240 Donkey Tank

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Thanks everyone, come check it out next time you're in the wilderness of north King County.

Hope to have some more pictures soon. I have a pearly jawfish who has finally completed his QT and will be going in the tank this weekend. I also have two double-saddle butterflies that have been in QT (hyposalinity treatment) for three months and are finally ready to go in the display as well. But first I'm going to throw some frags in their tank and see if they chew them up like a rabid dog or just ignore them.

Also I will probably be upgrading to 400W halides in the near future. My 250's are mounted too far off the water surface.
Great looking tank! Glad to see all the planning worked out well. I remember this one when it just a planning thread....nice to see it come together for you.

Now just take your time in stocking it and you'll have a spectacular tank!

Great looking tank! Glad to see all the planning worked out well. I remember this one when it just a planning thread....nice to see it come together for you.

Now just take your time in stocking it and you'll have a spectacular tank!


Thanks Reed. One thing I've learned is that patience is the key to success. I can't tell you how many times I have to "slap" my wife and friends for saying "come on, you need more fish!", and "when are you going to put some more fish in there? Look at the size of that tank!"

Well my butterflies have been in QT for 3 months, get used to it guys :)
Now that the cold weather has set in, I can see where most of my 4 gallons of evaporation per day is going... onto my windows in the form of condensation. They are dripping like a steamy sauna. The house doesn't feel that much warmer, but it must be more humid.

Here's a picture of my yellow watchman goby. I didn't buy him a pistol shrimp as a companion so he chose the next best thing. Well, I don't know if it's true symbiosis going on here, but they are inseparable.

It's a beauty, wish my spouse would take over every once in awhile and let me sit around, supervise and drink a beer! Lucky you!

Well at any given moment on a weekend there is a 35% probability I will have a beer in my hand. That goes up to 55% after 11am.

No new pictures to share at this moment but I'll give a status update...

I have had some setbacks in the QT realm. I lost my jawfish due to a presumed praziquantel overdose, and both of my beloved tank-raised double saddle butterflies who so valiantly fought ich and were due to be put in the display in only a matter of days. I'll spare the details but it was a heartbreaking loss. I really liked those guys. Normally if a fish can make it to the display he does great. I just seem to have a problem getting them in there.

I had held off on putting the butterflies in because I decided to treat the tank with Flatworm Exit. I've done this twice now and it seems to kill 95% of the little bastards, but there are always some stragglers that live to fight another day. I was nervous about the treatment, but there were no ill-effects on either occasion, other than my hydnophora getting really pissed off. Anyway I think I may have a nutrient problem, as I am having some brown cyano (I think) growing on my rocks. And flatworms feed on detritus. My fuge is only 40 gallons, and half of that is taken up with a DSB. And this is for a 240 gallon tank. I may add an auxiliary fuge. My nitrates and phosphates read zero but hair algae is about in the fuge (thankfully) and cyano is starting to grow in the main tank. Maybe a bigger fuge will help.

I am also thinking of adding one of the new ATI Bubblemaster skimmers. This should help pull out some extra junk, if I can figure out how to fit the damn thing into my sump (internal models only at this point).

Last week I moved up to 400W 10K Hamilton bulbs. My acros are brown, and one theory is that my 250W bulbs were too far off the surface (12"). The tank is 24" deep, so it could be they're not receiving enough light. I'll see if this changes things. I am not planning to add any more acros until I can be sure I can get them to color up. My fish load is small, I wonder if they need more poop to thrive? Maybe my little girl can help with that...

Also the tank (or rather my Aquacontroller) woke me up at 5:00am this morning. It's funny how the baby can wake up at 5am and I either kick my wife, or just go back to sleep. After all she's got to learn to sleep through the night, right? Well if the tank alarm goes off at 5am I'm out of bed and running around the crawlspace in my underwear in 30 seconds flat. As usual it turned out to be my ORP alarm. Usually my ORP ranges between 370 and 390 but it was up to 415. Usually this means its time to clean the probe. How nice of the tank to inform me of this at 5am.

My next planned addition is an Achilles tang and a spotted mandarin. Difficult fish but I'm hoping a well-aerated and high flow 8' long tank with lots of swimming room will provide a good environment.

Thanks for reading, my wife is tired of my talking about the tank so I have to vent somewhere.
Sounds like a good vent, sometimes people who can relate is easier to talk tank with, talking to my wife abut it is like talking to a wall:lol:

On your lighting, 12" of air shouldn't be the problem but rather at that height the reflectors aren't made to focus light into the tank at that height, try 9" next time or get the LIII's which 12" is ideal.

I'm not going to say anything about fuges because I feel if you can do without your better off but that is just a me thing.

On the alarm, well that is my greatest fear, all the water on the new laminate flooring, that is no shocker.:eek:
On your lighting, 12" of air shouldn't be the problem but rather at that height the reflectors aren't made to focus light into the tank at that height, try 9" next time or get the LIII's which 12" is ideal.

Actually I do have the LIII minis. It is a mystery.
i have a question:confused:. This doesnt really have to do with your tank, but if you put a non-hardy fish in QT wouldnt that somewhat stress it out? i know it would be happy in the main tank but what about the QT that is (usually) alot smaller?


Yes, the smaller size of a QT tank may bring some stress to fish. However, if they are likely to "Stress-Out" over that, they most likely wouldn't last in our tanks to begin with... and its much easier taking care of a fish in a QT, that it would be in our main displays.
Oh boy now thats donkey style,cool set up it makes it hard for me to think when i see a good looking set up another nice tank! A master peice:cool:
i have a question:confused:. This doesnt really have to do with your tank, but if you put a non-hardy fish in QT wouldnt that somewhat stress it out? i know it would be happy in the main tank but what about the QT that is (usually) alot smaller?

Yes, the smaller size of a QT tank may bring some stress to fish. However, if they are likely to "Stress-Out" over that, they most likely wouldn't last in our tanks to begin with... and its much easier taking care of a fish in a QT, that it would be in our main displays.

I have to agree with Ed on this one. Although I've had a string of bad luck lately it's better than the alternative, i.e. causing problems in the main tank.

As for the Achilles, I'll be putting him in a 55 gallon QT with a couple powerheads. Something tells me he wouldn't be impressed with either my 10 or 29 gallon.
wow - just caught this thread. I love the under the house idea. I tried a variation of this which was "out in the garage" which has worked really well for me, but this one gives me some new ideas to :) :) :) .

Slick - shot you a pm for advice on the aquacontroller.

Thanks... come check it out next time you're in Woodinville! After all I have to show all this work off to someone.

There's no way I could have fit all this crap under a stand.