2005-2006 planning thread

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Are we still looking at a tank tour for July? If so, we'd better start looking for volunteers.

~ Steve
That's why I pushed this back up. We need to meet as a board and hammer out these details very soon.
Ok, let's ask for volunteers for tank tour via evite and on the board, we can also push it at the June meeting. If we get enough people, I think it would be great to group it North/South for July & August. Even if it's only 3-5 tanks each tour, that would be cool.

I want Scott Michael for the upcoming season!!! Mike, you out there?? Can I have contact info?

Terry B....did he speak at a meeting I missed? Fish disease is always a big draw.

John Warner...even *I* understand his chemistry stuff.

Actually, if we could swing it, I'd like to combine, Terry, John and the Vendor Spotlight into a mini-conference on a Saturday afternoon/evening for the November meeting.

Steve, did you check into the Mercer Island CC to see when they would be up and running? Though I have a feeling we won't even get close to the room rate we used to have. :(

I want to look up the professor at UW Vancouver who specializes in coral reefs. Can probably give as good a presentation as Eric B. for about 1/3 of the cost. I'll look into that this weekend.

Hands on, hands on! Another frag shop, DIY workshops. We could do one on rock foundations with PVC, acrylic rods, etc and give away the LR used in the demo as a raffle.

One of the things I'd like to discuss is a bid for MACNA in 2007 (or more likely 2008). We've got the resources and the volunteer base, and I've been doing my homework. If we do it right, this could be very profitable for the club and a lot of fun, too.
Ok guys tell me when and I can meet. as far as the tank tour I dont think it will be neccesary to do north and south but to have specific times and good maps of where to be. That way the north can be from like 10:00 to 2:00 and the south can from 2:30 to 6:00 or so. In the north I would recomend jlehigh's tank which is a nice 280 inwall with a pretty cool setup. He was willing laast year and I am sure he will be wanting to this year. I think with a little organization this could be a great tank tour. Maybe for idea's make maps and have all of the vollunteers keep copies at there houses to hand out to people who come to see there tank so they dont get lost going to the next place.
Great Alice! I like the North SOuth seperate. When we went to the last one we didn't do the ones farther away because by the time you did the ones closest to you we were done and didn't make it down south. I like the split idea and I think others would too, just my two cents.

I think meeting in chat for stuff is a good idea, saves time, etc. What do you all think?
Chat's great for me. Now....who knows how to set up a separate room? I think I can figure it out, lol. I'll see if I have time tonight.
Back to the top. We need to pick our speakers and start contacting them to see if they are available and within the budget. Our budget picture should be clear after the picnic....I think, but that's Colleen's department.

I also wanted to get everyone's own thought's on what the club should be spending money on and how much. Personally, we are a non-profit, and to me that means at the end of a year we have spent about what we have taken in, unless we are looking to host a MACNA type event in the near future where we need to raise money and hold it. But this is just my own view. And since I am not the only board member, everyone needs to chime in and state what they believe so that we don't have any misunderstandings on this.
Well, when I get back to work (where I do my PSAS stuff, of course on my breaks.. :) ), I will prepare a cost sheet of what we spent for each speaker. THe one who I personally thought wasn't worth is was I think TYree, we paid for hotel, airfare and a $250 speaker fee. He's the only one who charged a speaker fee and his talk was way above my interest or understanding level. Recently they have been doing their own airfare. I think we need to look at that, as we need to get the most inexpensive as possible but still have them flying at a decent hour. What I"m thinking is they want to fly a certain airline for the miles; although if there is something cheaper I think we should go with that. I dont mind a hotel, we can't force them to stay with someone here. Speaker fee, they better be really good to pay that, since everyone we have had except for one does it for free.

I'll post a list of which speakers cost what by next Wednesday.

Also, I believe we have less money now than when I took over the books, so expenses for the remainder of the year would have to balance out with raffle funds; etc. We need to be careful with that as I dont think we should spend more each year than we bring in; always have that reserve in case of MACNA or what have you. I have no idea what that would even cost.

colleen, when you speak of reserves for macna, are you connotating the potential of us hosting a meeting?
also, did we ever have the phd from uw give a lecture on corals? that sounds exciting, considering that he's probably involved in current research, and probably cheap to free in price :)
I have no idea about Macna whatsoever. I was just meaning I really dont want to see us spend more than we take in. If we do that routinely, it will look like my financial status. The hosting a Macna has been talked about a little. ALice was looking into it last I heard.
We are coming to the end of a very successful year with a few top notch speakers so I think at the end of this next meeting we should be evenand that will be ok. Also I think macna will make a ton of money in the end. we just need to get some new members and push more local stores to offer discounts so people want to become members more.
Sorry to intrude on your thread folks, but I thought this might be important. On the issue of speaker expences, just so it is known. Steve tyree only charged us for the sir flight that we got for him. The speaker Colleen is refering to was Eric Borneman and his presentation was on where corals live in the wild, this presentation was the most attended speaker event.
Something to think about in your future speakers. The majority of speakers have always stayed at my home and I have taken them out for breakfast, lunch and dinners for thier stay. these costs always came out of my pocket. In the future you should keep in mind that you are going to have to house all these folks, and either have someone go ouot and make sure they are taken care of, or be ready to re-emburse them for all thier expences while here for us. Judging by rumblings amungst the speakers that do presentations at clubs they are all going to be charging fee's as they are having a hard time justifing the trips. And also thier is alot more compitition between clubs in getting them.

Side not on the macna's. The boston macna had a budget of around $500,000 the one in Washington this year is somewhere around $400,000. You are never going to save enough money to even put a dent into the cost. If its your ultimate goal you are going to work it so it pays for and finances itself as you undertake it.

i think it only seems fair that they be paid for their time, not just travel cost, i mean how long can you take time out of your schedule to go visit clubs gratis?? not very long me thinks.
and the competition between clubs for those speakers probably means they will be taking the highest dollar bidders as well, unless they already have a flat fee.
it might be a good idea to start a list of members who would be able to accomodate a speaker at their home, too. it would be difficult to match mike's hospitality, but im sure some of us could make a speaker comfortable in nice surroundings. (ie; not my crappy little house with three dogs jumping on you and dust on everything)
That's a good idea Mark, and I also think we need to face the reality that we are at a turning point...If we want to maintain the level of speakers we have had, then we need to either find people to host and entertain them or increase our income to cover the costs. This can be accomplished through several means:

  • increase dues to offset costs
  • get stores/businesses to sponsor a speakers visit (or cover some of the costs in exchange for advertising)
  • figure out some form of fundraising (I don't know anything about this option)
  • reduce the number of speakers to maintain the high caliber
  • go to secondary caliber speakers to decrease costs and maintain the number of speakers
That's my initial reaction. It is going to be extremely difficult (impossible) to maintain the level and number of speakers without doing different.
Oh just on a side not on the eric B meeting that we paid the 250 bucks for his presentation, I did have SWC pay for the whole airfare so he could do a book signing in conjunction with thier sale after the meeting. So his cost turned out to be less then the other speakers if you minus out the airfare and put in the speaker fee.

On another note most speakers are not going to stay in someones house, specially if they are a stranger.

Reed you are already touching on what I was thinking. I think we need to keep the same high level but become more active in raising money. I think it is time to get out to stores with cards for the psas and try to advertize more and get more members. Every speaker should have a sponsor store and we need to get active in finding these. Right now we are raffling great stuff but Why not do more. How about we get ahold of a skimmer or reactor and do an online auction. I am sure we could get a few hundred out of a good sized skimmer. Lets start thinking of ways to make money and not ways to reduce quality. I want this to be Nordstroms not Kmart.
I looked at the finances today as I said I was and yes it was Borneman that charged the fee; he was the only one. Averaged the airfare to $350 per speaker. Figure $80/night hotel; usually paid two nights. If we pay a fee and meals; we obviously need to increase revenue or what reserve we had will be gone in one year. I wasn't meaning I thought our few thousand bucks was covering or would cover anything; just meant we should keep something in reserve. And yes, I was going to mention that SWC paid for the airfare.