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I have a couple of them, but I did not see where someone could drill a hole to prevent a back siphon. Did you replace their black fitting with the PVC? I sent you a pm about the rubbermaid if you want it. Let me know. I'd love to see some pictures. How is your tank doing? How is your new tang?
Ahhh I should have been a bit more clear. The black fittings were missing from my SeaSwirls, when I purchased them, used. I used PVC 45s to replace them. You can drill the hole in the lock line as well.

I did receive your PM, but haven't got a chance to discuss it with Angie yet.

Tank is doing great!! New Tang is fitting in very nicely. I guess it's time to clean the glass and take some more pictures!!
Yes! Take some more pictures. =) Do you think you will do any fragging in the future? Lennon goes in for surgery next week. It will be about a month before I can set the tank up. I will need some new frags! =)

Do you notice a difference with the starphire compared to your regular glass? Are you still using randys 2 part? Let me know about the rubbermaid. I would like it gone. =)
Ummm, as far as Starphire goes, I don't really notice a difference. Starphire glass is "softer," and I've noticed a few scratches in it, unfortunately. To truly notice a difference, you'd need to have 2 tanks, side by side, one with and one without, IMO.

Yes, I still use Randy's Recipes, but am hoping to have the Calcium Reactor back online soon.

I sent you a PM regarding frags and the stock tank.
Let me know if I can help with the Ca Reactor, or just bring beer and watch....need to get together, I am a home brewer now!
Thanks Tony!!! Might just take you up on that!! I think I'm going to try to eliminate the need for the Maxijet secondary pump. Also going to put a couple external "squeeze" valves on the outlet of the Co2 bottle and might eliminate the bubble counter on the regulator and just use the bubble counter on the Reactor itself.

I figured it wouldn't be long before you started brewing your own beer!!!

I've been hoping to be able to post a couple pictures of the Swissguard Basslet, but it has been in hiding since I introduced it. I see it darting between rocks, in the back of the tank, but so far, that's it.
Some new pictures.

Monster Bubble Coral that expands to about 10".


Baby Blue Hammer Coral

I really needed to do a better job of cleaning the glass!!

Atlantic Blue Tang

Tomini Tang

Blue Millipora

Red Headed Solon Fairy Wrasse


Newest addition.

Picked up this beautiful T. derasa, from Aquarium Solutions, yesterday!


A lil' less blurry...


So far, the Swissguard Basslet that we got at Aquatic Dreams, still hasn't made itself photo friendly. It's been almost a month and I only see it every few days, as it darts out for food and right back in to hide. I really don't think anything in the tank is harassing it. It just isn't cooperating, which is really bumming me out!!
Ok cool! Does it fly all around or does it stay put? I like the nice white look. =) Was it this stuff? http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+9805+7321&pcatid=7321

Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what I used.

YES, it did blow around for a very long time. It took much longer than I expected for it to settle down, though it finally did. I'd say it was a good 2 weeks. If you read the beginning of this thread, you'll see how long it took and how frustrating it was...lol.

Even after it settled down, I still had problems with it getting blown from the first few inches of the front of the tank. However, I've got A LOT of flow and quite a bit of it is directed at the front glass, where it'd hit the glass, flow down into the sand bed and then back into the tank. On it's journey, the flow would carry the sand back...lol. As frustrating as it was, in the beginning, once it settled down, and I adjusted flow as needed, I now really like it!!