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Oh alright, here's a few more, just for you Charlie. Although, Macro Wars are awesome!! Gives everyone new pics to look at!!









Atta way!!!! I will see what proceeds, might have to wait for tomorrow on the pics man, still pretty sore.:(:(:(:(

I can't remember if I asked this before, but did all the frags make it over there?

Did you ever get a chance to take a look at that sea swirl??
Have you tried putting some kind of filter sock on the overflow outlet pipe? That normally curbs sand storms for me pretty fast if you remember to take it out after 24 hours. I think that whenever you use new sand there are always some absolutely tiny particles that never want to settle until they are trapped somehow.
Well, I'm running a Magnum Canister filter, with micron filter. I have 2 output hoses, and no filter socks...lol. I do have a second Magnum that I could hang off the sump. Problem I'm having with the Magnums is that the micron cartridges are such a small micron rating that they plug up after a few hours, stopping the darned thing...lol. I have 3 micron cartridges that I've been rotating, and then soaking overnight, to get clean.

Sorry to hear you're still feeling sore...Better drink a few beers and take it easy today!!!

All the corals we brought over are doing great!! I still need to get good pics of them and have you help me ID them...lol. Seems there were a few you didn't get fragged. May have to put together another package for us....lol.
Well, if they get clogged up that fast it must be working! Right?

Did you rinse your sand before adding it?
Well, I'm running a Magnum Canister filter, with micron filter. I have 2 output hoses, and no filter socks...lol. I do have a second Magnum that I could hang off the sump. Problem I'm having with the Magnums is that the micron cartridges are such a small micron rating that they plug up after a few hours, stopping the darned thing...lol. I have 3 micron cartridges that I've been rotating, and then soaking overnight, to get clean.

Sorry to hear you're still feeling sore...Better drink a few beers and take it easy today!!!

All the corals we brought over are doing great!! I still need to get good pics of them and have you help me ID them...lol. Seems there were a few you didn't get fragged. May have to put together another package for us....lol.

No, I didn't get everything fragged that I wanted to, would you take a look at my pix elsewhere and let me know. I think I got at least 8 out the 10 you wanted, and I am gonna bring that blue tip stag with me when I come over next week.
Yep, if the cartridges are clogging, I know it's working...lol. Nope, I didn't rinse it at all, just poured it in!! LOL

Dang, thank you so very much!! That means the world coming from you with the incredible pictures you're always producing!!

Charlie, sounds awesome!! I'll check our your pics this evening. Right now, gotta get to PT.
LOL Oh alright.

The first is a Lavender Tang that was kind of an impulse buy, one of those, "You're already placing an order, the price is awesome...so add it to the order," things.

The second is a 4 Lined Wrasse. I've wanted 1 for 3 years now. Barbie has been watching her list for one forever, Kevin has watched for me as well. No luck!!

So, I PMd Les about it, or posted about it or something....lol. Finally, he had one on his list AND at a great price!!!

Another couple here in Spokane, also ordered a few things, so Les was generous enough to send them together.

The 4 Lined Wrasse is already hunting and pecking at the rocks and will be joined by a 6 Lined Wrasse in the near future. The Lavender Tang is already gobbling down algae sheets, like a lil' piggy. It and the Scribbled Rabbit have been buddying around the tank together. I'll be adding a Purple Tang, this evening, that's been in the 46 for about a week, awaiting the arrival of the Lavender Tang. I didn't want the Purple Tang to have a week to establish any territory, before adding the Lavender Tang.
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