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  1. S

    My ten sps/clam tank

    AWSOME tank! I am running a setup very similar to yours and hope to get there some day. Great pics.
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    Feeding corals: When, what and how much

    Awsome, thanks. That answers my question and puts things into better perspective for me. I guess they are a lot like plants in a sense needing very basic things to grow (Good light, water and oxygen ie water movement.)
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    Feeding corals: When, what and how much

    Well, I am all in on my first reef after 15 years of messing with fish only. My leather has really started to extend its polyps after 4 days and it is exciting. My only question is now what??? I know I have to feed him but I am not sure what and how often. I was thinking DT's phytoplankton...
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    Where To Buy Frags?

    That sounds like a good idea. I was looking around the garf site and did not realize that they sell frags. I will give them a ring. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to spend $50-$100 for one colony at the LFS when you can buy frags for 10-15 and grow your own. And if they die for some...
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    Where To Buy Frags?

    preciate the replies
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    Where To Buy Frags?

    Great Thanks for all the feedback. One more thing. What is everyone's take on a 12K bulb for a small reef. The bulb is a 65 wat PC on the 10 Gal. Is this doable for Soft Corals.
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    Where To Buy Frags?

    I recently started up a small office reef tank (10 gallon acylic) I am looking for some good sites to order frags at a reasonable price. I would really like to order some sort of package where you pay $100 and get to choose 7-10 different frags. Can anyone point me in a good direction???
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    Comment by 'SALTYDAWGY' in media 'DSC07704'

    what size tank is that
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    Comment by 'SALTYDAWGY' in media '31 JULY tank shots'

    Dude Someone is fishing in your tank!
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    Understanding Skimming???

    I just wanted to add something to this. Not trying to hi jack the post, but you mentioned something BIG T that is interesting. A few months back my wet dry went down and I had a part in it that needed oil. Well to make a long story short, I added the oil to it and ever since than my skimmer...
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    Crosshatch Triggers

    I think the cross hatch is a very expensive fish that is difficult to find.
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    Any angel experts?

    Thought about a robust French that is 1-2 inches larger then the Blue Face. Different style angels and very hardy to hold its own ground against the bruiser.