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    Tank turned 41 years old

    oops just noticed how long the thread was. story of my life day late and a dollar short.
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    Tank turned 41 years old

    is that clown in the first picture a priolepis aureoviridis? mine looks like a miniature lionfish with extended rays on the dorsal fin but has cup shaped ventral fins like a goby. very criptic hardly ever see it and hangs upside down almost all the time.
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    How long to make friends?

    badger126 not to be a downer ... but i googled "clownfish anemone compatability chart"and looked at 6 or 7 of them. none show a ocellaris or percula host in a long tentacled "macrodactyla doreensis" but hopefully you can report the first case
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    My first SW tank oppinions

    nice job excellent first tank setup. definitely go with a refugium i really like my scwd after i modded it. makes it so much easier to clean. check out the "squid alternating current" thread if you're into Do It Yourself projects check out this...
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    How long to make friends?

    Cool thread. I have two ocellaris clowns and two RTBA's. Had them together for a little over a year and have seen no interest at all. Although they stay on one side of the tank and the RBTA's are on the other and a yelow tail blue damsel's territory is between them. So maybe that has something...
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    Killer Powerhead??

    please give us an update on your mesh guard when you get it finished.maybe pics too. i have two 900's i just bought mods and magnets for but haven't installed yet. now i'm kinda nervous about using them after hearing your story.
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    Will pep shrimp attack healthy corals?

    Who's eating whom? LOL guess it is true, they will eat anything if they're hungry enough. :D
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    So.......I'm new here....

    Welcome. If you stack up your live rock so the highest point is away from the glass that will help to keep a roaming anemone from getting on the glass or overflows until it finds "it's spot". Kind of like a lone mountain. My 2 RTBA's are at the top of my live rock 10" from a 250 watt MH, so...
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    What's wrong with my timer?!?

    I have a similar power requirement: 1- Metal halides 1- actinic VHO 1-refugium pc's 1- return pump 1- skimmer 1-heater 1-cooling fan 2-powerheads I've used the "Lowe's-HD" timer Intermatic brand and have had very good luck with them. No failures for 5 years. Just bought an older Reef Keeper...
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    Will pep shrimp attack healthy corals?

    i have never noticed my shrimp actually eating my coral but have seen them steal food that my protopalythoa have captured even after they have closed up all the way. when i feed now i target the shrimp first so he's distracted and the corals have more time to get the food in their gut.
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    bite out of yellow tang

    maybe try something live like a feeder black molly ... it maybe too tempting to resist even with a poor appetite.
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    looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

    just saw this one and thought of your thread has a couple of Magnificent shrimp gobies (Flabelligobius sp.)paired with a pistol shrimp in their divers den section they are prettyt new to the hobby and way cool
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    Squid alternating current

    SCWD follow up I modded my SCWD similar to the mods on the last page of this link: I used a 2" ABS cleanout adapter cut shorter for the top. I used a tapered reamer to open up the outlets to 9/16". My outlets were a little off...
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    Squid alternating current

    scwd thanks for the DIY link Trido. i have had the 3/4" version for about a year and a half with no problems until just recently. it was my fault though, i was cleaning out my sump and some sand or rocky debris got sucked in and jammed it. i should have turned off the pump while servicing!:oops:
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    Anemone Crab

    i don't know if it's related to a change in water chemistry or exactly why but it seems like quite often when i add a new shrimp or crab they will molt shortly after. my emerald crab more than doubled in size the last time he molted and my cleaner shrimp has molted 4 times i know of in the last...
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    Its A Bad Bad Day...

    Sorry for your loss. It's always especially hard when you lose one that has been with you a very long time. I lost a pair of corydoras catfish (freshwater) due to a heater malfunction that I had for 15 years. Strange how we can get so attached to those little guys. I have learned that ich is...
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    looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

    do you have an update on your fish choices? wat did u get and how are they working out? by the way has that flaming prawn goby on sale for $94.22.:cool:
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    Sand sifting starfish & live sand

    i have a tiger tail cucumber in a 90 gal bow and it seems to be alright. i have had it for 6 months and has grown maybe 30%. it basically keeps its hinee toward the back so all the substrate winds up there. all the hair worms dont seem to be displaced although i wish some of them would.:badgrin:
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    What is this????

    Sounds like your doin everything right. Feeding enough for filter feeders to thrive but not so much nutrient levels get out of hand. Grats. I think this is the best thing about this hobby/addiction- always finding new critters. i can spend hours at night with a flash light searching nooks and...
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    Hand Soap

    Lee, do you have links to info on your comment about human oils not being picked up by skimmers? i know i probably should use gloves but i feel like i have cerebral palsy trying to eat an icecream cone when using them. Besides my cleaner shrimp would starve:lol: Thanks, Tom.