10 gallon nano tank

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Oct 19, 2009
first off id like to say hi to everyone. new to site. this is my 10 gallon nano
set up, rena 20 smartfilter with the rena smart heater. love this thing, powersweep 226, need something else (any suggestions) this thinh sucks, and 12 pnds of live rock (mix of pohnpei and feji) ordering my lighting system thursday. Question do i really need to get a protien skimmer. all i can find is in tank ones and thats gonna take up to much room.
i started this last thursday tell me what you think .give advise if nessasary or you just want to thanks
welcome to RF.

looks good, i like your rock scape. i don't think you realy need a skimmer, just keep up on weekly water changes. i have a 10gl. nano as well and dont use a skimmer, i have a DIY fuge and do a 1gl water change every week. i am also useing a K2 which is almost to much, you could probly use a korilia nano or the K1. what kind of light are you going with?
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I like it! You will find that the power sweeps will stop working once your tank matures. They get gunked up with coralline algae and you have to soak them in vinegar to get them to sweep again. After a while they will stop sweeping altogether. It's happened to me 3 times in the past with them. I would look into the koralia nano pumps. What type of corals do you plan on keeping?

Oh yeah....... WELCOME TO RF!
I like it! You will find that the power sweeps will stop working once your tank matures. They get gunked up with coralline algae and you have to soak them in vinegar to get them to sweep again. After a while they will stop sweeping altogether. It's happened to me 3 times in the past with them. I would look into the koralia nano pumps. What type of corals do you plan on keeping?

Oh yeah....... WELCOME TO RF!

mine didnt sweet at all took it part and the space were the metal rod goes to make it sweep was broke. would have took it back but it was there last one and it was only $15
The koralia's run about $25. Not too bad at all! Also,with a nano tank it's not necessary to get a skimmer, just do weekly 5% water changes and you will be fine,which is like......1/2 gallon per week. Wish my water changes were that easy! LOL
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yea. im still looking at fish. thinking about a firefish, yellow tail demsel, and maybe a clown. in the fish department

Yellow tails get REAL evil ......steer clear in a 10 gallon. Clown and firefish are pushing it in 10 gallon. Have to do bigger weekly water changes. Eventually the clown will need a bigger tank but.........that's what the hobby's all about!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::
yea just figured id do a small one fist to see what im up against then move to a bigger tank then use the 10 gallon as a quirentien tank or keep it a small reef tank no fish
Yellow tails get REAL evil ......steer clear in a 10 gallon. Clown and firefish are pushing it in 10 gallon. Have to do bigger weekly water changes. Eventually the clown will need a bigger tank but.........that's what the hobby's all about!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::

this is still in the debating process any suggestion here just looking for 2 or 3 fish tops
now if you want a real challange try 6 piranhas in a 55 gallon they have to be the messeist eaters ever i had to do atleast 35-40% water changes a week there is no such thing as keeping things like snails ad crabs they will eat some left over or food on the bottem they just become food. i had that for 6 months had to get rid of back issuse