140 gallon Coldwater build.

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how do you become a member of Psas?

You can click the following link: PSAS Membership, stop by Oceans by Design and ask them at the front desk about PSAS, or at the front table at the event in February. (Membership card is valid through Sep 21, 2013. We will cut the annual membership in half once we hit the 6-month mark in the PSAS Membership year)

Sounds like a great meet.

Thanks. We've been putting in a lot of time to make this event a success and worth the drive. It's always a long drive for someone in the Puget Sound no matter where it's held. :) It's a great chance for hobbyists to bring their own coral to trade with local hobbyists.

Out of respect for NemCrazy and the great thread he's got going here, I'd like to encourage everyone to post up their questions and comments about the The PSAS Bob Moore Frag Swap at one of our ongoing threads for the event. I know that everyone following this thread enjoys learning more about this small niche in the hobby and wanted to let you know about an opportunity to learn more. I also don't want to seem like we're hijacking the thread. Please check out the links above and post up there if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Feel free to PM me. Thanks NemCrazy for helping us get the word out!
Jacob I don't mind at all. Afterall this thread was started to get people excited about temperate(Coldwater) reefing. And I figure I would invite any RF members to the Coldwater Reefers first meeting this Saturday @5pm. It'll be a good time to check out the tanks. And talk about setup, design,stocking and resources. I hope to see you there. Pm me if you plan to attend and I'll shoot you my address:)
Here are some pics that lorrie took at the 1st Coldwater reefers club meeting.


I took these as I tested out some red LEDs along with a 50/50 led and two marineland (6700k) led pucks. Looooks like a winner!! The nems turn pink and bright red unde
gonna post a vid soon too:)
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Here is the video of The tank with the red leds.

Here is the video I promised:)
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The first fish is a crescent gunnel. He is very fun to watch because he watches me like a hawk! He likes to steal food from unwary anemones who like to eat slow, and likes to nip at me when I'm working in the tank.

Thanks Dave:) I do have plans actually. But I would have to find a buyer for this tank to get the capital to do it. Think 300 gallon plywood tank!!! Aaaaah the possibilities!! One or two glass sides and a 9" dsb. But it will probably need to wait at this point.
I've been up to a few things with the Bob Moore coming this weekend. After talking with stu at Coldwater marine I will have some fun surprises displayed at the Coldwater reefers table, that will eventually reach this tank! I really can't wait hehe! I'm experimenting with colormax bulbs. I only used the 10 watt mini compact flourecent bulbs. It was more subtle. I think that it might be even better than the LED red lights because there is less saturation. I'll post a pic in a bit to show it.
What do you you think? Subtle or should I just go for it with the LEDs?


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So I decided to replace the 10000k T5HO bulb with a colormax. It gives awesome color without saturating everything in red. I'm gonna keep it:) now that the tank is complete. What to do now lol. Here is a fts from today


Well I just got back from the Bob Moore Frag Swap and picked up a bunch of stuff for the tank. Yep I said it at the bob moore, I picked up a bunch of coldwater stuff. It started out as me being a red finned waspfish from Coldwater Marine Aquatics. But just as I added him to the tank he turned and laid right against a painted nem and was engulfed:rip: He was such a cool fish all three seconds he was in the tank. lol. As sad as that was, check this out. The guys at Coldwater had their chiller go crazy and punged their temps rapidly! And their Garibaldi damsel bit the dust. They tapped on it and tried reviving it but it was for not. They bagged him and in the sink he laid. For a half hour to 45 minutes. When someone else walked by and asked who left the fish in the sink? I told him its dead and he said no its not. And showed me the fish in a bag with warm water now. I asked him to put it in my sump since he was a coldwater fish. And yep he made it. That fish went from :smow: to :bathbaby: that was a temp swing of 40 degrees and left in a sink only to be put in 50 degree water. And now he is swimming in my tank and is simply gorgeous:dance: I also picked up an orange bat star a sweet field of corynactis, a vermillion star, decorator crab, and some cool brittle stars. pics coming soon! maybe even tonight. and for those of you who missed it here is a pick of the nano that I stocked with nems from this tank for more of a write up check the new thread in the nano section.
The nem at bottom left is puckered because he was still munching on the waspfish
I'm glad the fish is doing well! Me and another volunteer found him in the sink and I was pretty upset that he was just laying there in a bag with no water. We assumed he had to be DOA. Still, I had to make sure, so we pulled some fresh water out of the top-off container we had sitting by at 80deg. That must be the pet fish equivalent of those EMT shock paddles. He perked right up. Glad he's got a new home.
I thought for sure he was a goner when I saw him. I had more hope for the waspfish that was eaten. When I heard he was alive I thought that someone was pulling my leg but sure enough he was swimming lol. So here is a quick video of him swimming around and a few of the other goodies I picked up for the tank. Such as the corynactis colony, bat star, vermilion stars. It was taken just an hour after getting everyone in the tank. He is definitely happy... and lucky lol. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6zcAPHnhL4&feature=m-ch-fea
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So the other night I was looking at the tank and noticed that the keyhole limpets were blowing smoke signals! Lol. Ok they broadcasting sperm and eggs. So it sounds if all went right that I'll have some planktonic snails in a day or so and a fresh clean up crew:) well we will cross that bridge when we get there. I only have a ton of filter feeders. So here is a pic of the smoke signals and other gratuitous shots of the new guys I got from the swap.

Vermillion star


Hey there just an update on the tank I received a beautiful red Irish lord with the most unique coloring. I've been trying to get a clean pic of him but I'm reduced to a grainy pic I took as soon as he was released. I also got some orange and white metridium anemones, some corynctis hidden on the backside of the shell and a field of aggregating anemones:) here's a pic of the red Irish lord.