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  1. R

    Blue mithra crab?

    Looking at its front claws...... ....they do look like they have a slightly different shape than the grn crab. Also this crab is light blue and smaller than what I believed was the carcass of the 2nd grn mithrax crab. I stll haven't gotten my son in laws camera yet but I'll check out the...
  2. R

    Blue mithra crab?

    He's definately a lt blue And he hides a lot unlike the lg green one that threatens everything with his monster size(for his body) claws. I assumed that there was a blue variety and that you guys would know about it. I'll have to get my son in law to lend me his camera again and try to remember...
  3. R

    Blue mithra crab?

    I used to have two grn Mithrax crabs and the bigger one used to attack the newer smaller one . One day I found the smaller one in pieces. Now I have found an even smaller crab that is blue but has smaller pinchers and the same hairy legs of the grn. It must be a stow away? Are blue mithrax...
  4. R

    Do green mithrax crabs eat....

    I set it up in January. It has a peguin 330 filter,a seaclone100 protein skimmer, and a power head . I believe that I haven't been consistent of late with my weekly water changes (normally 4 gallon per week-40 gallon tank).My carbon may have expired as well so I changed it. There are two types...
  5. R

    Do green mithrax crabs eat....

    the two hour off period The two hour off period was some advice I was given for interrupting the growth of green thread? algae. I use the easy test strips for testing my tank. It says the nitrates and nitrites are in the ideal range, I forgot what the equivalents are for readings. I'll have to...
  6. R

    Do green mithrax crabs eat....

    any suggestions ? and more info on my tank, I have two mithrax crabs ,a dozen or so small to medium hermits,a blk sea star ,about 40 lbs of live rock, a lawnmower blenny, bicolor blenny, hepatus tang,and an african blue lined(or backed?) pseudochromis. There is also some sponge growing and...
  7. R

    Do green mithrax crabs eat....

    coralline algae?
  8. R

    What kind of coral can I keep?

    Thanks steve I'll see what if my lfs has any of them.
  9. R

    What kind of coral can I keep?

    I have a 40 gallon with 2-96 watt compact fluorescent bulbs(1 -actinic and 1 10,000 day bulb). The tank also has a seaclone 100 protein skimmer,live rock,penguin 33 filter and an additional 230 gph power head. I haven't kept any coral before and was wondering what type would be suitable for...
  10. R

    Trochus Mass Spawning

    I hadn't noticed the release of milt or anything so I guess the aggs are probably infertile. Thanks for the information. Oh ,I had just done a partial water change the water was a few degrees cooler.
  11. R

    Do Trochus snail eggs usually survive?

    I was watching one lay its eggs or egg packs connected on a string.She let them drop to the bottom of the tank. ARe hermits likely to eat the eggs?
  12. R

    could an orchid dottyback be

    kept with a sprengers dottyback in a 40 gallon(36 inch length)?
  13. R

    Lighting,How many hours?

    I have a two 96 watt compact fluorescent lights on my 40 gallon. How many hours a day should I have them on. I currently have the timer set for 15 hours.
  14. R

    Live rock with fish

    For lighting I have a corallife light with 2-96 watt compact fluorescent bulbs.One bulb is actinic and one is a 10,000 k (?) day bulb. I have a 230 gallon ph powerhead ,a penguin 330 filter, and I orderered a seaclone 100 protein skimmer(don't have it yet). I have to wait a bit before I can...
  15. R

    Blue assessor and orchid dotty

    Thanks. I'll hold off then and get more rock before I buy them
  16. R

    will an orchid dottyback....

    and a blue assessor be likely to get along in a 40 gallon ?
  17. R

    Blue assessor and orchid dotty

    Would these fish go togethe rin a 40gallon. So far I only have 17lbs of live rock.Should I wait until I have around 30-40 lbs before getting them? :confused:
  18. R

    Live rock with fish

    yes,I would like to get some corals too but at 7.00 / lb for live rock needed for a 40 gallon it will take me a while.I only have 17 lbs so far. Any recommendations as to the type of coral or when I should start getting some. Its the cost thing.If I spend too much at one time my wife will...
  19. R

    Live rock with fish

    I have 17 lbs of live rock so far in my 40 gallon tank. I purchased three yellow tale blue damsels for the cycling period. How much rock will I need after the tank is done cycling before I purchase another fish? The two fish I'm considering for future purchase are the blue assessor and orchid...