A whole new dimension!!!

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It's been a tough haul to get our 75g and 46g tanks broke down and all the stuff transferred to the 200g. We have finally gotten the 75g out and we have broke down the 46 and it will hopefully get moved out of the house today along with the other collection of tank stuff sitting outside....LOL.
I'm glad that we'll finally have a little bit more room in our SMALL house ;)
yeah pabst blue ribbon :) sorry i saw the sign in the pic and havent seen pbr since i moved to florida from up north.

I finally saw one of these tanks in person today at the LFS it really doesnt hit you the depth of these tanks until you walk up on one yourself. the 36 inches deep is huge. great tanks. you will have sooo much room for corals you may lose them in there.
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It's been a tough haul to get our 75g and 46g tanks broke down and all the stuff transferred to the 200g. We have finally gotten the 75g out and we have broke down the 46 and it will hopefully get moved out of the house today along with the other collection of tank stuff sitting outside....LOL.
I'm glad that we'll finally have a little bit more room in our SMALL house ;)

Make sure you leave room to move it back in. Knowing you guys, it is almost laid in concrete.
We were just discussing this morning that I was afraid of the Blue Jaw Triggers outgrowing the tank and Michael pipes up with "we'll just have to get a 400g deep dimension tank!!!"
We'll need one hell of a house to put a tank like that in and we sure as hell don't live in "one hell of a house" ;)
Needless to say the 75 and 46 will be SOLD!!! WOOHOO!!!
You guys fighting over who can type faster over there????:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well, now that you have emptied the 75, you had better show us the 200 with all the new stuff. Has the sandstorm settled down any?
Some Actinics:




Look at those teeth!!!


We added the Purple Tang, the RBTA and pair of Black Occellaris last night. RBTA is in the back of all the rock work, so will be difficult to get pics of, right now, but I'll try to get a pic of the Purple Tang posted soon.

Grrr Still dealing with a sand storm. Might have to get some filter socks.
And to think that we had most that stuff in the 75g tank and a few things in the 46g and the 40 breeder!!! We need a bigger tank already!!!! J/K ;)
We still have 3 frag racks in the tank FULL!!! The point was to get rid of those frag racks!!! UGH!! Time to hit Martin up for a BIG LONG frag rack!!! ;)
So many things go through my mind when I read this thread I thought I would share...

So that is what the carpet looked liked when it was new. lol I went through the same thing when I replaced the carpet upstairs last year.

Holy Cow Mike and Angie will have room to move in their dining room now!

Man you got a lot of cleaning to do on that tank!

and finally

If it is all in the 200 now, why are there no complete pictures yet????????