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Ive changed the MH bulbs to Radium 20Ks only after fighting with some Helios since early December. Ive also changed my VHO's to 72" driven by an icecap 660. Instead of a 430. I took the 430 and upgraded my T-5s to 60".
Some pics.
Some of the pics are more colorful than others due to my messing with the AWB on the camera. The more colorful ones are a more true interpretation of the corals. Of course pics never do a tank justice.






Looks good, Duane. Lots of colorful new additions. :) (and it's true what you said...photos don't do justice to your nice tank)
Wow Duane the tank is lookin awesome! Its really "filled in" during the last 5 months. How many fish do you have in there?

Likin the radium 20ks? Ive been really happy with mine.

Thanks everyone. It seems that ever since Ive wiped out the AEFW's things are growing faster and coloring up nicely as well.
Of course there is always something going on in the tank that keeps me on my toes. :rolleyes:

classclown said:
I'll be calling on you soon for help, so standby..
You just be sure to give me a few days notice when those babies have you whooped up and you think you can't go on. We cant let your reef suffer from parenthood too much.

jezzeaepi said:
How many fish do you have in there? Likin the radium 20ks?
Right now, 10, I just removed the pair of maroon clowns to the fuge. Im debating on adding a different spieces of clowns or some mid water swimmers(4-6 anthias or chromis??). My coral beauty must get out ASAP as well. Its an acro nipper. :mad:

sgwill122 said:
I need to come by for a visit some day to see it in person.
Anytime you can get away from family life and feel you have a few extra minutes, let me know.
how are those dendros treating you? Looking good..

For some reason the duncans and dendros are mad today. I was messing with flow the other day due to a new vortech (ya, I couldnt wait) and I'm assuming they are all getting used to it. Other than that, I keep force feeding them into happiness.;)
I guess my next question then is...how the heck is that new vortech treating you, ya damn reef junky :)
It went back to the manufacturer yesterday. Just my luck, I got the one in a million one with an out of balance magnet drive or bent shaft. It growled like a metallic gear drive.
Other than that, I can see why everyone likes them. Very low profile and ease of controllability. I has more pull than push when it comes to water movement. At least in my tank with a million nozzels and powerheads.
how do you wipe out AEFW's??
A year and a half of watching, learning and then you nuke them!!

No, really, melafix dips until you think theyre' gone and then when you think you have tem beat, dip again, then when your sure you have them beat dip again. I carefully inspect my acros every other day for bite marks even after two months of THINKING I have them beat. Im tempted to dip some again just to be sure.
Hey trido, I am about to pull the trigger on two of the vortecs. I have too heard there great if you get good ones, but the defective ones are out there and there's quite a few on store shelves.
Was the warranty honored by Icecap, or did you return it to the retailer?
Where did you buy it, and have you got your new one yet?