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  1. mfinn

    LED lighting vs MH

    I've never seen any led manufacture claim their leds last for 25 years. Where do you see that?
  2. mfinn

    Nana's 40B

    Ahhh, I have a couple ex's that will dispute that statement. lol
  3. mfinn

    Nana's 40B

    All around stress in our lives really takes a mental toll especially with loved ones. It hits us at all hours of the day and never seems to go away. As far as owing people for equipment? You owe nothing to me. You can drop that stress right now. Focus on what you can. Helping your sis in her...
  4. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    I've used HP as a dip for individual frags, but never as a spot treatment. I've heard of using HP in tanks as a dosing treatment, but have also heard of problems.
  5. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    I don't know of any solution for bryopsis other than Tech M. How high do you have it at?
  6. mfinn

    Barrier Reef's Customer Appreciation Sale 2016

    Will any salt mixes be on sale?
  7. mfinn

    Gyre XF-130!

    Sounds like it does create flow, but just not where you need it. And one of the places is near your sand bed.
  8. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    If you are using Red Sea Mag for bryopsis it probably won't work. The only one that I've ever heard of working ( or used ) was Kent Tech M.
  9. mfinn

    Gyre XF-130!

    What are your thoughts on replacement?
  10. mfinn

    Flow design for my 240

    My thoughts on flow is to keep it in the tank. Make those softies, and lps move!!!! They really can take more flow than many realize. I like the 3x-5x tank volume through the sump guideline. I also like the slower flow through the sump for a few reasons. A big reason is noise. Less water noise...
  11. mfinn

    Nana's 40B

    How is the BGM chalice today?
  12. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    Yeah, it's expensive. When you say old test kit? I found that Salifert is pretty reliable, until they get old. If fact I don't trust them when they get down to a few months of expiring. When you finish the syringe, fill it up again to the 1.0 mark and start over, then add the numbers together.
  13. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    I would have thought that just the Dr. Tims would have been enough. As far as the mag thing, you know that you will have to use Kent Tech M and it will only work on bryopsis.
  14. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    Something that I just noticed in your previous posts, was that you had live rock already? Why add ammonia?
  15. mfinn

    20 Gallon Quarantine Tank

    This is going to be a coral quarantine tank?
  16. mfinn

    Nana's 40B

    That's good. But if it doesn't make it, I have a piece for you.
  17. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    I've shopped the boards for several gen 1's and sent them in for the gen 3 upgrade. Saves a few hundred. As far as the Vectra's and Apex, Ecotech and Apex has to do something about the control issue. So many are very upset about it. Almost childish in the rants I see. But whatever. I think they...
  18. mfinn

    Nana's 40B

    I think that's pretty much what I've read too on other forums.
  19. mfinn

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    The Vectra pumps work out of the box without a reeflink.