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  1. L

    Sexy shrimp and a cherub angelfish

    I just added a cherub angelfish to my 36 gallon reef. How would a few sexy shrimp do with him in there? I know they are delicate and he is always nipping at something. I don't want to make an expensive meal for him.
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    What is eating/killing our fish?

    maybe the clowns are thinking about spawning and are getting territorial?
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    Aqua C Urchin

    I am going to tag along on this one, I'd love my urchin to skim more that it does.
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    new stock for 11/28...

    how big and how much for the fairy clown wrasse?
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    yasha hase goby questions

    They are not sand sifters. One thing I have learned recently from the super cool dudes at Barrier Reef is that they are most comfortable when their burrow is under an over hang where they can hang out ouside their burrow but still have some cover. I have had a couple and found them to be very...
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    are the starfish expensive? How often do you have to feed them?
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    Weekend Question #1

    That car don't look like no tuna, maybe a sunfish? Ever seen one of those? a giant fish head with a tail.
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    Weekend Question #1

    oh, I love these... I'll say shark
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    Jawfish Question

    I had a blue spot once that tore my tank to shreds. I could not keep a coral on the sand bed as it would be under a pile of sand in the morning. I swear he did it on purpose. Neurotic is a good way to describe him. He made me neurotic, I had to take him back to the store for credit.
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    Oh no zoo eating hitch hiker snail?

    that might make a cool shell for a hermit, depending on the size
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    My New Fish

    I have heard they are the least likely to nip corals..... let us know if that is true
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    Schooling fish

    what kind of jawfish do you have? Just curious
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    Best pump for Aqua c urchin?

    I was told by a reliable source that the mag 3 would be a good choice, I am going to upgrade mine to that (from a MJ 1200) very soon
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    they would be in direct competition for the pods, how big is your tank? Do you have a refugium?
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    lawn mower blenny slacking

    I'm going to tag along on this one, cause I have the same problem (hair algae) and was thinking of getting a LMB... Just a guess but maybe he's full?
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    Blenny Comptability

    The Yasha Hashe has no intest in pods, but eats everything else. My Scooter also eats frozen mysids, brine, along with the pods from my hang on the back refugium. Besides, I though the lawnmower blenny was a vegeterian.
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    Blenny Comptability

    I have a Yasha Hashe Goby and a Scooter dragonette in my 36 gallon tank, along with healthy dose of hair algae. Do you think a lawnmower blenny would get along with those 2? Everything I have read says they are aggressive to their own kind, but the scooter has a lot of similar qualities.
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    Coral banded shrimp

    I have a BCS in my 36 gallon and I do regret putting him in there. I have seen him pin down my scooter blenny a couple times. I am going to have to get him out before any more fish go in. I just have not had the energy or desire to do what it takes to catch him.
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    Making Zoos grow.

    Just buy some really expensive brightly colored zoanthids, then your green and brown ones will grow like crazy while the expensive ones just sit there. Works like a charm for me.