A 750g SPS system is born

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Scooterman said:
Mine jumped at night, more than once.

Funny. When the lights go out on this tank, there is not a single fish to be seen anywhere. And I mean anywhere. I stood there the other night and looked for like 10 min and could not see a single one of them. Maybe that is a good thing. :D :D
Give them a few months I have confidence :D

Sorry for saying that but those suckers jump, they just do, I wish you better luck with yours though.
Alberto, Have you just hought about getting some eggcrate from Lowes or HD or something? It allows about 99% of the light through, and can be easily ziptied together if yourtank is wider than the eggcrate segments. The only drawback is thats its not the prettiest thing in the world....
But its cheaper than replacing fish...


Well, it seems this project is coming to completeion. At least for the equipment part. Then comes the hardest part of all: growing the livestock. I have completed re-doing the close loops to take out the actuated ball valves and replace them with 2 additional pumps. The added flow has been very welcomed and it looks like I planned it originally the first time around. I am happy with the results in that regard. Now, if I could jsut get rid of the 80 million microbubbles :laugh: :laugh:

My last update to the project will come in a few weeks when the cabinetry covering is all done. I had to fire the original company that was going to do the job and now I have another guy that is going to do the work. Hopefully he will do as planned.






Last few.





I sincerely hope the guys now setting up larger than average set ups can learn a little someting from my experience. If not what to do at least what not to do. :D
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The best thing was the paper towels right there and accessable. I could use that. Did you have two calcium reactors and a kalk reactor?
One Ca reactor only (under the paper towel roll) and a single kalk reactor (next to the yellow pump). The other 2 reactors in the sump are one for carbon and the other for phosban/PO4 removing media.
Hey Doc good to see an update! So what is the deal with your motorized ball valve? How are those sequence pumps holding to their reputation or what? It is always Kool when after all that stuff you can still Cram in a car to boot :d
Looks fantastic...

i might recommend something like a barrier or something so you don't pull up too much and nudge the plumbing (something i would do )...

i am almost too intimidated by the amount of equipment you have...i am still a beginner tho :)
Scooterman said:
Hey Doc good to see an update! So what is the deal with your motorized ball valve? How are those sequence pumps holding to their reputation or what? It is always Kool when after all that stuff you can still Cram in a car to boot :d


I mentioned the thing about the MBV above somewhere, but the short story is that the tank was too large for the area the outlets where covering. The side the water was coming out of was OK in flow, but the other end was dead. The replacenebt if the MBV has solved that problem completely.

As far as the sequence pumps go, I seriously may be the far off guy with the worst luck as of late. I originally had the first 2 sequence valueflo that made my tank almost boil. Were sent in and replaced the motors and seals. They are working fine. Bought a valueflo hammerhead for the chiller and other stuff and it is working fine. Bought 2 more later to replace the MBV and one was working OK but sucking in a ton of microbubbles. Turned it off for a moment and water came pouring out of the back where the shaft goes into the wet end. "Bad seal" according to sequence. They sent a new seal and it should be here tomorrow. in other words, 3 out of 5 were bad or had some issue. They are however very quiet for their size and do more water. You touch them and they are barely warm.

i might recommend something like a barrier or something so you don't pull up too much and nudge the plumbing (something i would do )...

You can't see it, but there are blocks pre-set on the floor so they stop the car at a specific spot. I put them there not so much for me, but for my wife. Even if I didn't have all the equipment there I would still put them there as she would otherwise drive right into the kitchen. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

One of the reasons I layed the equipment all along the wall instead of from the wall out is that I intended to park our cars in front of it. With my previous set up, I came 2"-3" to far out and could not park the car inside. It did not bother me, but it made my wife incredibly furious :( :badgrin: :(
My fiance complains about having to be careful while parking so as not to hit my motorcycle.....And she laughed at me when I spray painted marks of the garage floor for Motorcycle placement and hung a small gatorade bottle from a garage rafter so I knew where to line up my Truck in the garage....
I lvoe the bricks....If my fiance hits the rear wall of the garage one more time...I'm going to HD....

Love the set up Alberto. I thought I was a over planning/scheming/apranoid/worst case scenario kind of person....glad to see another one in the hobby!

I just finished vaccuming the bottom and cleaning the glass, which I had not done in about 5 weeks. Man is this thing looking sweet now LOL..............
You guys are too much. I can't take a decent picture of livestock to save my life. I ahve tried dozens of times and nothing even mediocre comes out. I can't balance the camera to the lights well, so I think that is where my problems come from. Also, going through 3/4" glass and then 2'-3' of water is not the most ideal emdium to photograph with poor skills like mine. I will continue to try and when I get some decent pictures I will post them.
I know what it is, you must have the perfect photos otherwise you'd be embarrassed to post them lol! If you really want to get serious, try a few simple steps, with your lights on. First if you have a tripod, land that camera, second, turn off your flash, get inches away from the glass, manual focus, try adjusting your zoom to get better shots. You can get more involved and try a macro but I find simple shots usually turn out best, unless your a photo expert, I know we have some of them around here, where are they when you need them huh. Keep it simple, and post a few blurred shots and blame it on me:D
Post some blurry shots. It would be better than having all of us trying to peek through your windows to catch a glimpse of part of the tank :D .
What did the cops say about Peeping? You know you're not sposed t be doing that anymore.
Besides, Alberto already showed his butt on page 1 of this thread.


Make sure those block dont scoot. Maybe some liquid nails. Kind of a pain when the car is not there, but at least you know they wont move out of place and not be noticed.