Our 1st Reef Tank build ever - 70 gal AGA tall

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Yeah we do but we can work that out with you later. I'd rather not deal with rock at the swap and we can't remove any of this rock until we are breaking it down to move into the 180.
wow eric the tank looks fantastic! I sure wish my blue clove looked that blue. Mine is much more a dull purple/tan color. But then again i've got a feeling you've got much more blue in your lighting than I.
Hey Eric, definitely looks as though you have everything back on track. Both corals and fish are very healthy looking and now your going to upset thier tranquil little world by movin' on up to a sweet 180 gallon slice of the reef, I think they'll forgive you in the long run.
I guess this means I'll have to do an update as well before I start my new build. Stop on by so we can re-size your stand, plus I think I have finally figured out a very cool/accessible design for a low-profile canopy housing LED's or T5's. I've been holding off for weeks on cutting any hardwood for stand & canopy until I thought myself numb on design details damn German genes !

Cheers, Todd

Great pics..Corals have really grown out nicely.

When is the 180g going to be built?
As soon as we work out the stand. The one we have needs to be rebuilt, cut down and refinished. We have 90% of everything else we need. I'm gonna have to take up Todd's offer to help modify it as I don't have all the right tools.
70% Becca & 30% me. She came up with the rock work and most all the coral placements.
Thank you Krish. We are pretty happy for our first reef tank.

Of course I get all the dirty stuff like skimmer and reactor cleaning and such :D. JK, she does do quite a bit right along side me (except the skimmer, it chases her out of the kitchen every time I clean it out.) It's nice having a wife that is just as hooked as I am, however the bank account complains once in while about both of us wanting to buy stuff. Heck, she was the one who instigated this venture in the first place.
Well yesterday was the demise of this tank. We have moved on to bigger and hopefully just as good if not better things. There were way more ups than downs with this setup and we learned everything we know with it as well. It was really pretty sad taking it down and moving it out of the house yesterday.

RIP tank #1
Born May 23rd of 2010
Died October 1st of 2011

Soon to be resurrected in someone's home (it's sold) for lots of enjoyment like we had with it. We will post some final pics on this thread a little later today.
Looking forward to the new build! Mine always seemed to get smaller for some reason though :confused:. I went from a 90 gal to a 75 gal to a 38 gal to a 24 gal and then a 10 gal that didn't get to see water.:lol:. I Guess I can only go bigger from here! LOL!

Congrats again on winning the game and looking forwad to your new build! :)
Selling your tank in this economy is like hitting the lotto. Congrats.
Many here would love some updates on your new build!!!!
Not sure what Krish means by winning the game?? Might be related to draining your bank account on a bigger toy. Or could be successfully falling deeper into this mad addiction we refer to as a hobby.
We are going to be updating that thread so well tonight. Krish I'd talking about the scavenger hunt. We tied with Scampy on it.

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OK. Here are some final pictures taken right before we tore it down. The new owner has picked it up and will hopefully have it set up and running again soon.











That does it. It's on top bigger and better tanks. Thank you everyone who followed us through the building and stocking of this tank and putting up with all the newbie questions and panic posts.
Hey Eric & Becca, so glad to have met you and be the one to introduce to the Salty-side of the hobby. This tank and both of you have come a long long way in just over a year and a half and have become such acomplished Reefers plus contributors here on RF. A real pleasure to call you to friends, can't wait to see what you'll can do with a 180 now.

Cheers, Todd