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  1. Sherman

    My 300----- the Rebuild

    Woah! Looks like we derailed into! :) Speaking of which, I think I'm getting old, too. A sprained ankle from 2 years ago still gives me trouble, my back... OK, I've already gone too far... :) And about the BBQ Charlie, I was just razzin' you. I seem to remember the week...
  2. Sherman

    My 300----- the Rebuild

    When did that start? I distinctly remember NO bbq when I was there. Hmm... I see how I rate.
  3. Sherman

    My New Toy

    Interesting. Around here, it's an officer safety thing. No cop wants to walk up to a vehicle without knowing what's inside looking clearly back at him. It's a good way to get shot.
  4. Sherman

    Paige Elizabeth

    Thanks, everyone. Gabs, his name is Eli Ryan. You can learn all about him in the blog.
  5. Sherman

    Paige Elizabeth

    Thanks dood! Santa brought her a baby doll to take care of, since she has baby brother coming next month. She also got a Sesame Street DVD, at which time she ran around in circles screaming "Elmo Street! That's my favorite!" If you really want to keep updated, Gabs, check out our blog...
  6. Sherman

    Paige Elizabeth

    OK, Gabs, just for you. I haven't updated in nearly a year. Here's a little look at Christmas: After taking her picture with Santa, she rode a carousel for the first time, and LOVED it. She had a blast "going up and down like Mary Poppins." She made cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. And...
  7. Sherman

    Emily Gracin Taylor

    Krish, that's a darling 4 year old you have there. :)
  8. Sherman

    Show me your full tank shots

    The 120 has been torn down, cool background and all. Now I've downsized the tank to my 12g nano. The build thread is in my signature below.
  9. Sherman

    The ShermaNANO, a 12g project

    I have a couple new acquisitions. A sea star (fromia sp.?) and a blueberry gorgonian. I'm watching the gorg very closely. They have such terrible long term survival rates in captivity. I've placed it in a location where the flow should help the most, in medium laminar flow. I feed phytoplankton...
  10. Sherman

    The ShermaNANO, a 12g project

    I had a run of aptasia for a while. I recently added the peppermint shrimp from my 120 into this nano, and all the aptasia was gone within a couple weeks. I know they're not all aptasia eaters, but this guy has worked out well.
  11. Sherman

    The ShermaNANO, a 12g project

    Since the 120 came down, the nano has been promoted from the back office to the front room of the house. Though this setup is almost a year and a half old, it's always been a bit neglected. That should change now, since I'll be looking at it every day. I still only clean the glass every couple...
  12. Sherman

    Sherman Tank 120

    Actually, Bojangles, that's the very problem. I've never really enjoyed this tank. It's always just been there. In just over a year, I've never been relaxed and just ENJOYED it. There's always been something to optimize, fix, maintain, blah blah. Even so, yes, it's so hard to let go. I just...
  13. Sherman

    Sherman Tank 120

    So only a couple weeks after finally getting the fish I've been waiting 4 years for... it's a sad day. I'm in the process of taking the Sherman Tank down. I've been fighting this realization for many months, knowing it would come. I just finally decided to pull the trigger. Call it money, call...
  14. Sherman

    Sherman Tank 120

    Thanks, guys.
  15. Sherman

    Sherman Tank 120

    I finally got my pair of black clowns (I can't ever remember, it's ocellaris, right?) Anyway, these were a rescue from another tank tear down. They're reported to have already spawned there. The female still has a few orange warrior markings, but the male is as black as I've ever seen, all the...
  16. Sherman

    light design

    Here's how I hung my lights. Nevermind the unstained doors, plumeria all over the place, and power cords. That's all been taken care of since I took this photo last year. :)
  17. Sherman

    Calcium Reactor does not raise ALK????

    As Don mentioned, something's not adding up. Do you know the pH of the reactor's effluent? Also: Reactors can, in fact, raise Ca/Alk levels. That's exactly what they're built to do: evenly dose calcium/alkalinity. By simply turning it up (more CO2, more flow), you will raise those levels.
  18. Sherman

    Sherman Tank 120

    The only color that took anywhere near a full can was the black, and that's only because I put a few coats of black over the whole thing when I was done. Each of the other colors used maybe 10% of the can, at best.
  19. Sherman

    The ShermaNANO, a 12g project

    The Bangaii are growing up! They're close to being ready for the big tank. Since I was taking some photos of the Bangaii, I decided to document another FTS. This tank is extremely neglected, but still does extremely well. I don't even have a Mag-Float for it, there are never diatoms anywhere...
  20. Sherman

    Morish idol

    Also, I agree NewLife Spectrum is great stuff. It's my pellet food of choice. However, also remember that you're watching an advertising commercial. The intent of advertising isn't necessarily to offer documentation of the truth, but to sell.