looking nice....I see several large angels in this tank's future (that is if you decide to go that route)
I suppose I should attach my tentative stocking list for you guys :typing: Current fish are spread out between a few holding tanks and my DT. Most of the big fish I already have, only a few that are still in the works. I'm big into the tang community tanks and I'm trying to gather everything before go-time so that new fish can be introduced in the proper order, but still have time to go through my quarantine procedures. I would really like to integrate a few angels - I already have my Navarchus, hopefully I've got a deal going on the Asfur, and I'm searching for a decent sized, healthy, Red Sea Regal.
Stock List, what I have....
-Achilles Tang 7-8"
-Lieutenant Tang -7-8"
-Desjardini Sailfin - 8"
-Sohal Tang - 5-6"
-Powder Blue Tang - 5"
-Purple Tang x3
-Yellow Tang x5
-Blonde Naso male 6"
-Fowleri Tang 7"
-Kole Tang 4"
-Bicolor Foxface 7"
-Female bipartitus wrasse 3.5"
-Cleaner Wrasse 3.5"
-Quoyi Parrot 6.5"
-Lyretail Anthias 1 male, 3 females
-Black Clowns x2
-Blue Chromis x2
-Juvenile Navarchus Angel 2"
Lots of fish, I know. What I have, stays. Please help me narrow down the list of possible additions (if the new tank isn't stocked as it is
). I'm looking at a heavier stocking (obviously), and I'll note my reservations/concerns in this next list. I consider myself to be very experienced in the fish side of things, so don't be shy about hard to keep species.
What I am considering....
-Orange Shoulder Tang
-Chevron Tang
-Tomini Tang
-Fathead Sunburst Anthias (Pair)
-Red Sea Regal Angel
-Asfur Angel (found one, pending...)
-Squareback Anthias (single male? pair? group?)
-Black Tang/black hybrid/abberant scopas (if I can find one for a reasonable price...)
-Butterfly (of sorts... group? pair? considering yellow pyramid, yellow longnose. I think the tank is going to be too active for a copperband)
-Centropyge pair (open to suggestions on species)
-Radiant wrasse