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Lol yaaaa. I prob will. Be nice to have some nice straight doors on there as well. Also the frame for the doors id like to 45° cut the ends...
Need more stain...i ran out.
Cant keep.my rfs friends in the dark!
Plumbing did show up this last week.
Planning on doing it this next week i think

Daughter been playing with my hood like its a dang jungle jim so hopefully it will still be intact enough when the time comes :0
All this talk about trim lol. Well the time has.finally.come.
Now i need to figure.out the sides of the front board and the hood situation.

The corner trim (l shaped, probably has a proper name) isn't all that heavy D, they even make some that is basically just molded foam.
I bet either one could be mounted with velcro tape allowing you to be able to remove it easily when you were pulling a panel
I used some of the same trim as in the picture for the sides...and i really just didnt like it. It stuck out or protruded the edges a bit. I will find something. No rush. Lol
I will be wood glueing this trim on when i can.match up the stain and get it all done and sorted out. Its just sitting resting on the wood now for mock up and fit and such.
Cleaned out the old.plumbing. mounted some brackets to the wall.and platforms for the seaswirls.
Also put some.silicon around the edges
It is looking great, Devin. I love your sump, I really like LifeReef products. I use to have a couple of their overflow boxes. I never had a problem with them. He make such quality stuff.