15 gallons of awesome.

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Yeah 15s don't really bow the glass is thicker pretty sure that is why they are 3x the cost of a 10 gallon hehe. The MP10 is awesome and i'm running reef crest at like 50%, any higher and it starts blowing the sand all over and it isn't super fine sand either. I'm very happy with my purchase I've always wanted a vortech but the price really killed it for me.
I want to see a pic of the "JERK" LOL


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Shoulda been a fish!

Join Date
Mar 2009
Spokane Valley, Washington

Changed scape a bit because I love arches and I added a few zoanthids and a patch of Green Star Plague. I also added a fish today, a Pearly Jawfish but the jerk made a nice burrow at the back of the tank

Page 3 Post # 36

I wast calling any one names...... this time
I haven't done much with tank, i've been on the fence with what I want to stock it with and i've had terrible luck with fish in it so it has been fallow for quite awhile. The drain is 1.5" bulkhead and it is almost silence since I put an acrylic lid on the external overflow box. I'll try and get some pics of the box up soon. Being that the overflow is only 5" it can't handle much flow so the return pump is restricted greatly and I may drop down to a 300gph pump because this Hydor is rated for 740 and i'm using less than half that :( With the MP10 on there the return flow isn't terribly important.

I've been pondering zoanthid and lps only. Originally it was going to be an SPS tank but I think with the size of the rock and the current scape that encrusting coral would make better use of it.
U need sm fish like neon gobys or pistol shrimp paired up with something...
O and sexy shrimp or mini maxis or lil pompom crabs r kool!
Lol hths!
Here is a recent pic. The tank has changed a bit and the krylon is peeling like crazy off the back, i'm almost thinking of just sticking GSP on the back. A local reefer had this blue/green/purple carpet anemone I couldn't resist so I took out the large rock on the left. I plan on removing almost all of the zoanthids and replacing them all with maxi mini carpet anemones or RBTAs. The nem has been in the tank for 1.5 days and has eaten two pieces of fish so far but the clowns are dumb and haven't taken to it yet. I know the carpets get huge and once it outgrows this tank I will move it to its own 40 gallon breeder in the middle. When I placed this one i put a decent sized rock down and dug a hole underneath it to the glass bottom and placed the nem, and it seemed to have liked the placement and hasn't moved :)

I may also move the MP10 to the other side of the tank for safety as well.

Since my last post the clowns have figured out the nem and fell in love with it.

The male stays like this most of the day and night. The carpet is like his big Snuggy :)

A sexy shrimp I have in the tank that hangs out near a hammer coral 90% of the time.

I just went thru your thread. Beautiful tank ! I did about 5 mini maxi in a bio cube. You can keep you zoas once the maxi finds it's spot they pretty much stay. Also love your b/w clowns
I just went thru your thread. Beautiful tank ! I did about 5 mini maxi in a bio cube. You can keep you zoas once the maxi finds it's spot they pretty much stay. Also love your b/w clowns

Thanks :) I took all the zoas out, i want this tank to be nothing but anemones I think since it will only house the two clowns.