1st time refugium

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
north fort myers florida
I just recieved my 150gal. refugium kit.I never had one before and there was no instructions with the kit.Can someone tell me how everything hooks up to the refugium.With the kit came 18gal. refugium,ca-2200 aqua pump/powerhead,ca-1800 aqua pump/powerhead,overflow box,grow light and a super vortex 1002 protein skimmer.I want to put everything under the cabnet so nothing will be seen.The aquarium is 110gal and is for fish and live rock
I have a Fuge, and have had for a couple years now... but never one of the "Refugium Kits". If possible, could you give us a link for what you purchased, so we can see what all they sent you via a picture? I think this would help with setup.
Okay... I think I found what you are talking about on E-bay.

This is a complete Sump system... comes with a skimmer, and a section of this sump is designed for use as your Fuge. Overall, not a bad setup.

from their add in E-bay;
Dimensions are 24''(Length) X 10''(Width) X 12''(height))

1st Chamber where water overflows is 6'' long

2nd Chamber where refugium is grown is 9'' long

3rd chamber where Protein skimmer and return pump is placed is 9'' long

Okay... from all of that, along with your discription of what you received... this is how I think it needs to be setup.

The overflow box, will be put on the back of your tank, then you will connect that (plumbing) down to the 1st section of your sump. This will be how your water returns to the sump from your tank.

The light, will go over the second or middle section of this sump. This is where you would add your macro-algae (I recommend Chaeto).

The 3rd section is where you install your skimmer (use the smaller ca-1800 pump on the skimmer), as well as your return pump (use the ca-2200 for return). The output of that return pump, you will plumb back up into your tank.

I have never used the overflow boxes, but do understand they need to be "primed" somehow... so hopefully someone will jump in here helping you with how to do that. I think Kirsh has had a similar sump setup on his old 75gallon system... and probably can even supply a good picture to help with your setup.

Good luck, and keep us posted how everything works for you!
By the way...

This should all fit under your stand... out of sight, out of mind... which is what I think you were after! :)
I just scanned further down the E-bay listing... and they are claiming they ship the instructions on how to set everything up, in the prefilter box. You may check there and see if the instructions were included.

If not, don't frett... I'm sure we can get you comfortable enough here to set it all up! :D
Just remember the basics of what a sump is designed to do for us;

A sump is an area external to our tanks (and usually below), that allows you space to place filtration and heating.

If your case, the added light will also give you a place to have as a Refuguim in conjuction with your sump.

Typically, water comes into the top of the sump on one side or the other. The layout of left to right, or right to left... is entirely up to what will work out best for your case. I have typically run mine left to right, since that is the way I tend to think.

On your sump, it looked like there is a bulkhead fitting on what will be your "Input" section. From that bulkhead up to the overflow box, you will want to add plumbing (Spaflex flexable piping, or hard PVC piping both will work just fine) connecting the overflow box down to your sump. Sorry, I didn't find a picture of this yet, but I'm sure people have nice pictures of their setup, and will join in here showing you this.

Okay... so we have a way for water to get down to your sump.

The center section, is where you would add your heater... so it no longer needs to dangle into your main display tank. This helps keep your display more astetically (-5pts speelin) pleasing, yet keeps your water the temp you want it at.

Because you are planning on using that center section as a Refuge... you can probably also put your heater into the 1st section just as well. If it fits, it will work there just fine.

For now... lets just leave the center section empty... with the exception of perhaps sitting the light over it.

Now... the last section, is where your return pump sits (it is a submersible pump)... as well as your skimmer and its pump.

The best pictures I could find quickly here trying to help show you what a sump looks like... I have borrowed from Nikki (NaH2O) and Skimerwhisperer, from this thread;

On Nikki's sump... you'll see her Skimmer in the far Right chamber... rock (Fuge?) in the center... and her return pump is in the far Left section.

On Skimerwhisperer's picture... you will see his skimmer and pump in the left side, and the return pump in the right side.

Hopefully, these pictures can help a little with showing you how various sumps can be setup.
Typically, yes, people like having their heaters out of sight, and will place them down in the sump.

Only the center section of your sump is your Refugium. When you see people talk about their sump... it is basically the same thing as what you just received.

A Refugium is "A refuse, or safe place". In our aquarium world... this is where people "safely" grow macro-algaes... cultivate pods for their tank... and/or place fish out of harms way.

Just think of your setup as a Sump, until you get it all plumbed in and running. Then, when you add the macro-algae to the center section, that center section will become your Fuge (refugium).
As for your sump not being as complicated... the 2nd picture I posted above of Skimerwhisperer's sump (I believe that sump is on only a 10gallon tank???) is actually less complicated than your setup... because you DO have the center section that you will use as your Fuge.

Don't think of these as being anything complicated at all either. They are just an extension of your tank, where you do your filtration (skimming) and heating (if you choose to place your heater down there), then return that water back up to your display tank. The extra water volume helps make your entire system more stable also.
Priming the Overflow is easy, Can be done 2 ways, First way is with Aqualifter pump , Inexpensive and dooable. The other is lip power. Either works , Both cheap , just one is rather salty to taste....lol

I would be interested in seeing a picture of it setup once you get it up and running.

FYI: It looks like it should be a 10 gallon tank from my calculations instead of an 18 gallon as stated in the auction.

Thanks and good luck!

pictures will be coming as soon as I get everything for it.I am waiting for my sand to come then the live sand and live rock.probably after christmas.Thanks everybody for your advice
While you are waiting for everything else, I would ask around here to see if there are some people out there that can help with how the overflow box will work for you.

From what I have read, one of the most reliable methods is to have a small air-line fitting at the top, that you would attach to the air fitting on a small powerhead, that you have in your tank for extra circulation. I believe this keeps the air out of the overflow box, so you won't have to worry about it losing siphoning.

I know others here have done this with their overflow... so hopefully they will have a picture that will help you better understand.