140 gallon Coldwater build.

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Awsome! Very colorful critters u got! I was picturing the white and orange nems we have down in our waters...
Thanks! I have some white and some brown ones in that tank they are just hiding. They are called plumous anemones and are pretty hardy.
Quick update I have figured out the air stacks :) they basically turn the whole bottom into a under gravel filter. And I have it all set for the most part. I need some odds and ends and then I'll be set. Then I can begin filling the system and get it started. Oh and finish the rock work ie painting and attaching. Sooo close yet so far away:)
Update time. I got injured at work and have some time off. And as you can tell I got time on my hands. No money but lotsa time. So I did some work today on the tank. The filter is ready and I have painted it. I have to do a second coat but it is doing well so far. And tomorrow I will be fixing the rocks into place. And selling a bunch of my blue pulsing Xenia to the lfs so I can get the last of the materials to start this puppy up. I have the epoxy paint for the foam rocks. So by next week I will have it running. Btw I'm getting my water at the Seattle aquarium. $.07 a gallon:) some say it's not the best for reef tanks but it's what they use for their Coldwater tanks:) Here is a pic of the new look.
After a second coat you can see the color better. Now off to working on the rocks. Here is a pic showing the second coat. And the second pic shows the rock layout. I am looking to make a spire on the left hand side.
So I was busy the last couple of days. I painted the foam rocks and attached them to the glass using more spray foam. I also spayed foam directly on quarry rock to keep the movable pieces seated. The paint gave the rocks more contract. I am using bio balls under the floor. And after I get it started and cycling I will be looking diy a vodka denitrifier with a spare kalk reactor I have laying around. More on that later but more pics:)
That is really nice looking. Great job. I love the size of that tank too. I cant wait to see it running and stocked.
Well I ran down to Oregon and was checking tidepools in the middle of the night. And brought home some cool painted anemones. I've been cooped up in my house for two weeks And was checking the tide charts and thought "I can do that"! But now I'm needing sleep and saltwater to fill the tank:)
wow I am not good at embedding on this sight lol. Here is the link though.
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So I am one day away from salt water. I'm doing a freshwater test tonight. If all checks out, then tomorrow I will start filling with saltwater tomorrow. I'll be using filtered natural saltwater. Today I took fusion spray paint and mixed pink with white and purple to get a coraline color to jumpstart the look. Whew this has been my cheapest build yet. Well except for my 10gallon clown tank. Wish me luck:)

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Wow ok all systems go except that the pieces I attached to basalt rocks weighing 5 lbs are floating. Filtration works water is holding chiller works so now I need to attach them to the floor. I was trying to avoid that. Maybe tying them to the bottom with fishing line will work instead or glueing with frag glue. Hmm well back to the drawing board.
Well I ran down to Oregon and was checking tidepools in the middle of the night. And brought home some cool painted anemones. I've been cooped up in my house for two weeks And was checking the tide charts and thought "I can do that"! But now I'm needing sleep and saltwater to fill the tank:)

What part of Oregon did you end up going to?

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