Small update
Well, the pumps to redo the close loops have been ordered and should be here this week. The valves have arrived. The necessary plumbing minus the obligatory 12 trips to Lowes are also here. Looking for a good day to swap it all out in the next few weeks.
Anyone looking to buy two 1.5" diameter Hayward motorized valves already wired to a timer???
I added 12 female lyretail anthias and a male and after less than 4 days only 2 females and the male remain. Only 2 bodies came out as the rest were under the rocks. Because of the 10 decaying bodies, I now have algae in lots of places. Had nothing before it. On a positive side, if you can even call it that, the skimmer has started to make a significant amount of skimmate :badgrin: :badgrin:

:lol: :lol:
The cabinetry guy should be here this week to start the cabinetry work. I am really looking forward to this part as I am sure is my wife. Still going back and forth wondering if I should add some VHO to the mix. So far the radiums are coloring the brown stick farm.
I was able to find a pool sotrage container to house the chiller. I changed my mind about 7 times as to where I was going to put it and finally came back to the original plan of right outside of the garage. I have to relocate some valves in the sump and move the chiller before I run the pipes to the outside. Given that it has been pretty cool here lately, I have not had a lot of motivation to get this done. Also, I needed some new valves to get it done. The carbon and PO4 removing media should go in after the chiller gets done and the skimmer is relocated as well. In reality, I will redo the close loops first, get the valves in the sump redone, plumb the chiller in, and then do the rest of the reactors.
Finding time to get all this done is a challenge, but it has to be done in the next month because I am hosting one of my local club's meetings at my place and I want to ahve it all done by then.
Added a couple of fish too. Found a very healthy and colorfull looking achilles tang and a desjardini tang. Also added the biggest mandarin goby I have seen to date. It is the seize of a ford focus!!!! Given the tank is so big and there is so much rock, food source should not be an issue. I hope to find him a female in about 9 months for him to "get jigi with it".
More to come as I get more accomplished.