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Ok so i got an update. I was givin a new setup today, I got a 50 Gal Tall Tank *i think* , A Marineland Eclipse Hood, with a filter and light in it. I was also givin 2 Penguin Powerheads... 1 550 and 1 1140.

Someone had said they had this in there garage for a while, and if i wanted it i could have it.. SO BOOM! it was in the durango...

Sooooooo Now,

How should i go about switching to the bigger tank? Do i need to redo all the water? or can i just transfer it? I will add some pics here shortly.
So i started the transfer today. Since the only thing i have is 2 fish and a starfish and live rock, i figured i could do the swap after a bit of reading from other peoples threads... so i put my fishies in a bucket with a bit of water... i moved all the rock to the new tank... and started syphoning water out to the new tank.. i put about 20 of the 29 gallons in the new tank. And then added freshly mixed water... i plugged in the penguin 1140. Man that thing MOVES the water. So i might go down to the 550 that i also got. Not sure yet... i am waiting for the murkyness to clear up so i can do some landscaping and then let the fishies go in there new home... i am really excited bout the new tank since it has a hood... the bulbs arent so hot so ima have to get some... so if someone could point me in the right direction with that, that would be awesome. I will have some pics here shortly.. im excited to share with yall the upgrade.. see yall soon!
alright so i got a few photos that i took kinda in a hurry, the baby was starting to fuss... The water is still murky... so this is just cuz i am excited to share the new setup.. i havent got the landscaping done cuz it is still too merky to see... and it looks alot worse on the photo now that i am looking at em...

Check the classifieds on this site for lights. I bought mine used from there. Usually some lights around.

As for a sump from scratch, really not that big of a deal (some reading on designing, but not hard to assemble.) A lot of people do it (myself included.)
thanks for all the info everyone! gonna have me reading for the next few hours...

As for rock i got about 30 lbs or so..

I picked up a coralife actinic 17watt t8 for the other open slot that i had in the hood. and i likes it!

now for some pics before i start going hardcore into this sump building / reading /dreaming haha

now i still have the 29 gal 30" long tank.. is that something i could turn into a sump / refug easily? is the fact that it is glass gonna make things harder?

hmm.. stuff is turning in my head now!!

So i got a lil friend in there now... <Muppet.Hands>YaY</Muppet.Hands>

I walked into Saltwater City to get some TiggerPods, and got to talkin with the guy, and talkin bout my tank and said that i didnt have anything besides fish in there, and he give me a lil frag " on the house " saweeet!
He said to watch the red stuff, it grows pretty quick but should help jumpstart all kinds of good growth...

Just a little side view...

Couldnt Resist had to try with just the blue... hehe

At first the little guy was all closed up, buy by the end of the night i could see him opening up...

Seeing this in action makes me wanna add more!@#!@#!@# heheeh

someone was telling me that they went to a saltwater swapmeet type thing a few years ago... is there any truth to that? do we have little functions like that? i am excited about adding life to my tank!!!
OHH i almost forgot, i wanted to get some input from all ya'll super cool fishie professionals!

i recv'd 2 little led strips, they plug into each other. I wanted to know if anyone has put any use to these and if its worth putting in my tank...

They are ZiloTek 15 LED strip's. the piece of paper i recv'd with them says that is 120V and use's 1watt power.

Not a pro at lights so i dont wanna waste my time if it is NOT gonna be worth it... it didnt give a rating as far as 5,000 - 10,000 etc...

so any input would be awesome...
yes there is meetings, i guess you could call it a "swap meet" we call it a frag swap/trade or a PSAS meeting. there are usually one a month, but the October one has already passed and i believe that there might not be a November because of thanksgiving, but i might be wrong. that's just the word on the forum :)
The Puget Sound Aquarium Society, which has a club forum here on RF, puts on a "Bob Moore Frag Swap" I believe it is in February. You are welcome to attend that. They have numerous frags for giving away and there are many people there selling/buying and trading coral.
There is also the Classifieds here on RF that people advertize their coral for sale or trade.
so i put in the 2 LED strips just to see what kinda light it would produce. I used double sided tape to stick them to the back hood door. I was worried about them sticking, and then i noticed 1 was a tad bit crooked. I tried to move it... and ya that tape worked alittle to good. hah

And then after that was done, i spent about 20 mins just staring at all the rocks, and the fish, and my new little friend.. I am not even quite sure what it is to be truthfully honest. But i likes it... d;c)

here are a few pics i just took....

Those are pretty good pics.
Your coral, is a mushroom (Actinodiscus sp)
and the Macro algae looks like a type of Halymenia.
as you move along, meeting new people and collecting frags than youll will gain knowledge in mass amounts... Its really an interesting hobby isnt it? :D:party::party::D
as you move along, meeting new people and collecting frags than youll will gain knowledge in mass amounts... Its really an interesting hobby isnt it? :D:party::party::D

This is an awesome hobby!~! I even put away building my arcade! haha

this seems so much more fun, and plus i can sit here and stare for hours!@