acro power/feeding

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i decide to order this and give it a shot. anyone know if its better to turn the skimmer off when dosing amino acids?
I don't, I just mix it up in the food. When I feed the fish and administer it into the tank away from the overflow. By the time it would get near the overflow it is pretty well mixed in the water.
I wouldn't use it.. just another source for nutrients and an algae bloom Waiting to happen...
i'm pretty determined to give it a shot, and my nutrients are low as is. i've had algea blooms before, and know what to look for and how to try to handle them.. so, i figure giving it a shot can't be the worst thing. if it does result in a bloom, i'm out a few bucks and some time and least, i hope...
and know what to look for and how to try to handle them.. so, i figure giving it a shot can't be the worst thing.

until that algae is bryopsis...then you are wishing you didn't do it..

trust me...
It may cause an algae bloom, but I could never get my zoas to open up prior to using Amino Omega and now they stay open all day. I may have to fight a little algae with my clean up crew but I like having my corals all open and looking healthy. I am not having a big problem with algae right now and I have been using it for about two years now. It seems like anything anyone tries anymore is going to cause an adverse effect on your tank. You just have to figure out what is working for you.
if you have experience with bryprosis, it wouldn't matter if you had experience with this,productt.. you'd run scared for any and all nutrient additives.
that being said, i've battled it before also, and tore a tank dow due to it after techm failed with mag at 2200 for weeks on end. i know the bad, and i'm stupid enough to risk it :).
stupid phone

luckily it was a nano, but the thing is, there was nothing in it, no fish, no corals, no feeding. i don't think bryprosis cares much about nutrients... seems its like bubble algea in that way.. once its there, it needs next to nothing to survive.. and the current tank started out with a lot more than next to nothing... calculated risk...
I have been using it in my 300 reef and so far only positive results. All of my corals both sps and lps have coloered up. It also seems to have accelerated growth of of my sps, lots of new tips. As well one of the guys at my lfs is having positive results as well. His tank is all sps. He has been using it longer than i have and he swears by it.

my point of my reply was is adding ANY amino product will increase nutrient load in the tank..if too much is added and the balance is tipped, then algae is me doing simple water changes and buffering the necessary elements..that is, ca, mg, and alk is all that is needed.

and yes I do subscribe to the K.I.S.S. method. :)
NC2WA (what's your name? We go back and forth enough that I'd like to address you by something other than letters.. :)

I think what is pushing me here is that this isn't ca, mg and alk.
There have been a lot of studies and articles lately noting that while we're currently at the point where we 'understand' the water requirements of corals, and we've gotten better at keeping them, we aren't providing for 'all' their needs. As I read 100's of threads around the web about browning or bleaching, or corals being generally unhappy regardless of the fact that params are where we want them, and lighting is sufficient, or tanks crashing at the drop of a hat even when its just a really short term (hours) type mistake.... then I read about the resiliency of corals in the wild coming back from crushing storms, and water temps, and oil spills.. I wonder if the fragility we see in our tanks is not only a water volume issue, but a missing piece to the puzzle.
I understand the hesitancy, and the need to keep things simple, I really do. But I also know that if we don't sometimes 'push the envelope', we stop learning. My tank(s) is/are awesome, and I have always enjoyed them regardless of the algae and the battles and the problems.
So, given that, I wouldn't advise everyone try this stuff, or anything other than really what you advised. But, I'm going into it with the understanding that this could all go terribly wrong and that not only could I end up with more problems than anything else, I could end up in a tear it down and start over situation because simple problems compound quickly in a reef tank. But I do enjoy the experiment part of it. And I try to formulate 'plans' such that I can keep things manageable if I do decide to try things.. Most of which I decided not to try. No algae scrubber, no bio pellets, no vodka dosing, no big jump into leds.. This is the first one that I've weighed out to feel like it was worth jumping on the 'band wagon' sooner rather than later. That wagon may lose wheels along the way, but regardless, it feels like it will be a fun ride..
I agree that dosing additives can cause problems if it's done wrong or too much is added. I believe that some additives even cause problems when done properly. I guess I just hold a lot of value in Reefbuilders opinions or recommendations.

Stay away from this product "trust me" is just a bold statement to make about a product you haven't tried.

The reality is, everything in this hobby has the possibility of being problematic. I once added a clownfish that ate a small cleaner shrimp. What works for one, may not work for the next and vice versa. With that being said, just because AcroPower works for Jake Adams, if may NOT work for me. Lol. I'm still excited to give it a shot.


my point of my reply was is adding ANY amino product will increase nutrient load in the tank..if too much is added and the balance is tipped, then algae is me doing simple water changes and buffering the necessary elements..that is, ca, mg, and alk is all that is needed.

and yes I do subscribe to the K.I.S.S. method. :)
Stay away from this product "trust me" is just a bold statement to make about a product you haven't tried.

Its not as bold as you might think when you take the time to really consider it. Someone who has been successful for a long time without such a product (having never tried it) can speak volumes to its usefulness when they understand the ideas of what it is and is supposed to do.
I've never used "purple up", but I can tell you from understanding what it is that its basically not needed, and is an expensive bottle of what will happen naturally in your tank anyway. The difference here is that purple up is likely to have no effect, good or bad. Adding nutrients to your tank is always going to have an effect. So, advising against it, knowing that you can be successful without it isn't really that bold.
*shrug* I'm just noting this since I started the thread, and because of that it might sound as though I'm advocating for the stuff. I'm willing to give the stuff a try and report my results, but its definitely not something I'd recommend, especially for someone newer in the hobby. It may work wonders, and I may come back touting it as liquid gold, or it may cause my tank to be overcome with algae and I will curse the moment I put a single drop of it in my tank. This, all for something that time and experience has proven is pretty much not necessary. Its a risk/reward type scenario...

My name is Kirk. :) When are you coming over to see the jungle? (pet name for my tank) :)

SkimHeavy, if you are referring to me, then yes, mostly FOWLR (6 large angels, but do have several LPS corals).

the other point I'd like to make is that Stacey and SkimHeavy are taking the time to research, know the risks involved and more importantly able to accept the me this is the definition of a conscientious aquarist. :)
Thanks Kirk. I am actually rather excited to come see the jungle. I do a bit of consulting work in addition to the daily grind and then theres the holidays and all. Right now, I'm not sure when I'm going to see MY tank(s), let alone yours.
Doing the last of my Christmas visit deals today, so I'm killing time on the internet for an hour or so until I have to leave. Got the niece the American Girl doll she's been wanting, so it should be a fun 'unwrapping' Things will settle out a bit as we move into January though, so I'll be nagging you about it pretty soon. :)

that is fine..just let me know..I'm off work until Jan 6th. :)

I'm working on making a video of the "behind the scenes" of my tank and posting by early next week.