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So today, i de-rimmed my 29gal. and cleaned up all the silicone mess... looks pretty spiffy! i actually like that look alot... but ultimately i planned on using it to make a sump/refugium... but it looks so spiffy its almost a shame to hide it! lol

i thought i had a pic on my phone but i guess not.. i just emptied the water from the water hold test. so i will go snap one real fast...

i have still yet to find somewhere i can find the acrylic to do the sections... so this part might be on hold till i can figure this part out...

If you can't find acrylic, then just get some glass cut and silicone it in. Many people go that route. :)
hmm, is glass easier to come by? i have never built anything with glass... is there a good place to check out? thanks for all your input krish!
is there any special feeding i should do for the zoa's? will that maybe help them open up? they kinda peek out and then they close up... cant figure em out.. i noticed there are 1 or 2 that have white where they open at... is that normal? doesnt look discolored... just like where the hole is where they open is white... like its trying to pretect itself or something... just not sure.. thanks all!
so after talking with a random dude i have never met before.. he had heard me talking about my tank with a buddy, and asked if i had an coral yet, i set i had a bit of zoa's and a kenya tree... i then showed him the pic of them just peekin out... i didnt have any other pics, and i told him that i never really had them come all the way out... he asked me what my salinity was.. i said about 1.023 he said it was too low.. and it threw me off for a min, but i thought lemme talk to my peoples here on RF.. he said ideally i should be at 1.027 to 1.030... is there any truth in that? i was always told between 1.023 and 1.025.. so not sure where to go with it.. i hadnt done a FW dip yet.. but i did do a fresh saltwater dip... i was making a batch of water to do a water change anyway so i dipped them in that... and they just wont open up.... they open a tad bit every once in a while.. but never fully... so this guy has me super thinking, maybe it is my salinity... anyway any input would be awesome... thx..
Yeah, your low. I would say that most everyone here, including myself, keeps their salinity at 1.026. I think aything over 1.028 is too high but thats just my opinion.
Man, i love you! So would the best way to get my salinity up be to take out like a gallon add some more mix to it and put it back in?

Sent from ruk's MoPho
This is what they are lookin like

Sent from ruk's MoPho


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You can increase your salinity slowly over the next few days by just topping off the evaperated water with saltwater instead of fresh water.
Moved to the open area and kinda positioned flow towards them...

Sent from ruk's MoPho
Rescaped.. helped with flow issues..

Sent from ruk's MoPho


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So i got the ability to meet with Seattle989 for a moment, which is an awesome guy BTW... He put together a little coral pack for me...

So now my tank got some presents..

Yellow Poly
Silver Xenia


Here is the Hammer right after placement...


Silver Xenia's Starting to let loose pretty quick after placement... YaY




The little Yellow Poly's


A view of the bed part of the tank...




Here are my lil clownies....

You should glue your hammer coral to one of the rocks on the right and see if your clowns will host it when it gets a little bigger.
They will host corals like that and toadstools and mushrooms as well as a couple different anemones.

Unless you plan on getting them an anemone.
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You should glue your hammer coral to one of the rocks on the right and see if your clowns will host it when it gets a little bigger.
They will host corals like that and toadstools and mushrooms as well as a couple different anemones.

Unless you plan on getting them an anemone.

that is where the wife said to put it too! she didnt like it where i put it... the rock i put it in had a whole through it and it fit perfectly.. I have never glued anything... how hard is it? what would you use?
Its not hard. You can use superglue gel. It works really good for small pieces. There is a product called Icy-Gel, but not sure where to get it right off hand, that works really good.

What you do is take the coral out, put a drop of glue on the base, dip it in the water to creat a film over the glue, put another drop on and dip it, continue doing that till you get enough glue on the bottome of the coral and rub it on the spot you want to put it so that it breaks the film and the glue starts sticking to the rock, then hold it tight to the rock until it holds.
Some coral, like your leathers and zoas and sps will grow over or encrust over the glue and you will not see it anymore.
Some things are a little hard to do that with. As far as your yellow polyps, you would take them and the little rock out and glue them down then put them back in the water. You can glue them to a small piece and then glue the small piece to the bigger rock that way.
So i have been reading ALOT into a thread by 10GNano, with his AIO DIY... this is awesome, and has me working on a mock up for the same concept... so i will be possibly doing something similar, THANKS 10G for the spark.. his build is WAAAAY awesome... its here if you wanna check it out... http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f13/30-gallon-aio-diy-61895/

Thanks for the props. But I can't take all the credit, I had some design help from peppie. you should look into his builds.