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    Mounting Frags

    The only coral that I ever left on a plug ended up dieing. It's the only coral that I have lost so far. Coincidence? 80% of the corals I have gotten through DFS were broken. The huge frag plugs banging against coral branches is disaster waiting to happen. ORA has nice sized plugs but some of...
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    Tank horror stories

    I came home after a weekend get away and my central air unit was stuck on high. The temp in my house was well over 90 and the tank was right at 90. I lost a few things and saved a few things. I guess i'm lucky that's all that has happened so far.
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    Algae Problem..HELP!

    You may need to change bulbs or clean your pumps or your RO membrane may need replaced. The last time that happened to me...the pipes, pumps, and powerheads needed cleaning.
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    can you breed emerald crabs?

    Mine had was pretty cool. I just happened to be checking the tank out after dark. I noticed a spooky amount of "pods" swimming everywhere. Further inspection revealed an emerald crab up high on the rock-work fanning babies out of a flap on her underside into a high flow area...
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    buffing out scratches on acrylic - any ideas?

    I know a little about it... You can use car products and a buffer. I used a drill attachment and a concrete drill. A high speed buffer would be much better though. Start out with steel wool or sandpaper and work your way down to a fine grade buffing compound. Then top it off with some KIT...
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    Watts in your refugium?

    I have cheato growing in my display. My Rock wall sit 4 inches away from the back wall and I shove cheato behind them. When it starts rearing its ugly head from behind the rocks I stuff it back down tighter. Once in a while I get ambitious and pull several gallons of it out. Mine does not...
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    Denitrifier PH

    I timed it once and did some math and it was something like 25-30 gallons a day. It takes about a week for the whole tank to cycle through it.
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    Denitrifier PH

    Great!!! I will become obsessed with learning about zeolites. I really had no interest until the kitty litter was mentioned. Congratulations on not having a skimmer....mine dumps the skimate back into the last chamber of my denitrator. It's all part of an old antique wet/dry filter...
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    Denitrifier PH

    Mine runs directly into my skimmer....but a lime wood airstone at the exit might work if you can do it without creating micro bubbles in the display. Or you could drip kalk. Or find a reactor media with a higher melting point.
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    removing particuates in the water?

    Are the fish eating any of it? It sounds like marine snow. Any chance you added something? amino? sugar?
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    Epsom for Magnesium maintenance

    My mag test is so hard to read It could have been my testing skills. I've always found the calcium and Alk calculator to be very accurate.
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    Epsom for Magnesium maintenance

    Yes 300 gal. with 100 gallons displaced by rock and sand. It only takes about 5 cups of Mag flake and 1 cup of epson to raise 200 gal from 1100 to 1500. Do a lot of testing and don't trust the calculator too much. According to the reef calculator it should have taken 601 tsp (i think that...
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    Epsom for Magnesium maintenance

    I have brought mine up from 1100 with Epson before...I use Mag Flake (Magnesium Chloride) now though. Probably depends on the tank.
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    Diatoms are good?

    I get some diatoms on the glass from feeding Amino Acids. I don't mind it because it dusts off easily with the mag float and my bristle tooth tang loves it (its mouth prints are all over the glass). If I want to lower nutrients I can run a mechanical filter for a few hours after cleaning the...
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    Lava ash

    If you want your rock to be light add rock leaches out during the curing process and ends up looking kinda similar to lava rock. You can also use salt veins across the layers as you clump it and it will melt away into cavities later on. If you use argonite and salt you don't need...
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    Green Star Polyps

    Mine close when my PH rises above 8.4. or when my nitrate reactor is running too fast and producing nitrite.
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    Safe Or Not

    It looks like a zoanthid nudibranch....kill it unless you want rid of your zoanthids.
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    vacum substrate

    you can dump the water without dumping the tends to stay in the bucket. Spoon it into a container with a lid then release it back to the sand bed.
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    Tang Fight Video

    They are fighting over this new live rock I put in...all fights revolve around it....its about a 10 gal area in a 300 gal tank. I've raised all the fish from babies...when they were young they did some serious damage. Now they are mostly putting on a show. I am a little worried about the...
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    Tang Fight Video

    Three minutes of heavy metal Tang Fight action!!!