20 Gallon Mixed Reef

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Bad and good news

For some unexplained reason, the Bangaii cardinal ended up stuck in the overflow pipe a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if it died in the tank and got sucked in or if it got sucked in (maybe while sleeping?) and died in the pipe. Either way, it had seemed very healthy and was eating well, so not sure exactly what happened.
This opened up some room in my tank for another fish. I have always wanted a filamented flasher wrasse but could never find one when I had room for one. So down to the LFS I went with some xenia and colt frags. They actually had one so I traded the frags for this very beautiful fish.


This opened up some room in my tank for another fish. I have always wanted a filamented flasher wrasse but could never find one when I had room for one. So down to the LFS I went with some xenia and colt frags. They actually had one so I traded the frags for this very beautiful fish.

Sorry to hear about the Cardinal - that wrasse is definitely a looker. My tank is "topless" so unfortunately wrasses are off my wish-list.
Sorry to hear about the Cardinal - that wrasse is definitely a looker. My tank is "topless" so unfortunately wrasses are off my wish-list.

If you want to keep "jumpers" but still keep your tank topless, you could build a custom mesh top using a screen frame and 1/2" bird netting that is available at home depot or BRS.

If you want to keep "jumpers", you could build a custom mesh top using a screen frame and bird netting that is available at home depot or BRS..

I've seen those - the build looks easy. Probably the way I'll go if I want to keep "jumpers".
It was very quick and easy to build...all for around $30.

My only issue with the screen top is that my LED fixture is supported on legs that sit on the tank rim. I would need to modify the screen frame a bit to compensate, but shouldn't be too difficult.
Some water parameters from last night:

Temperature: 80.0 F
pH: 8.24
Salinity: 1.026
Calcium: 420 ppm (API)
Alkalinity: 9.358 dKH (Hanna checker)
Magnesium: 1300 ppm (Elos)
Nitrate: 0 ppm (API)
Phosphate: 0 ppm (API)
A couple of goodies arrived in the mail today. Got a Vortech Battery Backup, as well as a UPS battery backup that will allow the Apex to send me an email in the case of power failure. Also got a couple of impellers for the Mag 9.5 to replace the one I broke last week while cleaning the pump. Stupid ceramic shafts. :doh:
10 months old

It's update time again. The tank is now 10 months old now and starting to really fill out.
Things have been going well, except I lost a couple of fish. The flasher wrasse jumped to his doom despite the net cover I made. I have plans to make another with smaller holes so that no fish should be able to sneak through. The lawnmower blenny died of what I assume was old age as there was no other explanation. Was eating lots and I read somewhere that they only live a couple of years. Also gone are the two firefish. No bodies found just disappeared. They had a burrow behind and under a large piece of rock so it is possible there was a cave in. Both disappeared around the same time.
Corals have been growing well with no signs of stress or disease. The switch to LEDs seems to have gone over without a hitch. I really like colour that the LED lights have and the shimmer effect is great too.










Tanks looking good, glad to see the LED's are working out for you. What size bulk heads are you using on for the bean overflow? I currently have the same setup on my 10 gal, but am wanting to do it to my 30 cube but am unsure on size. Also how do you have your return setup?
Tanks looking good, glad to see the LED's are working out for you. What size bulk heads are you using on for the bean overflow? I currently have the same setup on my 10 gal, but am wanting to do it to my 30 cube but am unsure on size. Also how do you have your return setup?

Thanks! I am using 1" bulkheads for the overflow pipes. I have my return setup so that it comes over the side of the tank. If I was to do it again, I would have the return drilled through the back and then out through the front of the overflow weir. I am using one 1-1/2" return.
Thanks! I am using 1" bulkheads for the overflow pipes. I have my return setup so that it comes over the side of the tank. If I was to do it again, I would have the return drilled through the back and then out through the front of the overflow weir. I am using one 1-1/2" return.

I had thought about having the return come through the weir but am not sure how to plumb that. what kind of pump are you using? and how many gph?
I had thought about having the return come through the weir but am not sure how to plumb that. what kind of pump are you using? and how many gph?

I am using a Mag 9.5 (950 gph) that is probably pushing about 400-500 gal/hr by the time it gets back to the tank (I also have it teed off to go to the refugium).
To have your return come through the weir, you just need to drill a hole two holes opposite each other and connect them with bulkheads and pipe, creating a channel through the weir area. you can then put some lock-line or similar attached to the tank side bulkhead to direct the flow.
Quick little video. Tank is doing well and corals are growing.

Temp: 80.0 F
pH: 8.17
Calcium: 422
Magnesium: 1300
Alkalinity: 422
Salinity: 1.026

I am really liking the new Hanna Calcium Checker. Seems to be accurate and is so much easier for me to use (I'm red/green colour-blind). I already have Alkalinity Checker, Phosphorus Checker is in the mail and hopefully Magnesium Checker comes out soon.