acro power/feeding

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Oct 8, 2012
reefbuilders just did a review of this, and advanced aquarist just did a pretty big one on coral feeding.
anyone using an amino acid supplement? feeding your corals (other than fish poo, or nps corals)?
just wondering what the concensus is around here?
I've used amino acids in the past but its been years and I cant go into specifics. I do remember it as not being a real cheap product and it did have positive effects.

IMO more water changes can be just as effective. Its real easy in this hobby to jump at every idea to make your reef better than it already is. I dosed vodka, raised rotifers, dosed amino's, and many other great things that can make your reef healthier or more colorful. Most of them all require extra work.
I use Brightwells Amino Omega and I have been real happy with it. I use to have problems with my zoa's not opening. I started using this stuff and they not only stay open but they have beautiful colors.
i'm thinking of giving it a shot to see if it might accelerate growth. good growth now, and no problems currently (knock on wood), so i'm thinking it would be the best time for a trial run...not sure though.. the 'don't add what you can't test' thing is bugging me.
i.not sure though.. the 'don't add what you can't test' thing is bugging me.

When I try stuff that can't be tested for, I will go into it slow, maybe 1/2 dose at first then gradually work up to full strength.
While working up to full strength, watch for good signs, and bad signs.
Anyone seen it in store? I looked at blue Sierra, called ObD and BRA. None had it.
I haven't, and I'm still debating (with myself) as to whether I'm going to give it a shot. The online vendors have it in a larger gallon like size, and if I do try it, I'd probably start with that... given at the end of dosing with the larger size, I'd know I really 'tried'.
I got the Brightwells Amino Omega from Barrier Reef Aquariums. You might have to go over there and check yourself, sometimes they don't know what they have. They told me that they use it at every feeding, so you might asked them how it is working for them.
I really want to give AcroPower a try. The article on reef builders speaks very highly I that product specifically.
I use Brightwells Amino Omega and I have been real happy with it. I use to have problems with my zoa's not opening. I started using this stuff and they not only stay open but they have beautiful colors.

I also use Amino Omega based on recommendations from BRA and have surely seen some improvements in colors in my sps and zoas/paly's :cheer2:
I really want to give AcroPower a try. The article on reef builders speaks very highly I that product specifically.

Hmmm I've never met anyone who has used AcroPower... I do have tons of acro's so this would be great to incorporate as well.
I had never heard of it until now. I think I will stick with the Brightwell's, I really like how my corals look since I started using it over a year ago.
For me, the difference is I haven't seen such a positive review from Jake Adams. Calling the stuff the missing link is enough for me. He said it doesn't feed phosphates, or nitrates which is a big deal. Myself, Jmp and DBMreef all gave "Fuel" a try and had terrible algae outbreaks. Fuel did enhance color for sure, but when dosing the recommended amount it seems the nutrients feed everything, not just the coral. I have used brightwell MB7 to cycle a tank after a muradic acid bath, so I know some of their products work. Probably their amino formula does too. I just haven't seen a review of the stuff on reef builders. I'll take a look.
Well that wasn't very nice of him. :)

I have heard that if you cut the recommended dose in half, you don't have nearly the problems. It's just to risky to me. The stuff seems to feed bryopsis better than coral.
I usually do 1/2 the dose for a few weeks then work up with most every additive type I've ever tried.
Having been a victim of fancy advertising in the 90's when a whole slew of miracle products started showing up in the hobby.
So when someone personally recommends something I may try it.