140 gallon Coldwater build.

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Just a quick update with more to follow tonight:)

What's that thing in the back you say? Take a closer look:)
That tank is soo cool! Just beautiful
We need a closer look at that rock though. Looks like itty bitty nems
Very very NICE Paul, it's as colorful as many tropical Reeftanks out there. May have to stop by for a visit on Wednesday if you're around.

Cheers, Todd
Todd if you do drop by, could you bring your camera? It would be nice to get close ups of the "monolith o nems" and all the little stuff that's in there. My iPhone cam is just not enough.
Your right Lorrie. Its covered with a ton of mini plumous anemones. There is a deep red feather duster all the way to the right edge of the rock.there is 100-200 of them.

Here is the right side of the tank.
Here is a video of feeding time with great views of the Red Irish lord and the new monolith of nems.

The water is cloudy from my white spotted rose anemone spawning:cool:
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I took this pic after getting home from the Picnic. It's nothing new I just liked the pic. Well that and there are changes on the way to the aqua scaping.

And the corynactis
This tank is amazing, it seems there is an expanding cold water obsession. Really cool fish, both of them the little guys too :)
I was out this morning looking for filters for the tank and got close to a hundred or more of em for free .... Mussels and some horse clams that is:whoo: that ought to filter the water pretty good. That and feed the marauding bat star who is eating a ton. Maybe it's gearing up to spawn. It polished up a hundred or more barnacles that were encrusting an old shell and is devouring an aggregating nem. It was feeding on algae ever since I got it but a couple weeks ago something switched lol.

P.S. It now looks like I have mussels for substrate!
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K go.over these nems...
I see the white spot rose. And all the painted. Wats the yellow one? The green one? And the white one just like the green one lol...
Did that make sense? anyways looks kool man. U down for a road trip???
I'm down for a road trip:car: Super low tide in Oregon in two weeks, at least that's where I may go. I should start a Coldwater ID thread. The "white" green one is one of the first Coldwater nems I got. It had to weather last summer in a tank that had no chiller and was sitting in temps in the low seventies. It became pretty stressed after awhile and bleached a bit. It grows but it never regained it's green. As a side note. When I was Pulling out nems for the bob Moore one of the painteds grabbed his buddy and was eating it at the event. Painted anemones are pretty but i have never met a more aggresive anemone . And I keep carpet anemones although I will say haddoni's are close. Also not all the painted anemones are painteds. Some are Christmas nems, which are quite similar but are considered separate species. They are all urticina's though. And the yellow/tan is an urticina also but I haven't sat down to figure out which species yet. Ohhh and my new "filters" cleared the cloudiness from the water. The cloudiness I had was from a bacterial bloom I had. None of my filtration worked and a water change only helped. But mussels and clams did the job in about 12 hours! Just another reason mussels are the duct tape of Coldwater:biggrin1:
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if i had a cold water tank it start cultivating oysters they are just too yummy.
Mine makes me want to dive:) I just received my fish eating anemone from Coldwater marine Aquatics along with a one spot fringehead and some blue tops snails. The fish eating anemone needed some adjustment time but is doing great. And the fringehead set up shop in a cave below the fish eater. The blue topsails are rapidly eating algae. I had two waratah anemones and they were looking great till I saw my large woody chiton with half the a waratah in it's mouth. I freed it but I don't think it made it. And this morning I was watching my bat star and noticed that he was were the waratah had been:frusty: So it was just a red memory at that point. But I think the woody chiton might have been the one to mow down the colony of corynactis. So I banished it to the downstairs tank.
What the best thing about a heat wave? Cleaning my Coldwater tank! Lol it's actually pretty refreshing. Makes you want to redo the aquascaping... a couple of times. And it keeps my beer cold as I fuss around. I just have it sit on my pump lol.
Well I decided to do an update in honor of 5000 views on this tank:) Who'd of thought. This tank continues to be my favorite tank that I have and can keep me watching all the various things going on in every nook and cranny. My bat star is being a bit troublesome these days and is not reef safe along with a couple of the crabs I have in there but it all balances out over time. It also nice that its so trouble free since I am a broke reefer right now lol.
I tokk these photos under my aquatic life led bar its 24" 50/50 and the only thing lighting the tank. I bet most of the livestock would like just that amount of light. Although I like to see more light and spread.

My green surf garden

Painted anemone

Fish eating anemone... yep that is it's name. With a purple urchin.

Single green surf

The white Spotted rose. it balls up like that from time to time just to show you why its called that.

The dalia garden:)
