at the weather prediction for the next 3 days !!! Bothell Tuesday 93º// Wensday 98º// Thursday 94º//Friday's a nice cool 87º
  13. plack

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    Ok -you were warned -some of you will want to get some frozen rodi in the sump and turn off the lights early as it's gonna be a scorcher here for several days according to the weather people !! Paul
  14. plack

    Problems with water

    Alkalinity changing to much ? The calcium is also low but your fresh saltwater batch if Instant ocean is usually low.The alkalinity changes faster than the calcium and has a more dramatic effect. Get it slowly up to 8-11 dkh+ then leave it alone for 48 hours then test again. This site tells...
  15. plack


    Some say a refegium growing calerpa or chateo will pull out more nutrients than a skimmer. But you still will need the skimmer. But try the refegium also. Paul
  16. plack

    Flourescent bulbs

    Florescents do lose par after a few months- How much a light meter will show you. Normal output ( T-12)/compact/High Output( T-5's)/and Very High Output(T-12)/ are all Florescent bulbs. The differences being the amount of voltage used and the intensity(watts/Par) of the light being created, As...
  17. plack

    water change question

    Could be the epoxy. It's a nano tank. And you said a bunch !! Carbon could help with this as well as other thing's "chemical warefare" especially with non-sps corals in a tank with sps corals. Paul
  18. plack

    Pictures (7/17/09) - Pink favia for the guy that PMed Cy.

    I must be seeing thing's that 5th picture looks HUGE all 1 pc colony ? Paul
  19. plack

    Crazy plumbing question
  20. plack

    Tap Water TDS

    "How is this setup? I was thinking about using just a DI unit, but I'm not sure how to do it. " Kinda off subject but here ya go! I took the water plumbed for the Washing machine and added a Y connector. One side to the washing machine one to a valve and then a connector just like an rodi unit...