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  1. M

    Rock Beauty Angel

    Yes I read that too, the nipping part. It seams this is another one of those fish that should just be left in the ocean.
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    Rock Beauty Angel

    I've been looking for an angel that has the similar body shape as a queen (since I have 135) the Rock Beauty is small enough for my tank. I’ve but been researching and found that this fish doesn’t ship well and has special feeding requirements (sponge). I currently feed my butterflies...
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    Low pH.. recommended fixes?

    First if your tank is only a month and half old it’s still very new and a lot of changes are still going on, plus 7.8 isn't consider low just at the low end of 7.8 - 8.3 (these are exceptable range). Also PH is effect by calcium and alkalinity in your tank you'll need to check these b4 you start...
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    RO/DI System

    Personal I have used a corallife 3 stage w/ DI 50gal unit for years. I have a well with rusty water as long as I change my prefilters every 6 months (membrane last longer) my TDS is always at 0.
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    In my opinion the top three are Octopus; ASM and Tunze. For a reef +1 on the in sump type.
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    Help with Fire Shrimp

    Well I learned somthing from you thanks. I new iodine was needed but didn't now it was in there food. So I guess we all should start feeding our shrimp with shrimp since they contain iodine. I have left there shells in the tank and never seen him eat it nor crabs, but left it any way since it...
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    Question about LED lighting...

    That so funny it work but didn't let me know it till I submitted it. Pictures aren't good because the intesity of the LED, plus was taken with a bad camera.
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    Question about LED lighting...

    To get the shimmer effet you need to have a power head pointed up to surface. If there is no ripples on surface there is no shimmer. I have a power head that is not attached to tank I susspended it from cord and wrapped a zip tie around cord and nozel to angle it upward. This time picture didn't...
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    Question about LED lighting...

    I'm going against the grain on this one. I have a 20gal. long with simular coral, mostly softies and LPS. I have the Marineland reef LED fixture now for 6 months all coral are doing great. My Xenia are getting thicker bases and growing, hammers are full and plate corals never looked better. Also...
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    Help with Fire Shrimp

    I have lost several shrimp and crabs to bad molts, things happen. Have you tested your iodine levels I have read that iodine helps them through molting. Could hand feed him till he gets past this molt, if not already.
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    spots on polyps

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    spots on polyps

    Thanks for all the reponses. If you dip them, do you put them back in the same tank. And the problem is that can not dip all of them some colonies are in different locations attached to rocks that have xina's attached to it.
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    spots on polyps

    For the last two weeks my polyps have been closed up and there are greenish spots on them. Anyone have a clue what this is and the cure? They have been in my 20gal long for ever amonnia 0; nitrates 0; nitrites 0; calcium 460; akl 170; temp. 80; salinty 1.025. They only change to tank is LED...
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    Thanks Mojo i will do more searching.
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    Very good thread, learned allot. To put in laymen terms LED produce much more intense light then MH or T5 and the corals need time to adjust, so slowly raising the levels of the LED will do this. My only question is that I have never seen a PAR reading for MH or T5 fixtures to compare LED to...
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    algae advise

    Sorry akunochi, I don't recommend buy critters to solve problems in tanks unless you want them in there, because after they have eaten all the problem they will need to be feed the proper food or they will starve to death. As for your algae problem I do agree with akunochi, cut back on feeding...
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    <-- Lighting -->

    look into this fixture, aqua illumination sol blue, it is only 2w led's but it is upgadeable. From the spec's it sound perfect for your size tank.
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    Building hollow rock

    well I think you found a new product to put on the market, I know of alot of people that would buy your food so they could keep a Idol. I would be your first customer, I'm in Illinois not near an ocean.
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    Building hollow rock

    5 years is a great job I have a falcula butterfly that has just past the 5 year mark, he is the solo survivor from an ick attach. I learned the hard way that ick can come from anything; I placed LR directly into my tank. I would like to know the secrets on how to keep them alive or do you have...
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    Building hollow rock

    You have inspired me. Wanting to do a long bridge but haven’t found the right rock, now I can make it. Have never read the ingredients in sakrete will it dissolve or leach into salt water? Also you have a Moorish Idol how long have you had it? Always wanted one heard to many horror stories...