210 shark/reef tank

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A small update.

I got some corals from two online vendors. One was Reefer Madness and the other was Reef Hot Spot. Both were terrific and the corals look grea. My parents are back from vacation so i have teh camera again so i'll snap some pics for you guys.

Also i may be buying another shark but this one is about double the size of the one i have now. It looks great and the price is a little on the high side but i know that if i wait around it will be gone so i may pick it up today.

I am slowly expanding my SPS (Montipora) collection. As of right now all of my Frags look great and my plating Montipora has started to fuse itself to my rocks which is awesome. My Digitata is doing okay. Its not fusing itself to th rocks but the polyps are out and it isn't bleaching so i imagine that this makes for a good sign. Saturday i picked up a beautiful large piece of blue Encrusting Montipora. The color is great, but i wish the polyps were a different color, but hey beggars can't be choosers. My Green slimer has really started to sprout. Its growing three new branches already and they are almost an inch long. Its really awesome to see my sps doing well. after a few months i will try something harder but right now i like the way the Montis are doing.

I will have pics later on so don't worry.
Okay i got the shark and he is a rather big boy. Now my mom has to find her camera. She thinks she might have left it at the place they were staying in Florida. I am gonna go buy a camera for myself and get one that will really be good for taking pictures. For the time being though i took pictures old school with a roll of film and i dropped it off last night to get it developed so it should be done today and i asked for it on a disk so that i could upload it and show you guys. Hopefully by later this evening i will have something for you guys.
Love the tank build. If only my hubby would let me...oh wait, I am the boss! Anyway, do you use photobucket for you pictures?

You upload there and then click on the IMG box. It will highlight your link and hit CTR C to copy. Then CTR V to paste into your post. We would be able to see the pics much better than with the thumbnails.

You can open another window with CTR N and type www.photobucket.com into the address bar. Then toggle back and forth between the two with ALT+TAB.

Here is an example.

Custom built 22 gallon sump.


Hey guys,

Its been a long time since i have posted on here. A lot has happened in the past few weeks. For starters i got Married on 5/26/07 which was a real high point for me. Less than a week after i got married i lost my wedding band in the ocean out in Mexico. I went scuba diving and snorkeling in Mexico. It was my first time scuba diving and certainly will not be my last. I was only 30 feet underwater but it was great. Most of the stuff i saw on the reef i have seen in my LFS and people's tanks on here.

Now for the really bad news.

My 210 cracked and broke open Sunday Afternoon. It cracked in the front from side to side. It flodded my mother in laws basement and i lost about half of my fish. Mainly my large fish like my tangs, trigger, porkfish, and my shark. My wrasses, clowns and corals have some what survived. Only time will really tell though. My tank was still under warranty so i will get a new on Friday for free but now the question is do i want to set it up again. This really hit me hard. The amount of money i invested into the tank and the livestock that i lost. Its hard to try and get back into the swing of things. I have all of the Live rock in buckets with pumps and heaters so hopefully that will all be okay.

I am afraid to start up my tank again to be honest. The cause of the tank crash was due to to being slightly off level. This was due to the shims that i used to level my tank in the begining compressed over time and caused the tank to get off level by about a 1/8 of an inch. I am afraid that this could happen again. My in-laws say to set it up again and so does my wife. I just can't go through something like this again. I mean if it was my house then maybe but since we are moving in for right now i am still living in their house even though they say its my house too in the end its theirs.

I'm not on here as much as i use to be due to work but i will drop by here and there just thought i'd update you guys.

Congrats firstly on getting married Nick! :D About the tank...Sorry to hear :doubt: Gabby and I were actually just talking about you last night saying we haven't seen you online in a while. Whatever you decide to do, do what you feel comfortable with. Taking a break isn't so bad sometimes. I've been without a tank for many months now and I'm sure eventually, I'll have another one back up. Sometimes you just need to step back and take a breather. Enjoy your new life man...The hobby isn't going anywhere. :)
Nick, what a complete bummer. I'm so sorry for you. :cry:

Was this a glass or acrylic tank that cracked on you?
Thanks a lot guys,

I have pics that i'll have to show you guys later.


It was an All-Glass standard 210. It basically split from the lower left corner to the upper right.

Thanks again guys.
I think getting married in May is bad mojo for tanks. My anniversary is only two days after yours (I was married may 28, 2000) and on my honeymoon my overflow lost suction and my tank became a lovely waterfall in the carpeted living room! :shock:

Anyway, it's tough being a young couple and not having your own place and trying to reef. It's been a rather sore spot that we've lost the damage deposit twice due to the aquarium. I actually have stopped reefing for 3 years now and am in the process of building a new house (concrete floors in the office and a utility room right behind it!) Soon, there will be reef.

It is tough with these catastrophic losses. I wept like a baby. You've got it even tougher being in the in-laws... I don't know man, don't piss off the in-laws! :cool:

Anyway, good luck with whatever you do!
ohhhh wow im sorry to hear that about the tank and the ring...but look on the bright side your wife is giving you the thumbs up to set the tank up again :) so you better run with it
Well my new tank is set to arrive and get setup tomorrow afternoon. I guess i'm gonna give it another try. I'll start filling it with RODI water tomorrow evening if all goes well.

Good thing about this is that i get to go through the fun of reaquascaping my tank again and a brand new fish selection. The shark is definately coming back and so is the blue tang. Everything else though is kinda up in the air for me.

I'll keep you guys posted.
congrats on the marriage dood!!!! :D
ya , like Krish said we were wondering what happened to you :).
i'm very sorry to hear about your tank :(, take your time to think what you really want dood :) and i know work is taking tons of your time but don't forget about us dood :).
Hey if the in laws say ..go ahead with the tank, then just do it :D...but invite them dinner to some nice steak house or something:p:D...i know that if I was living with Dark Fader (in law) and floded her house, she'd b.... at me like there's no tomorrow :lol:, so you're lucky .
About the wedding ring, don't feel bad ...you're still married with or without a ring :D....or at least that's what i say because mine doesn't fit in my fingers since the time i got pregnant :lol::p.
I am going to go with only two tangs. A Convict and a Blue Tang. Both were my favs. I was thinking of a Powder blue but i never have good luck with them. I have three wrasses at the LFS that survived that are coming back. My two pairs of clowns (perculas and GSM) They are coming back. I think thats about as far as my list goes with the Exception of the Shark. So since i am getting a shark the lionfish is going to be able to go in the tank unfortunately.

I'll keep you guys posted as things progress. I got a few pics of the busted tank so i will post them up here some time soon.

Tank got delivered and "Proffesionally installed by the owner of My LFS. I feel a lot safer now.

I did take pics of the old cracked tank with duct tape over the crack but can't post it since i am at work. I will have to do it at home.

I have started to fill my tank with RODI water so in about 4 days it should be full. I started yesterday around 1PM and its about a 1/4 of the way full. So i'm guessing that at 60GPD it should be full by Thursday. I am going to my LFS today to pick up 4 peppermint shrimp to eat some apstasia that i have sitting on some LR that i have in a 20 gallon tank. Hopefully they will eliminate them all before i add the rock back into the tank.

talk to you guys later.
I feel like my 55 gallon is too big for me sometimes.. Good luck with that man.
One day when I get a house, I will try to convince my wife to get a huge tank.. maybe I will need you guys help in convincing her.
Well my new tank has been up and running for about 4 days now. I aquascaped the rock on Friday and added the sand. Saturday the fish went back in and Sunday all of my corals went back in. Water has been tested and everything is looking great. I have no internet at home right now or else i would post pics. Hopefully after the Cable company comes out today everything will be fixed. I hate that the internet hardly ever works there.

Anyways i can't wait to show you guys the aquascaping. I really like the way i went with it this time.

I know i rushed a lot of this but only time is gonna tell how everything does.

If i have the net back tonight i will post pics! I don't have a lot but we'll see.