180 gallon dual octogon AGA

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New see fan with the natural sun light hitting it. Thanks Gina!

Looks better in your tank. I thought I was feeding it enough with the rotifers, BBS, and Phyto, but the tissue on the tips, as you can see, started to recede. I thought yours looked better than mine so I would give him to someone that can care for him better. No problem! =) Thank you for the corals as well.
My water is really nutrient rich, and NPS corals typically do well for me (except I lost a small dendro frag recently, and just couldn't find it anywhere). I always try to take time to feed everything often as well, but with all the good stuff floating around they don't suffer if I slack for a week or so.
We had our club meeting, at Ben's home, last night. Ben, thank you for hosting. Great meeting. So, as usual, I brought my camera along and snapped a few photos. Some are through the glass, some are using his Look Down tube and some are just shooting from above the surface.




Ben, I want me some of this beauty!!!




Ben's tank is short, so everything can be viewed, from above. Ben, you might wanna check your salinity. The amount of drool, entering your tank, may have changed things a bit!




To Be Continued...
Thank you Gina! I shoot with a Canon 7D. I use 3 different lenses, a Canon 18-200mm, a Canon 50mm 1.8 and a Canon 100mm Macro. About 90% of my tank photography is with the 100mm Macro.

That does it....I am going to have to invest in the macro for my camera.

Fabulous Corals Ben!
And again, great shots Michael!
Great pics Michael! Thanks to everybody who made it to the meeting, I always enjoy showing off how much I have progressed since getting this tank. Michaels pictures are truly beautiful, and I'm amazed to see some of my corals larger than life, with such detail!
Its the camera not the user LOL It practically takes the pics for you you just need to hold on and go for the ride.
Sorry I've been kinda absent from the forums for a while. I recently got promoted to Sous-Chef at Rock City Grill (a salary management position). My job requires a lot more time from me now, and if I was always telling you guys what I was doing to the tank:typing:, I wouldn't have time to do it!:eek:hwell:
I will try to get a little more active now that I'm getting used to the long days, so here is some recent pics to start out.

My new flame angel


My SPS are doing well, but so is my xenia!:oops:


My favorite new little dude! He has a little bit of blue on the jaw and a little yellow on the tail, but not much. Still just a little guy.
It's rare to get an in focus shot of the coral beauty also!


Here's a couple FTSs of the tall side



And here's the small side




Best purple tang picture ever! Under natural sunlight with my brother's cannon

How many new fish do you have? I think I see 4 since the last time I was there. How is the gorg doing and that lace coral? I have a cool blasto you might want to trade me something for. It is bright teal around the edges with a blue center. =)

Your tank is looking great. I still want that monti! =)
I'm not sure how many new fish I've gotten since you were last here (I have too many, and will have to make some hard decisions when they get bigger). Unfortunately the gorgonian went downhill recently. Guess I wasn't ready for it. The lace coral is still alive, but doesn't do much. I would love to trade you something for another blasto! I have lots of new SPS and a couple new LPS, so you will have to come see what you want!

You can still have a frag of that monti next time I see you.