426gal L shape build

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what are you doing@!...

lets not get stupid im enjoying your thread.... but instead of showing off your beautiful house show me that beautiful azz tank and super badd azz plumbin setup!
well most everything is on hold at house now, for get this, the city gas inspector to come out. We have been waiting 3 weeks now for a 5 minute visit. So no driveway till then. By the way if it wasnt for the city out here, this house would have been done last September..... They are always fast to take my money, they just dont want to return the favor.
well all the gas is straight now, and pending no rain driveway should go in this week! Finally found a L coach we liked that will go well opposite the tank. Just no where to have it delivered to.......Im pulling my hair out over here for it all to be done
spent all weekend building the deck, its all done except the railings which is great! All plumbing fixtures just went in so should have water running today. We now have 2 cracked windows so those have to be replaced, bring total up to 4 broke windows, one of which was our grand archway window that wasnt cheap.

Small stuff like towel racks and mirrors are all going in today.

We were lucky enough to finally! find our perfect couch. Its a large L shape couch made from this terry cloth feeling material almost. We have been looking for nearly 4 months and either liked the feel but not the look or vice versa. We were also lucky enough that the center table and 2 end tables matched our other furniture perfectly so bought the whole room set up. Not sure what you call them, but our entire table has a top that pivots up and over your lap while your sitting down, very cool.

Still no driveway, it rained about 3 inches sunday/monday so yard is drying out still.

Started ordering tank parts, trying to get some stuff used to ease the wallet pains, found 4 lumanarcs and a Deltec AP702 im trying to get. Also digging around for a sequence CL pump for a good deal.

New pics this weekend
congratulations on the house, everything looks very nice. I hope it brings much peace and joy to you and your family.
Well its been a while since ive updated anything. Just got back from a nice week in vegas doing some work. Since my last post the following has happened.

City finally came out and hooked us into the sewage and water line. Then while waiting for the city to inspect their own work, some decided to steal the driveway company's bobcat. During this time we thought they just picked it back up. Couple weeks pass by and poof the bobcat shows back up with a sorry for the inconvenience note attached. Driveway people still dont start the drive way so they get canned and new company gets called in. Small stuff like wallpaper and windows cleaned of paint overspray get done right before we leave for vegas, and the yard gets graded. Final hook ups for water is done, and now we have running water!

In the time we are gone in vegas (week) most of the driveway is completed and ac unit and gas unit installed.

Now all we need is rest of driveway a mailbox from brick and carpet upstairs installed and we can move in. IF all goes well i see no reason we shouldnt be in by this weekend....



Something im particularly happy about

Master bath

Upstairs guest bath

downstairs half bath
The house looks nice.

Is there going to be a space behind the tank or a fish room to the side of it ???
havent updated in a while, been to stressed over this house to post up. We had nothing left to be done before inspections except several lights installed and a thermostat. After a week of not hearing from out elec, we found out he had 2 heart attacks and had to have surgery. Of course he is a one man show so another employee to finish was out of question. No other electrician would touch the house until we were relinquished from out contract. This took several weeks....

Finally new elec comes out knocks out whats left of the work in a half a day, then inspectors start to show up. Passed plumbing, then failed mechanical/hvac because we didnt have sediment trap(no idea what that is) We then proceed to fail elec because we only have a 6' ladder on site instead of a 8'.

No really he failed us over this. He was also so mad that we had furniture moved in that he complained to the city. Keep in mind there was 3 rooms with furniture pilled into the centers of room with tarps over them, it was clear no one lived there.

So this weekend i got to go back out there and "move" stuff out of the house that we had moved in, out to the garage because of this one jerk. Hvac people came out and charged the ac units so we have ac now!

Trying to keep my head up, all remaining inspectors are scheduled for today, including occupancy, so if we pass all, we move in tonight. Our painters have not showed 4 times now to paint the base boards and touch up spots. Going to be irritated if we can move in and cant put any furniture against any of the walls. At this point i have no excitement left...

Ive also begun cutting all the pieces for the L tank, and will start assembly in the next month.
We then proceed to fail elec because we only have a 6' ladder on site instead of a 8'.
This is weak. He should have his expectations available in writing, if he wants to play that game. Or... do like the rest of us, carry his own tools.

He was also so mad that we had furniture moved in that he complained to the city. Keep in mind there was 3 rooms with furniture pilled into the centers of room with tarps over them, it was clear no one lived there.
Unfortunately, this is totally valid, so you may want to take a deep breath and let it go. I work in construction (ironically in fire alarms), and recognize that piles of furniture are great places for fires to climb vertically. The whole reason he has to OK the electrical is to assure it's not a fire hazard, and to put the makings of a bonfire right in the middle of his inspection would have probably set off any inspector. Granted, lots of inspectors seem to grow a God Complex, and like to make sure you understand they're "the man" and you're not... but this part was just him doing his job. The frustrating part is that he couldn't just explain this to you, but rather wring you up for it. Like... we're all people, why can't we talk to each other?

Stay strong! Finish is always frustrating. You have a beautiful house in a beautiful part of the country. While they can pound out my tract home in about 8 weeks, patience will prove worthwhile in your case. Just click your heels three times and say "There's no place like the home I'll soon be living in...." :)
Yes, agreed if it shouldnt have been in there, why couldnt he just tell us so. he had said nothing about it while he was out, we had to find out from the builder, who only found out from a angry call from the city. we are reasonable people, and would have acted accordingly.

Ive instructed my wife to dress scantily while inspectors are out today. She is also prepared to cry if necessary, those inspectors wont know what hit them...i hope
Yes, agreed if it shouldnt have been in there, why couldnt he just tell us so. he had said nothing about it while he was out, we had to find out from the builder, who only found out from a angry call from the city. we are reasonable people, and would have acted accordingly.

Ive instructed my wife to dress scantily while inspectors are out today. She is also prepared to cry if necessary, those inspectors wont know what hit them...i hope

The electrical inspector probably fought with his wife before work and you paid the price. It happens.
Your scantily clad wife will likely help your cause.

Your almost done.....