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RedEyeReef said:

Where do you order from?

I have a friend at a wholeseller facility.

I am going to try another wholeseller in Miami, that way we can pick the bigger ones personally rather than relying on shipping them from across the country.
Alberto, I'm sorry to hear of your problems because of the worms. I only have a 180 fish only tank, but I have always quarantined any new fish. I then had peace of mind when adding it to my main tank. I have read it is advisable to even quarantine corals. Have you considered this as a option?
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jimspirit said:
Alberto, I'm sorry to hear of your problems because of the worms. I only have a 180 fish only tank, but I have always quarantined any new fish. I then had peace of mind when adding it to my main tank. I have read it is advisable to even quarantine corals. Have you considered this as a option?

I have not done this myself, but after reading everyone’s post about fish / corals I think I will be setting up a quarantine tank for fish / corals as I don't want to deal with this kind of stuff in my 600gal Display...

asnatlas said:
I have not done this myself, but after reading everyone’s post about fish / corals I think I will be setting up a quarantine tank for fish / corals as I don't want to deal with this kind of stuff in my 600gal Display...

That would be wise. I would for sure if I was to start again from scratch like you have the opportunity. I already dip everything in interceptor, but now will also add levimasole to the list.


The coral masacre seems to have taken a significant slow down, if not an end. I had added 3 yellow coris, 2 pipefish, and 2 longnose hawkfish in hopes that they would decimate the acro eating flatworm population. I can't say that I ahve seen them do anything at all, but the yellow coris do looks "busy". I have been blasting the "sick looking corals" a couple of times hoping the flatworm would get loose and the fish would eat them in mid stream too. I have a hard time accepting that after loosing so many corals it was that simple to get rid of them:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

Some people have asked me about the skimmer. I must say that although I have had some questions about the stone's bubble sizes and such, the skimmer is performing quite well. I get a lot of black stinky crud from it. So in conclusion, it was a good purchase I don't see "upgrading" or changing anytime soon.

My algae bloom from a couple of weeks back is also receading. There is dyctiopia growing now that my old naso tang used to not allow to grow, but since he bit the dust a while back it has made a come back. As much as I hate to add another "large" fish to the tank, I may end u getting another to take care of this algae specificly. I will likely also get a few more urchins to help out mow the lawn in there.

Fish are doing very well. They are all pretty much eating Spectrum pellets and frozen foods. I wished I was not so lazy so I could feed them frozen foods more often too.

I am getting a few new corals tomorrow from a LFS that is getting some incredible gorgeous corals. I may post a few pictures later on tomorrow or friday. he tank looks so bare now it is sad.
Well, I have been wanting to upgrade my already awesome digital camera (Nikon 995). Finally I took the plunged and treated myself to a nice christmas present. I got a new Canon Digital Rebel XT camera with the 18-55mm lens. Also got a macro lens, the Canon 100 mm F2.8. This thing is awesome to say the least. I took a few shots tonite of fish I have never been able to photograph. Not only was I able to take a picture, but look how they came out in the first try. I will apologize because I did not clean the glass or turned off the pumps before I took the shots. I definately need to play around with the settings and get a better feel for the camera.








Wow Alberto the one of the Regal Angel in particular is excellent ! I can't believe how well you were able to photograph the Fairy Wrasse, those guys are some of the most difficult fish to get a clear pic of, I know I've tried:D
Wow! Awesome pics!! Your fish look really really good. Corals look great, too!
nice thread although when u said i wish i could be bother to feed them frozen food more offten do u say this cause frozen food is better (imo) why spend all that money on equipment that everyone drules over to not feed your fish properly imo again very nice tank im sure its everyones dream to havea system that big or bigger
Alberto, you have a fantastic tank. have you thrown together your website yet... I was toying with puttin some loops in my 180g. but after your compeling post on streams.. i am gonna wait for the vortech's....

see ya round. does geosreef build custom skimmers of any type... i want to build a recirc skimmer... kind of like a reefmania model....

I will email him... see ya online...
morgan said:
nice thread although when u said i wish i could be bother to feed them frozen food more offten do u say this cause frozen food is better (imo) why spend all that money on equipment that everyone drules over to not feed your fish properly imo again very nice tank im sure its everyones dream to havea system that big or bigger

The reason I say I wished I did feed frozen more often is because I believe in giving variety, and the more the better. It is tediuos though to get some frozen foods, thaw them, and such, so I don't do it as often as I wished I did (2-3 times per day. I di feed Spectrum pellets 4 times per day now with my automatic feeder and in addition I do feed the frozen foods 2-4 times per week. It is very hard to tell from those pictures or most how fat the fish actually already are though.

Alberto, you have a fantastic tank. have you thrown together your website yet... I was toying with puttin some loops in my 180g. but after your compeling post on streams.. i am gonna wait for the vortech's....

see ya round. does geosreef build custom skimmers of any type... i want to build a recirc skimmer... kind of like a reefmania model....

I did do a website (www.dgasmd.org) but have not updated it much at all. I ahve to also correct a few minor things in the site like the font sizes and screen sizes as well. I do hope to do a major revision of it by the end of the year.

Streams are a great option if you don't mind looking at them and in relatively smaller tanks. When you get to tanks this big and you ahve to use 8-10, it is not cost effective and cumbersome too with more wires all over the place than bellsouth!!

As far as the skimmer goes, GEO can build you anything you want. Just contact him and tell him what you want. He has not updated his website for a long long time due to problems with the previous webmaster (disappered from the earth) and a few other issues, but I think he likely has and makes more equipment than pretty much every other manufacturer combined. Drop him a line and tell him I sent you.:D

Thanks to all for the nice comments.
wow!!! amazing man. the shots will only get better as you learn about your camera

what you doing w/ the 995?? interested in selling it to me? :D

Lunchbucket said:
wow!!! amazing man. the shots will only get better as you learn about your camera

what you doing w/ the 995?? interested in selling it to me? :D


I am likely to continue to use the Nikon for most dail things as it an awesome little camera. Their macro capabilities are far superior than many cameras with a few thousand dollars worth lenses on it. Plus, my wifes always seems to leave town with it and the kids when I need to use a camera for something :D :D

Check on ebay. They come up from time to time.
The Regal and Moorish Idol look fantastic! I'm glad that you'e able to keep two of the most beautiful and delicate fish in your system. Its truly a testament to your husbandry and the health and stability of your system that they are doing so well.

I know you said you obtained the MI from a local reefer and had weaned it onto prepared foods, but where did you get the Regal from?

With regards to the new camera....I have a little photo assignment for you....
Take a picture of at least one of every fish in your system....trying to catch the fairy wrasses and all the Anthias will be a good work out on your new camera, and will give us all some fantastic eye candy in the mean time.

In the constructive criticism department, try going to manual focus on the corals, and use a smaller F-stop (Apperature Value/AV on your Canon) for a greater depth of field. A smaller F-stop is actually a larger number, and will reduce the amount of light reaching the CMOS sensor, which will in turn increase the shutter speed required to take a properly exposed image. Which in turn means you might need a tripod. Good job in the fish shots...moving targets are always tough to hit...
