2005-2006 planning thread

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
So, we've had a great year and I want to keep that going. In that light, I have put together some ideas for the upcoming year and would like the rest of the BOD to contribute as well. The earlier we get the schedule laid out the better chance we have at getting high quality speakers to come in.

The rest of this year that is already planned:
February - Seattle Aquarium Tour
March - Barry from Clams Direct
April - Sanjay Joshi
May - Anthony Calfo
June - BBQ/Raffle/Elections (at Mike's if he'll let us;))

New planning:
July - Local Tank Tour (do we need to do one North of Seattle and one South?)

August - Don't know here (Tri-Cities will have there Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium Conference this month)

September - Frag Swap

October - Speaker

November - Vendor event (Need a bigger room this time)

December - Social dinner again??

January - Speaker

February - Aquascaping how-to? How to use acrylic rod/poxy/etc. to get the shapes you want. Maybe a LR raffle or give-away at the end

March - Speaker

April - DIY night - LED moonlights, Acrylic phosphate reactor, other small easy to prepackage ideas - Maybe Jonathan (reefan) or Larry from IAP will help with this?

May - Speaker

June - BBQ/Raffle/Elections

Speaker ideas:
Jon Warner on reef chemistry
Terry B on reef fish
Someone on new aquarium setup
Someone on creating flow in the aquarium
Maybe we can get Scott Michael if we start early enough

I think that's a nice mix of speakers and different events. A DIY hands-on meeting is usually a winner and I think the vendor event can only get bigger and better, for sure.

For the coming summer, I doubt there will be a huge contingent from our area making the trek to Tri-Cities (though I'll certainly encourage as many people as I can!) so maybe have the North tour in July and the South tour in August?

Mike, any chance we can get Scott Michael? Just getting him here would be trick enough, but I'd love to work a book deal with him like we did with Anthony. :D
Reed lets all get together for this one, I think it would be alot easier with all folks talking at the same time. Maybe before or after the tank tour??

Well, this has sat long enough for all to have inputs into and I sent an email out to the BOD to let everyone know this is here, so....I propose we move forward with this as a plan for the upcoming year. We should start the planning on who will contact the speakers and how we will coordinate the transport from the airport to hotel to speaking venue, etc. This shouldn't be just one or two people. We all need to share the burdon.

Finally, I hope that the current members of the BOD will be willing to stay on for another year to keep the momentum going. Starting over...again...could be a painful process for the club. I believe Gordon plans to step down. If I remember correctly, Kim Lane wanted to do that job, so I can contact Kim if that sounds good.
Just so it doesn't look like I'm apathetic about the schedule, I haven't said anything because I have no contacts whatsoever in terms of exciting speakers and I'm a very basic set up type of guy with no DIY skills so basically any type of meeting works for me :) and I'm more than happy to defer those decisions and pick up when logistics need to be worked out.

~ Steve
I'm sorry I haven't said anything either. I'm kind of in Steve's corner with this. Heck, I didnt even know the names that Mike was tossing around to speak. My forte is not cold calling people/places; I'm happy doing anything that needs doing behind the scenes, organizing things, and helping out in any way.
Folks everyone has a talent and a certain job with the board. What we are doing here is trying to hammer out a schedule, thier is no skill or anything like that needed, just a bunch of different ideas from different folks, as per speakers we can fill in the blanks with whoever is available. Just would like to have your opinions on the month to month events. Stuff like:
Is that to many speakers??
are we incorporating to much money out event s and not enough coming in.
Is thier enough fun stuff or to much biz only

just general opinions. I can tell you that I have seen boards for this club come and go over a good period of time and this is a good one so your opinion is defiantely wanted.

OK presidencal decision here. Prior to the next meeting we all need to get togehter for a board meeting. So for the Barry's meeting lets get together a couple hours early and put some stuff ont he table. As in schedule, whos staying and whos not, corporation stuff and so on.

I think that as long as speaker topics don't overlap and we don't duplicate the same speaker say... in consecutive years, we're fine. None of the speakers that we've had have been at all boring even though some of the material can be a bit technical/scientific. I bet we'd still get great attendance at meetings if we had a speaker for every one. Unfortunately we'd probably run out of speakers pretty quickly (not mention money). So I think no more than six speakers over the course of a 12 month season with no more than two to three consecutive months of speakers is a good balance.

The tentative schedule that Reed put out looks fine to me as long as we can get speakers scheduled for those particular month.

Colleen? Since the season started and you've taken over the funds, how have we been doing on expenses vs revenue if we deduct the RF donation? Do we need more fundraising events or need to cut back on expenses? (Which remindes me, I have receipts from the Borneman meeting). Maybe we should create a speaker budget and then schedule speakers depending on what we can afford?

~ Steve
So are we still planning on getting together prior to the meeting this month?
What's your current e-mail Gordon. I sent one to the G-mail account that you said was the latest email and got no response. Sorry about that.

This is what was sent out:
Hi everyone,

Mike and I would like the entire PSAS board to have a sit down meeting at a restaraunt in the Bellevue area to hash out some of the important items that are on our plates right now. Here are the details...

When: March 19, at 4:30 PM
Where: a restaurant in Bellevue (TBD)
Who: All of the board members
Why: We can't seem to finalize things through the RF board so we need to meet face-to-face

Topics to be talked about and decided on:

  • Articles of incorporation
  • Constitution
  • ByLaws
  • Raffle Date
  • 2005-2006 Calendar
  • May Elections
Please mark your calendars for this date and reply to this message with a YES or NO to indicate whether you will be able to attend. This is an important planning meeting for the board. If we all show up ready to hammer these topics out we should be able to wrap up in a reasonable amount of time.


I don't know Bellevue, so suggestions for a restaraunt are welcome.
I just did a search and found the email. Sorry about not replying. I've been a little overwhelmed lately
There's a Chili's near BCC, I think.

Since we've had several people asking about joining again... has PSAS ever offered decreased dues for half seasons? I've always joined at the beginning of the season. Assuming the new season starts in September, we're just about at the half way point in March.

~ Steve
Chilis sounds good to me.

On the join up we would have to do what we have done for all the other folks or it wouldnt be fair. So full membership, unless I have my history wrong.

The Chili's I was thinking of is the one at the Crossroads Shopping center, just up the street from where The Fish Store used to be.

Is Barry still planning on bringing clams to raffle/sell? I seem to remember that being in the original plan. If so, do we need a tank setup?

~ Steve
No Steve he is not going to bring stock from what I understand. I will confirm that though

I tend to get lost around BCC. :D So does anyone have the address of Chili's? And what time do we want to meet?
Yep that's the address. It's in the Crossroads Shopping Center, next to the QFC and Half Price Books, if that helps.

~ Steve