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Without pictures, none of you would believe it, but I actually scraped all the coralline off of the glass!! It took me 2 days, but I got it done!! What an undertaking!!



Now I can actually take pics of corals that I couldn't, because of the coralline.






please! curious to see it. And i hear you have the Chili Pepper Monti would love to see that as well. While your clicking!
great pictures! Did you happen to get an updated shot of your SSC?

please! curious to see it. And i hear you have the Chili Pepper Monti would love to see that as well. While your clicking!

Here ya go.

Strawberry Shortcake Acro isn't showing much polyp extension, in this picture, because I'd just moved it.



Decided to get some pics of the live Ulva that I feed. It must have came in, as a tiny piece, on a frag or something. Now it's growing well, in our 40 breeder. Tangs and Foxface LOVE IT, however, the Clown fish and the Solon Fairy Wrasse all nibble on it too.



Not the best picture, but a really cool purple w/green speckled, Hairy Mushroom (I think) of some kind. I'd originally not wanted any soft corals, except Zoanthids and a few Ricordea, in the tank. However, this mushroom is pretty cool. I'll have to try for some better pictures, that really show off the color better.

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ssc looking good! i see you kept Frag #2 nice choice good friend you have for letting you keep that one. I like the chili pepper as well, red polyp montis are my favorites.

thanks for sharing!
I kept frag #2 because when frags were shipped, frag #2 arrived in an empty bag. There might have been 1/4 tsp of water in the bottom of the bag and box was soaked and partially falling apart. The bag appeared to be intact, so I'm thinking that a seam in the bag actually leaked. However, because of this, I was a bit worried about it's survival. I was in contact with the folks at Barrier Reef, the entire time, and knew that if there were any issues, they'd replace it for me. All ended up well though. Both frags were in my tank for a month or so, prior to my friend picking his up. It'd be nice to see a recent pic of the other frag. I'll have to bug him about that...lol.
so this ones had a rough start to say the least and it looks great. gotta be happy about that. After hearing about how Dangs came in to him. (he could tell you more about his) but, i think the SSC has the ability to create "protection" for itself pretty well.
is the lighting requirement for this coral the same as the orange coral (low, overhang)
is the lighting requirement for this coral the same as the orange coral (low, overhang)

The lighting requirements, for both varieties are somewhat of a myth. They don't "require" low light. They can be kept in high light, with no negative impact on them at all, as long as algae isn't allowed to grow on them. It used to be thought that they couldn't be kept in high light, but that's now known to be incorrect. The problem a lot of people used to have, with keeping them in high lighting, was algae.

In nature, they are found in low light environments, usually in caves, on vertical walls, or growing off the bottom of overhangs.

The do need moderate to high flow, and to be fed. Each polyp needs to receive food, or it'll die.

Up until last fall, I had a beautiful Orange Tubastrea Sun Coral. I kept it in high light and high flow. I fed it 2 or 3 times per week. It thrived and was multiplying at a steady rate. I fed it by removing it from the tank, and putting it in a tupperware of tank water loaded with frozen Cyclopeeze. I'd return it to the tank after about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I fed it before leaving for Montana, on vacation, and forgot about it. My daughter, who was tank sitting for us, discovered it, about 3 days later, with her nose...lol. It was still sitting in the tupperware, dead and rotten.
I was hopping to get a look the Black Sun Coral (Tubastraea micrantha) at feeding. its very cool, how is the remodel on your tank going
beautiful pics

Thank you very much!!

I was hopping to get a look the Black Sun Coral (Tubastraea micrantha) at feeding. its very cool, how is the remodel on your tank going

Tank remodel hasn't gotten much further than it was when you saw it last. I've been busy with other stuff the past few days. Hope to maybe do some more today or tomorrow....maybe...lol.

Sun Coral gets fed every couple of days, either an hour before I turn the lights on, or an hour or so after I turn the lights out. In face, I fed all the non photosynthetic corals this morning. I do think I'm going to start feeding it at different times, though, so it gets "trained" to extend it's polyps during the day.

Another update, the Swissguard Basslet has been making some short appearances, the past few days. It's been in there for 2 months and we NEVER see it. Hopefully, we'll start seeing more of it soon and I'll be able to get some pictures!