acro power/feeding

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you noted befor you were off, and it was for what seemed like a decent amount of time. was just wondering if it was the beoing holiday shutdown thing is all.. *shrug* get/earn 5 wks of vacation a year. Work for a large software company in Redmond :-D
hmm, that sounds as though as its iconic as beoing.
C#? i'm software too.. delphi/C# for web. smaller company by the airport. is..not a developer.

Senior technical writer for SharePoint Server
Work in the Microsoft Office Division
wow, you work on the share point virus? any tips on eradciating it from a machine? *grin*
we don't really have the hardware or admin to dedicate to supporting it is all, so when we moved to something different.. well, its been better than a year trying to get the traces of it removed.. hence the 'virus' reference. apparently the niece's mom wanted the american girl doll more than the niece, but had convinced her to ask for it. love family. I understand the story/reference...yes...SP doesn't do well with customizations I will give you that..and being I'm a writer it takes a lot to offend me btw...
So, I did my first dose on this stuff a couple of days ago (half the recommended) the night before a water change. Nothing noticeable when dosing or after. I dosed on 12/31 in the evening, normal 20 or so gallon water change on 1/1. Nothing particular to note other than a big boom of pods that I noticed today. They wax and wane of course, but this is a pretty large boom compared to what I've experienced in the past. Could have nothing to do with it, could have been excess nutrients providing more food... time will tell.
I expect to dose again on either 1/9 or 1/10 again with the half dose again. That one won't be followed by a water change until a week later unless it causes issues. I'll try to journal this here as I go so...
The pod bloom seems to be just a normal wax/wane thing, but over the last week I think I noticed a bit more color is some of the corals. I don't have pictures, so my eyes just may be picking up things that really aren't there. Colors just seem to be a little 'deeper'. To no degree are we talking about the change from water color to oil, but I think that would be the best way to describe the type of change I'm talking about.. nothing was as washed out as water color implies, and nothing is really quite as deep as oil implies... its just the best way I can think to express the slight change I might (or might not) be seeing, that might or might not be due to the acro power. If I feel like this begins to become a consistent thing, I will pull the camera out and document, but for now, its not enough to justify it.
The only other change to the tank is that I have soaked a couple feeding in selcon over that time (I fed NLS pellets this week, and I worry the oil content is low with dry stuff) Its not something I've never done before, so its not anything that is totally new to the tank, but its more an occasional thing, so I wanted to note it. The pod bloom may also have had an effect in that the corals will feed on them, so, can't really rule that out as a factor here.
As of now, nothing negative to report, but also, nothing I can really point to as a positive result, as the color change could all be in my mind at this point and would have to be more pronounced before I would really feel like it meant something.
I did my second dose Friday 1/10, and went with the full dose for my water volume. I estimate it at about 80 gallons, which seems low to me for what I have, but it seems to be the magic number when I've had a param drop and used the BRS calculator to calculate a 'make up' dose. So with no water change until next week, and the full dose, so this should be more of a real test....
full dose 11/17, water change the next day. Nothing much to report. I have a blasto that look a little extra awesome this week, but it seems like there is always something like that in the tank. Water change was of the more 'aggressive form', where I blew out rocks and hit the pests pretty hard. Going to have to pick up some more peppermints as mine seem to have given up on 'helping me' keep aiptaisa in check... nothing overwhelming, just seem to be a few more popping up lately.
I spoke to BRA and they anticipate getting some ACRO POWER in the next week or two. I look to trying it via my 4th port doser. My LPS has always lagged behind my SPS growth. Not that Im complaining...yet I think there might be a link to SPS stress induced by over growth when over illuminated exposure happens over a period of time in a nutrient poor system. And, the use of Acropower may counter the ill affected coral. Just my perception.
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