Nana's 40B

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Finally placed all my corals, 4wks later-lol. Here's hoping everything else survives!
I tried both Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals but didn't like the brown residue it was leaving in my buckets. I switched over Kent Reef Salt about 6 years ago and I haven't looked back. It is also cheaper than either Io or RC thru Drs. Foster and Smith.
Reply from Instant Ocean:

Hi, Jamie. It is a mix of inorganic minerals that is part of our trace element profile. A harmless (some view as good) natural component of our mined raw materials. It settles/filters out quickly. I have personally used RC for years and my 33 gallon mixing tub has a coating of this, I have never experienced any negative effects whatsoever.
I'm slowly losing my 7yr old X-Mas Favia. I gave it a 5min dip in Reef-Primer 2 days ago and am seeing no improvement at all.
I'm pretty sure its demise was caused by my accidental overdosing of h2o2 a couple months ago. The 2 smaller frags I have/had are showing the same tissue recession. I don't know what to do for it now.

Otherwise my tank is doing wonderfully. Finally got rid of the huge Birds Nest. Gave it to a fellow reefer/vendor I met at our swap. He gave me two Acro frags. One is a Pocillopora and the other I don't remember the name.
Pics of them.
Been through a lot this past week. 6 day hospital stay for my sister. Dr's put us on a major roller coaster ride. First she needs heart valve replacement or she'll be dead within a year. Then she's told they can't do the surgery because her lungs are to bad. So for two day we're left believing she's going to die within the year. This is my last sister! Have lost 2 to cancer already. I'm a mess at this point! (Tanks gotta come down)
5 days after being admitted, 2 days after death sentence, they send her down for a chest CT. Guess what? No Emphysema and no COPD!!
Stop smoking, no drinking, take prednisone for next 2-3wks, go back to work and we'll schedule the heart operation then. You can go home tonight! Yahoo!! She'll get better, smoke free for almost 7 days now.

During all of this one thing remained for most in my mind. Tear my tank down. It's causing me more stress than anything. Bubble algae, nasty SB, Monti bleaching either from lighting or flow, can't figure out the right lighting schedule let alone intensity, Calc/ALK are outta whack, Goby has a parasite in him that I can actually see and he won't eat the medicated food I bought but couldn't afford. My rock is turning green, still no coralline growth on it. Top it all off I'm getting Dino's. Yup little tufts of brown slimy snot all over. I keep siphoning it out though like a trooper. Don't have the mental energy to treat, rationalizing it's not bad yet. Also losing my 7yr old Favia, makes me wanna cry.
I don't need/want a tank with problems right now. I can't afford a tank with problems right now. I look at it knowing I owe 2 people for equipment & livestock. Oh and I hate this Gyre-lol.
I'm sorry, that is just crappy. The doctors did that to me with my ex last year. Convinced me he'd never be able to live unassisted again... over more than 6 weeks, each time the diagnosis getting worse. He is fine now, though, that experience is probably why he is now my ex. They spent forever telling me that I basically would never see 'him' again.
All I want to say here though is let the emotions settle before you make decisions. Life throws thinks at us, and we go into fight or flight. Drop everything for the battle. Sometimes, that causes us to lose hold of what was keeping us sane in the first place.
Sorry to hear, Nana. It can be pretty frustrating at times, especially when the rest of your world is collapsing around you. I guess the good news is about your sister. It took two weeks in the hospital and a triple bypass for my wife to quit smoking, she hasn't smoked since, that was three years ago. It sounds like you have plenty to deal with and maybe when things settle down you can start you tank back up again. Good luck to you and I hope things improve soon. Sorry to see you have to get out of the hobby, we will miss you, but stay on RF.
All around stress in our lives really takes a mental toll especially with loved ones. It hits us at all hours of the day and never seems to go away.

As far as owing people for equipment? You owe nothing to me.
You can drop that stress right now.

Focus on what you can. Helping your sis in her battle to stop smoking, or if that doesn't work, help her live how she wants, for as long as she can.
She has to be the one to make that life choice. Hopefully she makes the right one.
It's a tough one. I quit smoking approx. 15 years ago. It was hard for me, because it wasn't my idea in the first place. lol

As far as the tank,,,,, I'd make a few changes. But one of the things needs to stay the same and that's the lighting.
Set a schedule and leave it. I'd suggest the Radiant program. You seem to go back to it.
Leave the intensity at what the tank is acclimated to.

I seemed to have cured my 50 of the bubble algae and some nasty turf algae with the use emerald crabs, so if I were you, I would pick up 4-6. But with the knowledge that after they finish with the algae, they may go after corals. So you have to balance the problem now with future issues. So figure on removing some down the road. ( future trade bait).

I seem to be soured on Reef Crystals right now. I am having issues with my sand bed too. Same stuff you seem to have.
You mentioned that you had some temporary relief with Instant Ocean. Maybe stay with that for a while. ( I'm trying Red Sea Coral Pro).
And most importantly IMO stop worrying about ca/alk numbers.
I think testing and not having perfect numbers is a problem all in itself.

Maybe put out a trade feeler. Trade your Gyre for a couple RW-8's. New ones, and maybe a little cash. IDK, details can be worked out once someone gets interested.
I normally don't recommend Jebao, but if your not happy with what you have for flow, time to change it up.
Flow from 2 different directions may help with the sand bed issues.

I can't help you you with the goby or the corals, but I can tell you that you have friends in the hobby that care.
Marty is right, we all do care and want to help as much as we can. I have a couple of the Jebao RW 8's, the new ones and they are great. I have had them for some time now and I haven't had a problem at all with them. I also got a Jebao DCT 6000 return pump but it is fairly new, but so far, so good and it is quiet. I have to things on the cheap as I am retired and on a fixed income, but I have a very healthy aquarium. I have been doing this for about 7 years and I don't think you need top of the line stuff for a nice aquarium. Good luck Nana.
Marty's always right-lol. I had 2 Emeralds, 1 is mia. Neither one touches the BA.
I'm using the Radiant Schedule, only lowered the whites to 20% at peak points. One thing I do know, my SB does not like white lighting at all.

Crazy but the Dino's seem to have disappeared within the last couple days. Not sure what's up with that. But no signs of it today.

One of my Scarlet Hermits seems to have gone missing also. Found his shell and a leg but that's it.
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Oh wow. Incredible. Amazing how different the perspective from above. It looks always full. But on the side its the opposite.